Bhakti Yatra Holidays

Bhakti Yatra Holidays Pilgrimage place part of india and world.

Chhat Puja 2022

Chhat Puja 2022

नवरात्रि के चौथे दिन  मां कूष्मांडा आदिशक्ति भवानी का चौथा रूप

नवरात्रि के चौथे दिन मां कूष्मांडा आदिशक्ति भवानी का चौथा रूप

नवरात्रि के तीसरे दिन मां चंद्रघंटा की पूजा

नवरात्रि के तीसरे दिन मां चंद्रघंटा की पूजा

Maa Brahmacharini

Maa Brahmacharini

नवरात्रि का पहला दिन:मां दुर्गा के पहले स्वरूप माता शैलपुत्री की आराधना से मिलेगी हिमालय सी शक्ति और स्थिरता , शैल का अर...

नवरात्रि का पहला दिन:मां दुर्गा के पहले स्वरूप माता शैलपुत्री की आराधना से मिलेगी हिमालय सी शक्ति और स्थिरता , शैल का अर्थ है हिमालय, पर्वतराज हिमालय के यहां जन्म लेने के कारण इन्हें शैलपुत्री कहते हैं.

Kedarnath Yatra शिव पुराण में कहा गया है कि केदारनाथ में जो तीर्थयात्री जाते है उन्हें स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है और अपन...

Kedarnath Yatra
शिव पुराण में कहा गया है कि केदारनाथ में जो तीर्थयात्री जाते है उन्हें स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है और अपने सभी पापों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं।

शिव पुराण में कहा गया है कि केदारनाथ में जो तीर्थयात्री जाते है उन्हें स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है और अपने सभी पापो.....

लक्ष्मी जी का हाथ हो,सरस्वती जी का साथ हो,गणेश जी का निवास हो,और देवताओं के आशीर्वाद से,आपके जीवन में प्रकाश ही प्रकाश ह...

लक्ष्मी जी का हाथ हो,
सरस्वती जी का साथ हो,
गणेश जी का निवास हो,
और देवताओं के आशीर्वाद से,
आपके जीवन में प्रकाश ही प्रकाश हो।
Happy New Year 2022



दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को, जिससे तेरी शान है,
सर हमेशा ऊंचा रखना इसका, जब तक तुझ में जान है.

Aasha hai ki ye Janmashtami aapke Jeevan mein khushiyan aur bahar le kar aaye!!! Radhey Krishna!!!

Aasha hai ki ye Janmashtami aapke Jeevan mein khushiyan aur bahar le kar aaye!!! Radhey Krishna!!!

The Dev Deepavali ("the Diwali of the Gods" or "Festival of Lights of the Gods") is the festival of Kartik Poornima cele...

The Dev Deepavali ("the Diwali of the Gods" or "Festival of Lights of the Gods") is the festival of Kartik Poornima celebrated in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. It falls on the full moon of the Hindu month of Kartika (November - December) and takes place fifteen days after Diwali. The steps of all the ghats on the riverfront of the Ganges River, from Ravidas Ghat at the southern end to Rajghat, are lit with more than a million earthen lamps (diyas) in honour of Ganga, the Ganges, and its presiding goddess. The gods are believed to descend to Earth to bathe in the Ganges on this day . The festival is also observed as Tripura Purnima Snan. The tradition of lighting the lamps on the Dev Deepawali festival day was first started at the Panchganga Ghat in 1985.

During Dev Deepawali, houses are decorated with oil lamps and colored designs on their front doors. Firecrackers are burnt at night, processions of decorated deities are taken out into the streets of Varanasi, and oil lamps are set afloat on the river.

छठ पर्व या छठ कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्ष के षष्ठी को मनाया जाने वाला एक हिन्दू पर्व है।सूर्योपासना का यह अनुपम लोकपर्व मुख्य रूप...

