Hidden Treasures Tour Operation

Hidden Treasures Tour Operation We are a company of travelers dedicated to show you the hidden treasures of Ethiopia in an intimate, authentic, and professional manner.

First time visitors to Ethiopia are generally amazed by the stunning natural beauty of a country that is also incredibly rich in culture and history. The striking diversity of landscapes, ancient traditions and people leaves a lasting impression to challenge the misleading stereotype of a land stricken by years of drought and famine. Brimming with contrasts and extremes, Ethiopia beckons visitors

to explore from the tops of its highlands, where mountains soar over 14,100 feet (4,300 meters), to the depths of the Danakil Depression situated below sea level; to discover Abyssinian culture and traditions that date back over 3,000 years; to experience ancient Islamic folklore, as well as the fascinating rituals and sacred ceremonies of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Northern Ethiopia holds the greatest attraction for visitors as one of the country's richest regions for culture, history and natural splendor. The Historic Route takes in the medieval city of Gondar, with more castles, palaces and churches than any other city in Africa; and the ancient capital of the Queen of Sheba and Ethiopia's holiest city, Axum, where the original Ark of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandments is said to rest. Ethiopia's top attraction, however, is undoubtedly the 13th-century rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, among the most incredible man-made structures in the world, revered and renowned among Ethiopians and foreigners alike and the venue for some of the most famous religious festivals in Ethiopia. Taking 24 years to complete, the astounding rock churches are believed to have been created with the help of angels. The north also boasts the breathtaking Simien Mountains National Park, encompassing the fourth highest peak on the continent, and providing fantastic hiking opportunities and a variety of wildlife. Bahar Dar, situated on Lake Tana, is popular as a base from which to explore the intriguing monasteries built on the many islands scattered about the lake, as well as the Blue Nile Falls, or 'Smoke of Fire', which are the most impressive falls in north eastern Africa. Southwards, the Rift Valley system is another wondrous region where many other attractions are sited. The six or seven Rift Valley crater lakes are home to a large number of bird and marine life. They are also a paradise for nature and water lovers. National parks with their exotic birds, animals and plant life add to the beauty of the Rift Valley region. Beautiful landscapes and natural features are the most enjoyable components of the system. Salt lakes, active volcano sites and caravan routes still number among Ethiopia's great attractions in the Rift Valley. Further south is the Omo Valley with its popular ethnic treasures. This is where about 50% of Ethiopia's ethnic groups live: the Konso with their terraced agriculture and rituals; the Mursi with their clay lip plates and barbarian life style; the Hamer with their bull-jumping ceremony, which young men must experience in order to qualify for adulthood; and the Karo with their body painting and adornment. Here unusual traditions such as dance, music and rituals from birth to marriage and burial are still observed in their genuine and original forms. Ethiopia is used to being overlooked as a tourist destination, but the country's unique attractions are slowly taking pride of place in Africa, and today the oldest independent nation on the continent welcomes visitors to experience her mosaic of ethnicity, a long and proud history, and an abundance of stunning scenery.

Ooh La La! Happy Feet Hiking is back, this time with a camping trip to Awash Park and Doho Lodge.

Ooh La La! Happy Feet Hiking is back, this time with a camping trip to Awash Park and Doho Lodge.

የአዳር ጉዞ ወደ አስደናቂው ወንጪ ሐይቅ እና ነጋሽ ሪዞርትወንጪ ከአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በስተምዕራብ 160 ኪሎ ሜትር  በወሊሶ እና በአምቦ ከተማ መካከል ላይ የሚገኝ ከሺህ አመታት በፊት በተከ...

