Flood Guard can be converted from being as light as a pillowcase to as strong, sturdy and weighty as sandbags within a matter of moments. Twenty Flood Guard bags can be fitted into a cardboard box so they can be ready for action at all times of emergency as opposed to the traditional sandbags which need to be stored in a large warehouse. Sandbags are also heavyweight and costly to transport needin
g manpower and trucks to get them to the scene of emergency. Flooding is becoming more and more common in Ireland, UK and worldwide however anyone can experience a burst pipe in the home from time to time also. The semi-porous inner liner inside Flood Guard comprises of a gelling polymer which absorbs water to become taut in just over 3 minutes. When the flood water is in there, it remains there and the bags act like sandbags to keep floods at bay. Flood Guard is designed so they shape into doorways to keep floodwater away. Flood Guard are sanctioned by the National Disabled Fire Association (NDFA)
Flood Guard is lightweight, just 200 grams (7 ounces) prior to activation
Flood Guard absorbs water to become taut weighing 20kg (44lbs) in 3 minutes after absorbing 20 litres of liquid
Flood Guard can be expanded in water in a bath, a sink, a bucket, a hosepipe or even the floodwater
Flood Guard can divert water away from a building and down a drain
Flood Guard expand evenly, unlike other products in the market
Easy to store and are vacuumed-packed to save even more room
Flood Guard last for 5 years in storage
Have them ready in the house all the time for burst pipes or accidental floods
Can be used by people who would not be able to lift sandbags and inflated right next to where you need them
Flood Guard is biodegradable and so can be discarded in landfill sites
Makes an ideal gift for people in flood-risk areas
Every home and business is potentially at risk from floods – even if it is a burst pipe Flood Guard can be used anywhere from professional offices to building sites and from granny’s ground–floor flats to the top of skyscrapers
Contact Us today for more info
1800 816 145