छठ पर्व या छठ कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्ष के षष्ठी को मनाया जाने वाला एक हिन्दू पर्व है।सूर्योपासना का यह अनुपम लोकपर्व मुख्य रूप से पूर्वी भारत के बिहार, झारखण्ड, पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश और नेपाल के तराई क्षेत्रों में मनाया जाता है। प्रायः हिन्दुओं द्वारा मनाये जाने वाले इस पर्व को इस्लाम सहित अन्य धर्मावलम्बी भी मनाते देखे गये हैं। धीरे-धीरे यह त्योहार प्रवासी भारतीयों के साथ-साथ विश्वभर में प्रचलित हो गया है।छठ पूजा सूर्य और उनकी पत्नी उषा को समर्पित है ताकि उन्हें पृथ्वी पर जीवन की देयताओं को बहाल करने के लिए धन्यवाद और कुछ शुभकामनाएं देने का अनुरोध किया जाए। छठ में कोई मूर्तिपूजा शामिल नहीं है।यह त्यौहार नेपाली और भारतीय लोगों द्वारा अपने डायस्पोरा के साथ मनाया जाता है।

छठ पूजा चार दिवसीय उत्सव है। इसकी शुरुआत कार्तिक शुक्ल चतुर्थी को तथा समाप्ति कार्तिक शुक्ल सप्तमी को होती है। इस दौरान व्रतधारी लगातार 36 घंटे का व्रत रखते हैं। इस दौरान वे पानी भी ग्रहण नहीं करते।

नहाय खाय
पहला दिन कार्तिक शुक्ल चतुर्थी ‘नहाय-खाय’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है। सबसे पहले घर की सफाई कर उसे पवित्र किया जाता है। इसके पश्चात छठव्रती स्नान कर पवित्र तरीके से बने शुद्ध शाकाहारी भोजन ग्रहण कर व्रत की शुरुआत करते हैं। घर के सभी सदस्य व्रति के भोजनोपरांत ही भोजन ग्रहण करते हैं। भोजन के रूप में कद्दू-दाल और चावल ग्रहण किया जाता है। यह दाल चने की होती है।

लोहंडा और खरना
दूसरे दिन कार्तिक शुक्ल पंचमी को व्रतधारी दिनभर का उपवास रखने के बाद शाम को भोजन करते हैं। इसे ‘खरना’ कहा जाता है। खरना का प्रसाद लेने के लिए आस-पास के सभी लोगों को निमंत्रित किया जाता है। प्रसाद के रूप में गन्ने के रस में बने हुए चावल की खीर के साथ दूध, चावल का पिट्ठा और घी चुपड़ी रोटी बनाई जाती है। इसमें नमक या चीनी का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है। इस दौरान पूरे घर की स्वच्छता का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है।

संध्या अर्घ्य
तीसरे दिन कार्तिक शुक्ल षष्ठी को दिन में छठ का प्रसाद बनाया जाता है। प्रसाद के रूप में ठेकुआ, जिसे कुछ क्षेत्रों में टिकरी भी कहते हैं, के अलावा चावल के लड्डू, जिसे लड़ुआ भी कहा जाता है, बनाते हैं। इसके अलावा चढ़ावा के रूप में लाया गया साँचा और फल भी छठ प्रसाद के रूप में शामिल होता है।

शाम को पूरी तैयारी और व्यवस्था कर बाँस की टोकरी में अर्घ्य का सूप सजाया जाता है और व्रति के साथ परिवार तथा पड़ोस के सारे लोग अस्ताचलगामी सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने घाट की ओर चल पड़ते हैं। सभी छठव्रति एक नियत तालाब या नदी किनारे इकट्ठा होकर सामूहिक रूप से अर्घ्य दान संपन्न करते हैं। सूर्य को जल और दूध का अर्घ्य दिया जाता है तथा छठी मैया की प्रसाद भरे सूप से पूजा की जाती है; इस दौरान कुछ घंटे के लिए मेले जैसा दृश्य बन जाता है।

उषा अर्घ्य
चौथे दिन कार्तिक शुक्ल सप्तमी की सुबह उदियमान सूर्य को अर्घ्य दिया जाता है। व्रति वहीं पुनः इकट्ठा होते हैं जहाँ उन्होंने पूर्व संध्या को अर्घ्य दिया था। पुनः पिछले शाम की प्रक्रिया की पुनरावृत्ति होती है। सभी व्रति तथा श्रद्धालु घर वापस आते हैं, व्रति घर वापस आकर गाँव के पीपल के पेड़ जिसको ब्रह्म बाबा कहते हैं वहाँ जाकर पूजा करते हैं। पूजा के पश्चात् व्रति कच्चे दूध का शरबत पीकर तथा थोड़ा प्रसाद खाकर व्रत पूर्ण करते हैं जिसे पारण या परना कहते हैं।