የአዳር ጉዞ ወደ አስደናቂው ወንጪ ሐይቅ እና ነጋሽ ሪዞርት
ወንጪ ከአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በስተምዕራብ 160 ኪሎ ሜትር በወሊሶ እና በአምቦ ከተማ መካከል ላይ የሚገኝ ከሺህ አመታት በፊት በተከሰተ እሳተ ገሞራ ፍንዳታ ምክንኛት የተፈጠረ ውብ ሐይቅ ያለበት ቦታ ነው። የወንጪ ሐይቅ በውስጡ ለአሳ ምግብነት የሚጠቅሙ ነገሮች ባለመኖራቸው ብዙ የአሳ ዝርያ የለበትም፣ በውስጡ አሳ አለመኖሩ ደግሞ ሐይቁ በጣም ንፁህ እና ከየትኛውም አይነት የውሃ ጠረን የፀዳ አድርጎታል። የወንጪ ሐይቅ ዙሪያውን ቀልብን በሚስቡ እና በሚማርኩ የተፈጥሮ ሐብቶች የታደለ ቦታ ነው- ለአብነት ያህል ጨዋማ ነጫጭ ድንጋዮች፣ በሰልፈር የቀሉ ረግረጋማ ቦታዎች፣ የሚፍለቀለቁ ትኩስ የታቆሩ ውሃዎች፣ የፈላ የፏፏቴ ውሃ እንዲሁም የተፈጥሮ ጋዝ ያለው የሚፈልቅ የምንጭ ውሃ ይገኝበታል::

በ 90,000 ስኩር ሜትር ቦታ ስፋት ላይ የከተመው ነጋሽ ሪዞርት በኦሮሚያ ክልል በወሊሶ ከተማ ይገኛል:: የነጋሽ ሪዞርት በተፈጥሮ ከታደለው ፍል ውሃ በተጨማሪ አገር በቀል ዛፎችን: አህዋፋትን እና እንስሳትን በውስጡ አቅፎ ይዟል: : በተጨማሪም የሪዞርቱ ሌላኛው መለያው ደግሞ የተለያዩ ብሔር ብሔረሰቦችን የቤት አሰራር ወካይ የሆኑ መኝታ ክፍሎች ከብሔረሰቡ መገልገያ ቁሳቁሶች፣ አልባሳትና ሌሎች የማንነት መገለጫዎቹ ጋር አካቶ የያዘ መሆኑ ነው::

🗓የጉዞ ቀን- የካቲት 6 እና 7 /2013 (February 13 & 14/2021)

🕓 የቆይታ ጊዜ- 2 ቀን / 1 ሌሊት

🛣 የቦታ ርቀት- 160 ኪሜ

🏞 የወንጪ ከፍታ ከባህር ጠለል በላይ- ከፍተኛው 3300 ሜትር (10827 ፊት) ካላ የሚባለው የጉዞ መነሻ ቦታ ሲሆን ዝቅተኛው 2500 ሜትር (8202 ፊት) ሐይቁ የተኛበት ቦታ ነው::

🏞 የጉዞ አስቸጋሪነት- ለጀማሪ በመጠኑ ከበድ ያለ ሊሆን ይችላል:: ሆኖም ልምድ ላለው/ላላት ተጟዥ ቀላል የሚባል አይነት ነው::

💵 የጉዞ ጥቅል ዋጋ- 2000 ብር በሰው
** ለጥንዶች: እንዲሁም በግሩፕ ሆነው ለሚመጡ ሰዎች የ 5% ቅናሽ አድርገናል::

ዋጋው ምን ምን ነገሮችን ያካትታል?

• የደርሶ መልስ ትራንስፖርት ምቾት ባለው ቱሪስት ባስ 🚍
• የወንጪ ሐይቅ መግቢያ ክፍያ (Entrance fee)💴
• አስጎብኝ (Tour Guide)🧑🏾
• የውሃ ላይ መጓጓዣ ታንኳ(canoe)🛶
• ቀለል ያለ ቁርስ (አንድ ጊዜ- ቅዳሜ) 🍩💧
• ጣፋጭ ምሳ ከውሃ ጋር (ሁለት ጊዜ- ቅዳሜ እና እሁድ) 🥗
• እራት ባርቤኪው ከወይን ወይም ውሃ ጋር (አንድ ጊዜ- ቅዳሜ) 🥗
• 🛌ደረጃውን የጠበቀ መኝታ ከቁርስ ጋር በነጋሽ ሪዞርት- ማረፊያ ባለ ደብል(Double Bed) ወይም ባለ ጥንድ አልጋ (Twin Beds) ክፍሎችን በመጋራት ሲሆን: ባለ ነጠላ አልጋ(Single Bed Room) ክፍል ለሚፈልጉ ተጨማሪ ብር 500 ይከፍላሉ::

