Taking cuttings of dahlias for summer colour. Watch how to take easy dahlia cuttings (same process for all softwood cuttings. #dahlias #takingcuttings #cuttings #growingflowers #grownyourown #flowerstattoo
Time to think about Dahlias! One of our favourite flowers, they come in lots of shapes and sizes from tiny pom-poms to giant basketball sized ones. And every colour imaginable except blue. Easy to grow. Here we are starting the Tubers early to get material for taking cuttings. You can also start them in pots indoors around March for planting out after the last frost, to get earlier flowers. Then they just keep on going until the first frosts of Autumn. You can buy tubers or rooted cuttings. online and tubers at garden centres soon. Why not give them a go in a sunny spot this year? #growingdahlias #dahlias #dahliatubers
New project!! We are building a new vegetable garden from scratch. Starting from grass and weeds we have begun making a set of raised beds for all our veg. Railway sleepers will contain two long borders which we are going to cultivate using the no-dig method…! First we marked out the plan on the ground and next we need to get LOTS of cardboard, soil, manure and compost to fill them. In the meantime we will also continue sowing all the seeds of veg to plant in there… big project but very exciting!! Stay tuned for more and why not grow with us? We will show each step from sowing, pricking out, potting on, planting, cultivating and harvesting.
#mediterraneanfood #mediterraneangardening
#growingmediterraneanvegetables #mediterraneargrowyourownfood
TwoGayGardeners go Med! First film this season as we start sowing small seeds, prick out seedlings and plan for this year’s crops.
#sowingseeds #saladgrowing #growyourown #prickingout #lettuce #salads
Pearse pricking out tiny little nemesia seedlings. Beautiful summer flowers which will be in bloom from July. Transplanting them gives each plant enough space, food and light to develop before planting out in a few weeks time. #beddingplants #summerflowers #summer #summerflowers #growingflowers
Getting the main top potatoes in the ground. These are Kerrs Pink, Isle of Jura and Carolus. They should be ready by August-September all going well. #potatoes #growingpotatoes #growyourownfoods #growingveggies
How to transplant seedlings so the have more room to grow. #prickingout #transplantingseedlings #growyourownfod #growyourownfood #growsalads #lettuce #growlettucegrow
Getting all the brassica seeds down for growing on and planting out later in the spring. How many seeds do you need to sow? How many are too many? #sowingseeds #growvegetables #cabbages #brusselssprouts #brocolli #cauliflower #kale #brassicas #sowingvegetableseeds
In this episode Alan shows how to take cuttings of chrysanthemums. This method can be used for most softwood cuttings and even bedding and houseplants to get more plants from one.
#takingcuttings #cuttings #plantpropagation #chrysanthemum
It’s early March so it’s time to get sowing seeds of hardy and half-hardy veg and flowers. Here’s someone Alan’s been training showing how to sow chillies but the technique”s the same for most seeds. Its especially time to sow Mediterranean veg like tomatoes chillies peppers and aubergines because they need a longer growing season. Wait till April before sowing French and runner beans, pumpkins, squashes, courgettes sweet corn and melons as they like it warmer. Over to Pearse now 😊
#sowingvegetables #growyourownfood
#sowingseeds #sowingvegetables
#growingtomatoes #growyourownfood
One of the first jobs of the year. How (and why) to #pollinate
your #peach trees.