छठ उत्सव के केंद्र में छठ व्रत है जो एक कठिन तपस्या की तरह है। यह छठ व्रत अधिकतर महिलाओं द्वारा किया जाता है; कुछ पुरुष भी इस व्रत रखते हैं। व्रत रखने वाली महिलाओं को परवैतिन कहा जाता है। चार दिनों के इस व्रत में व्रति को लगातार उपवास करना होता है। भोजन के साथ ही सुखद शैय्या का भी त्याग किया जाता है। पर्व के लिए बनाये गये कमरे में व्रति फर्श पर एक कम्बल या चादर के सहारे ही रात बिताती हैं। इस उत्सव में शामिल होने वाले लोग नये कपड़े पहनते हैं। जिनमें किसी प्रकार की सिलाई नहीं की गयी होती है व्रति को ऐसे कपड़े पहनना अनिवार्य होता है। महिलाएँ साड़ी और पुरुष धोती पहनकर छठ करते हैं। ‘छठ पर्व को शुरू करने के बाद सालों साल तब तक करना होता है, जब तक कि अगली पीढ़ी की किसी विवाहित महिला इसके लिए तैयार न हो जाए। घर में किसी की मृत्यु हो जाने पर यह पर्व नहीं मनाया जाता है।’

ऐसी मान्यता है कि छठ पर्व पर व्रत करने वाली महिलाओं को पुत्र रत्न की प्राप्ति होती है। पुत्र की चाहत रखने वाली और पुत्र की कुशलता के लिए सामान्य तौर पर महिलाएँ यह व्रत रखती हैं। पुरुष भी पूरी निष्ठा से अपने मनोवांछित कार्य को सफल होने के लिए व्रत रखते हैं।

सूर्य पूजा का संदर्भ
छठ पर्व मूलतः सूर्य की आराधना का पर्व है, जिसे हिन्दू धर्म में विशेष स्थान प्राप्त है। हिन्दू धर्म के देवताओं में सूर्य ऐसे देवता हैं जिन्हें मूर्त रूप में देखा जा सकता है।

सूर्य की शक्तियों का मुख्य श्रोत उनकी पत्नी ऊषा और प्रत्यूषा हैं। छठ में सूर्य के साथ-साथ दोनों शक्तियों की संयुक्त आराधना होती है। प्रात:काल में सूर्य की पहली किरण (ऊषा) और सायंकाल में सूर्य की अंतिम किरण (प्रत्यूषा) को अर्घ्य देकर दोनों का नमन किया जाता है।

May the joyous celebrationOf this divine festivalFill your heart withNever ending joy and happiness!Happy Diwali @ 2017

May the joyous celebration
Of this divine festival
Fill your heart with
Never ending joy and happiness!
Happy Diwali @ 2017

Chardham The Char Dham Yatra of Uttarakhand is was till the mid century called the Chota Char Dham. It comprises four te...

The Char Dham Yatra of Uttarakhand is was till the mid century called the Chota Char Dham. It comprises four temples: Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. These four temples are located in Uttarakhand. Badrinath is also a part of the Char Dham which includes three other cities, Dwarka, Puri and Rameswaram as well. However, the speciality of the Char Dham in Uttarakhand ins the extremely cold climate which makes the temple inaccessible through most of the months of the year. These temples are open only from May to October. It is believed that a pilgrim must follow a particular route and order to make the most out of the pilgrimage viz. Yamunotri followed by a visit to Gangotri and then Kedarnath and lastly a visit to Badrinath. Here are some details about the history of each of these four temples in Uttarakhand that form the Char Dham.

Brahma Temple in Pushkar is one of the most famous and only few of the temples dedicated to Lord Brahma in the holy city...

