Where? FAIRY DELL, Skegness, Lincolnshire
A Bit About - If you visit here expecting fairies then my advice is don’t go as this place has nothing to do with fairies. If, however, you are looking for somewhere for the kids to be able to safely play in water then this is the place for you. The best bit about it is it is free.
The Fairy Dell paddling pool can be found at the top left of the boating lake (the boating lake is to the left of Skegness Aquarium). It is really tucked away so keep walking and you will find out. It is open from May to September and it is one of the best free things to do with kids in the area.
It is a really lovely paddling pool with sprinklers and an ornamental fountain.
Find out more - https://wheretogowithkids.co.uk/activities/fairy-dell-skegness/