መገናኛ ቦታ፡ ሜክሲኮ ዲአፍሪክ ሆቴል ጋር

የመገናኛ ሰዓት: ከንጋቱ 12:30

የመኪና መነሻ ሰዓት: ጠዋት 1:00

ለመመዝገብ እንዲሁም ለተጨማሪ መረጃ በሚከተሉት ቁጥሮች ይደውሉልን::

📲 0911691538, 0966724726, 0980494714
ለአዳዲስ መረጃዎች የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ:: በተጨማሪም በኢንስታግራም ገጻችን ይከተሉን::

Happy Ethiopian New Year!!

Happy Ethiopian New Year!!

Ethiopia is a true cultural melting pot thanks to the immensely diverse ethnic and linguistic background of its people.E...

Ethiopia is a true cultural melting pot thanks to the immensely diverse ethnic and linguistic background of its people.

Ethiopia supports more than 80 different ethnic groups, each with its own language, culture, customs and traditions. This diverse mix of ethnic and linguistic backgrounds has created a distinctive national identity that enables the country to offer the rest of the world a unique body of knowledge and experience. These include traditional coffee-drinking ceremonies, food and drink preparation, a variety of costumes, face & body beautification, religious and wedding ceremonies, legends and storytelling, and many other cultural events that attract visitors from all lifestyles.

Source- http://www.ethiopia.travel



Looking for tour operators in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Visit the Trepup page of Hidden Treasure Ethiopia Tours to learn more, buy and get support now.


Coffee Ethiopia's Gift to the world

Coffee Ethiopia's Gift to the world

Ethiopia: The Birthplace of Arabican Coffee Ethiopia - the home of Arabic coffee, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, diverse and extraordinar...

Ethiopia in a Glimpse

Ethiopia in a Glimpse

The 8th wonders of the world-Lalibella

The 8th wonders of the world-Lalibella

Filmed by Gilad using DJI\Phantom 4 drone on October 1 2017.

Today is Christmas in Ethiopia! Genna is derived from the word Gennana, which means ‘imminent’ to express the coming of ...

Today is Christmas in Ethiopia! Genna is derived from the word Gennana, which means ‘imminent’ to express the coming of the Lord Jesus.

Christ’s birth is celebrated by believers all over Ethiopia by going to church early on Christmas morning. Traditional Christmas foods are served (by those who can afford them), games are played and sometimes a small gift might be given to family members. But the emphasis is on the spiritual meaning of the holiday.

We know that our friends and staff in Ethiopia will be gathering and giving thanks for the coming of the Savior today and we wish them a very blessed Christmas…

Melkam Genna!


Beautiful & Breathtaking scenery in the mountains of


Lalibella Churches

The beautiful Awash Falls

The beautiful Awash Falls

A leap of faith! Ethiopia's 'church in the sky' is perched on a 2,500ft cliff... with a wall of rock devotees must climb...

A leap of faith! Ethiopia's 'church in the sky' is perched on a 2,500ft cliff... with a wall of rock devotees must climb barefoot

Abuna Yemata Guh has been on the clifftop on Northern Ethiopia since 5th century AD
To visit requires a six-metre climb up sheer wall of rock with no ropes and crossing narrow ledges with 200m drops
Lonely Planet Traveler features the church in a new 'bookazine' of the most inspiring destinations

The extraordinary church in Tigray, has been on the clifftop since the 5th Century and devotees have carried newborns and even corpses up to the precarious place of worship.