Brahma Temple in Pushkar is one of the most famous and only few of the temples dedicated to Lord Brahma in the holy city of Pushkar, Rajasthan. This Pushkar Brahma Temple is the place of deep spirituality and thousand of devotees come here to pay homage to the many gods that reside in this temple town. Pushkar city has over 500 temples with the main Pushkar temple. It is dedicated to lord Brahma and the only Brahma temple anywhere in the world. Although the structures of the temple dates back to 14th century but it is believed that the temple is about 2000 years old.


Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi in 2017 is on Thursday, the 24th of August (24/8/2017).

Ganesh Chaturthi (also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, Vinayaka Chavithi or sometimes Vinayagar Chaturthi) is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period).

The festival marks a day on which Lord Ganesha makes his presence on earth for all his devotees. The festival lasts for up to 10 days (depending on the place where it is celebrated), ending on Ananta Chaturdashi.

During the festivals, a household worships an idol of Shri Ganesha, and there are public celebrations of the festival.


A Jyotirlinga or Jyotirling or Jyotirlingam, is a devotional object representing the Supreme God Shiva. Jyoti means 'radiance' and
lingam the 'Image or Sign' of Shiva; Jyotir Lingam thus means the The Radiant Sign of The Almighty Shiva. There are twelve traditional Jyotirlinga shrines in India,

State Jyotirlinga Temple
(A)Gujarat 1.Somnath Near Vevaral
2.Nageshwar near Dwarka

(B)Maharashtra 1.Trimbakeshwar near Nashik
2.Bhimashankar, Off Pune
3.Grishneshwar near Ellora caves / Aurangabad
4.Aundha Nagnath Temple near Nanded
5.Parli Baidyanath near Bid

(C)Tamilnadu 1.Rameshwaram, Off Madurai

(D)Andhra Pradesh 1. Srisailam

(E)Madhya Pradesh 1.Omkareshwar

(F)Jharkhand 1.Baidyanath, Deoghar

(G)Uttar Pradesh 1. Kashi Vishwanath, Varanasi

(H)Uttaranchal 1.Kedarnath (One of the Chaar Dhams)

First Day(Pratipada): Worship Goddess ShailputriThe first day of Navaratri is also known as Pratipada. On Pratipada, God...

First Day(Pratipada): Worship Goddess Shailputri

The first day of Navaratri is also known as Pratipada. On Pratipada, Goddess Durga is worshiped as Shailputri. ‘Shail’ means mountains while the literal meaning of ‘Putri’ is daughter. The Goddess is the embodiment of Goddess Durga and is believed to possess the powers of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As per the tradition, it is auspicious to wear red clothes on the first day of Navaratri 2015 festival. The Goddess is also known as Parvati, Sati Bhavani or Hemavati.

Third Day(Tritiya): Worship Goddess ChandraghantaChandraghanta is worshiped on Tritiya of of Navratri. The name Chandrag...

Third Day(Tritiya): Worship Goddess Chandraghanta

Chandraghanta is worshiped on Tritiya of of Navratri. The name Chandraghanta refers to the half moon on the forehead of Goddess Durga or Chandraghanta in the shape of a bell (ghanta).

She stands for courage and valour that is essential to fight the evil.

The third day of Navaratri 2015 exhibits to characteristics of bravery and courage of Goddess Durga.

Second Day(Dwitiya): Worship Goddess BrahmachariniThis is the second day of Navaratri where Goddess Durga is worshiped i...

Second Day(Dwitiya): Worship Goddess Brahmacharini

This is the second day of Navaratri where Goddess Durga is worshiped in the form of Brahmacharini. The name of the Goddess means as the one who follows pious strictness.

The form of Goddess Parvati grants prosperity and emancipation. It is a custom to wear blue clothes on the second and the third day of the Navaratri 2015 festival.

The origin of the Temple of Sree Padmanabhaswamy is lost in antiquity. It is not possible to determine with any exactitu...

