We are delighted to announce the unveilling of reproductions of original paintings and drawings by local artists Tom Armes (1894-1963) and Mick Bensley (1944-2023) of 1, The Old Boathouse in Lifeboat Plain, Sheringham. The artwork is now displayed in the original premises which it portrays, converted from a former boatbuilders into a premier, fully modernised holiday rental property. The pictures portray the building's earlier usage as the Emery family boatbuilders, from around 1850 to the 1960s.
We are very grateful to Tom Armes' son and to the late Mick Bensley who gave permission for the reproductions, to Lisa Little and Tim Groves at Sheringham Museum for assisting with the copies and to Chris Dyer of North Walsham, who undertook the expert reproduction.
If you choose to rent our accommodation for the very best of seaside holidays in North Norfolk, you will enjoy this latest edition to a property, which combines both comfort and history.