Uncover the hidden beauty of Ethiopia with us.

Uncover the hidden beauty of Ethiopia with us.


Hidden Treasure Tour Operation is established in 2007 by a tourism graduates who visioned to offer a peculiar tour and activities packages along with an intimate and professional customer service. Our passion is getting behind the scenes, checking out the hidden land, and taking you with us. This de...


Visit Ethiopia and


Discover the


Visiting Ethiopia is getting easier to international tourists through the newly started online e-Visa system by the Main Department for Immigration and Nationality Affairs. The system also facilitates visa applications for conference tourists to Ethiopia. To check eligibility and other requirements please follow the link: https://www.evisa.gov.et/ #/home


Ethiopia invites you to discover why it is a land of orgin.

Ethiopia invites you to discover why it is a land of orgin.

Ethiopia invites you to discover why it is the origin of so much! For more info, visit www.ethiopia.travel.

Ethiopia is a living kaleidoscope of peoples drawn from many different ethnic backgrounds and speaking over 80 different...

Ethiopia is a living kaleidoscope of peoples drawn from many different ethnic backgrounds and speaking over 80 different languages, united in mutual respect for each other and a genuine warmth towards guests in the land of which they are so proud. Make time to visit Ethiopia, and discover for yourself the origins of so much history and culture - still vibrantly alive in a landscape of dramatic beauty. Come and you will witness how Ethiopia is original in many ways.

© Ethiopian Tourism Organization

Ethiopia is a living kaleidoscope of peoples drawn from many different ethnic backgrounds and speaking over 80 different languages, united in mutual respect ...

Ethiopia: A land of Rare SpeciesThe range of terrain and climate make Ethiopia the fourth largest biodiversity zone of e...

Ethiopia: A land of Rare Species

The range of terrain and climate make Ethiopia the fourth largest biodiversity zone of earth-with more unique species of flora than any other country in Africa.

The range of terrain and climate make Ethiopia the fourth largest biodiversity zone on earth – with more unique species of flora than any other country in Af...

Happy Irreecha, The Oromo Thanksgiving DayIrreecha, a Thanksgiving Day that comprises two distinct festivals observed on...

Happy Irreecha, The Oromo Thanksgiving Day

Irreecha, a Thanksgiving Day that comprises two distinct festivals observed on top of mountains and on the banks of rivers, is the most colorful and very attractive celebration the Oromo people mark for the glory of their creator (Waaqa).
The Irreecha festival which constitutes the main part of the Gadaa system of the Oromo is serving as a symbol of the Oromo people’s identity from time immemorial.

The festival which attracts millions of people from all walks of life here and abroad celebrated to thank, bless and pray to God (Waaqa) for their achievements and their wishes for peaceful relationship between nature and human. They plead to God for the health of their families, relatives, clan and their country as well as their livestock.

The Oromo people celebrate Irreecha at two locations: at mountain tops (Tulluu) and at the bank of rivers (Malkaa). The observance of the two festivals mark seasonal shift, either from winter to spring or spring to winter.

Irreecha, The Oromo Thanksgiving DayIrreecha, a Thanksgiving Day that comprises two distinct festivals observed on top o...

Irreecha, The Oromo Thanksgiving Day

Irreecha, a Thanksgiving Day that comprises two distinct festivals observed on top of mountains and on the banks of rivers, is the most colorful and very attractive celebration the Oromo people mark for the glory of their creator (Waaqa).

The Irreecha festival which constitutes the main part of the Gadaa system of the Oromo is serving as a symbol of the Oromo people’s identity from time immemorial.



Ethiopia is the birthplace of Coffee Arabica, the coffee plant. Legend says a 9th-century goat herder observed his energized goats nibble on the be...

Hidden Treasures Tour wishes all Ethiopians Happy New Year!!

Hidden Treasures Tour wishes all Ethiopians Happy New Year!!


Airport Road
Addis Ababa


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