Take a look at this amazing video from Skipper Sarah, of M.Y. Lady of the Lake being launched back into Ullswater after spending some time on the slipway. ⛴️
Our maintenance team work so hard to maintain and restore this very special fleet of heritage boats for visitors to Ullswater to continue to enjoy, and we appreciate everything that they do. 😊
Cute red squirrel at Waterfoot Park, Ullswater
How adorable is this video of one of Ullswater's red squirrel inhabitants? This was taken at Waterfoot Park this week. Just look at those tufty ears... 🧡
Why not share this with someone to brighten up their day?
Happy weekend everyone! 😊
What a way to enjoy the towering fells of the Ullswater Valley! ⛰️😍
What a way to enjoy the towering fells of the Ullswater Valley! ⛰️😍
Ullswater Steamers Lake Cruise
Enjoying the #fridayfeeling everyday
Dotty departing in the September sun, this time 2 years ago! 😍😀
Here's Dotty departing in the September sun, this time 2 years ago! 😍😀
The sound of the shore! 😍 🔊
The sound of the shore! 😍 🔊
Summer days in Glenridding 😇💛
Summer days in Glenridding 😇💛
Sun’s out, fun’s out! 😍⛴️
Sun’s out, fun’s out! 😍⛴️
2 boats, plenty of waves and a film crew! There's plenty going on in this clip 😃 ⛴️
2 boats, plenty of waves and a film crew! There's plenty going on in this clip 😃 ⛴️
Summer days out on the lake! 😍⛴️
Summer days out on the lake! 😍⛴️
Ullswater through the seasons! 😍
Ullswater through the seasons! 😍
Take a look at this lovely timelapse, captured from our Pooley Bridge Webcam by our skipper Graeme! 💙
It's fair to say we haven't had the most luck weather-wise!
M.Y. Raven and M.V. Lady Wakefield pass each other in the sunshine today! ⛴️😍
M.Y. Raven and M.V. Lady Wakefield pass each other in the sunshine today! ⛴️😍