Expert carers Training school is the vision of its founder Charmaine Perera. Her extensive nursing background as a senior ward sister, hospital manager, Trainer, Business Owner manager gave the determination and ambition to start a Care Training School that would change the way Carers are trained
to care for vulnerable adults. Her involvement in setting up a nursing home from start and managing th
e business, Health and Care and Hospitality Services provided extensive insight to the quality of services provided by home carers in peoples homes and the requirement for higher standard of Care Training. In 1997, Charmaine Perera predicted that in 10 yrs time a Care Assistant will be required to perform at the level of a different grade of a nurse with the knowledge level of a first year nursing student with community experience. Having started a Domiciliary Care Service Company with business Partners, it took nearly 14 years to find the time to realizing the vision of setting up
Expert Carers. Charmaine Perera firmly beleives that when a person has chosen to train in Care, they have already committed to a career in care. That is why Expert Carers put the learner at the center of training and career development