The origin of the Temple of Sree Padmanabhaswamy is lost in antiquity. It is not possible to determine with any exactitude, from any reliable historical documents or other sources as to when and by whom the original idol of Sree Padmanabhaswamy was consecrated. The Temple has references in Epics and Puranas. Srimad Bhagavatha says that Balarama visited this Temple, bathed in Padmatheertham and made several offerings. Nammalwar, 9th century poet and one among the 12 Vaishnavite saints of the Alvar tradition, has composed ten hymns in praise of Lord Padmanabha. Some well known scholars, writers and historians, like the late Dr. L.A.Ravi Varma of Travancore, have expressed the view that this Temple was established on the first day of Kali Yuga (which is over 5000 years ago). The legends of the Temple are handed down through the centuries. One such legend which finds a place in the old palm leaf records of the Temple, as also in the famous grantha entitled “Ananthasayana Mahatmya”, mentions that it was consecrated by a Tulu Brahmin hermit named Divakara Muni. On the 950th year of Kali Yuga a reinstallation of the idol was done. In the 960th Kali year King Kotha Marthandan built the Abhisravana Mandapam.

[Ganpati] Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2015, Images, Wishes, Messages, SMS– The most awaited festival of Hindu religion people...

[Ganpati] Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2015, Images, Wishes, Messages, SMS– The most awaited festival of Hindu religion people have arrived, none other than the Ganpati 2015, people celebrated these 10 days of Ganpati with full enthusiasm and devotion. Ganesh Chaturti 2015 is going to be celebrated in most of the parts of India, and small parts in the World where there are large amount of Hindus are present. Ganesha Idols are made of Clays decorated with paints and give a wonderful look to Lord Ganesh. Lord Ganesha is worshipped for 10 days and server with various food items as Prasad, on the first day of Ganpati, Lord Ganesha is welcomed with full enthusiasm and celebration, rallies “Miravunak” are arranged to welcome Lord Ganesh. Now most of the people will be in search of Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes and Ganpati Images,

Bodh GayaBodh Gaya is the place where Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in 530 BC. Bodh Gaya is...

Bodh Gaya

Bodh Gaya is the place where Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in 530 BC. Bodh Gaya is located in the Bihar state of India and is a popular tourist and religious destination. The Mahabodhi Temple is a Buddhist temple located near the Bodhi tree and is listed as a World Heritage Site in India by UNESCO. Mahabodhi means great awakening, and the area around the tree is called Bodhimanda. It is a Buddhism term which means the position of awakening. The Bodhi tree is the prime attraction inside the temple complex.
The Mahabodhi Temple was constructed by Emperor Ashoka in 260 BCE. It has gone under many restorations under different reigns. The temple is a great example of earlier brick-work in India. It is one of the earliest brick structures in eastern India that had endured for so long. The temple follows a straight-edged pyramidal design and is a seven storey high structure according to the amalakas occurring at the corners of the sikhara.
The temple has a central tower that is surrounded by four smaller towers of the same design. The central tower is about 55 metres in height, and the temple covers about 4.8 hectares of land. The Mahabodhi Temple is surrounded by stone railings, which have statues of Hindu Gods and Goddess. The figures of stupas, garudas (eagles) and lotus flowers are also there on the railings. It is one of the most holy Buddhists places in India. The large number of visitors it gets includes tourists and pilgrims from India and around the globe.

Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi is a religious temple located in the crowded city of Mathura. This templ...

Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi

Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi is a religious temple located in the crowded city of Mathura. This temple is the birthplace of ancient Hindu god Lord Krishna.It is a prison cell belonging to Kamsa where Lord Krishna was born.

According to historians, the prison cell, popularly known as 'Garbha Griha', in the temple premise is the exact place where lord Krishna was born. The stone walled cell is reminiscent of the cruelty of King Kansa. Many statues and sculptures of the bygone era were found on excavating the site. The prison cell was gradually turned into the present beautiful temple. Lakhs of devotees throng the temple during Janmashtami. The festivities and celebrations during the festival is famous all over India. Celebrations begin during mid night with the birth of Bhagwan.

Kesava Deo Temple adjacent to Krishna Janmabhoomi
Potra Kund temple tank near Krishna Janmabhoomi
Mathura, the birth city of Bhagwan Krishna is situated on the banks of river Yamuna and is approximately 145 km from the capital city Delhi. The town is renowned for being host to the most revered temple of Shri Krishna-the famous Krishna Janma Bhoomi Mandir. The temple is the place where lord is said to have been born thousands of years ago. Along with neighboring towns Govardhan, Nandgaon and Vrindavan, the area is a major pilgrimage site for Hindus.The temple is located in the middle of the city mathura.

Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple is the most sought after devout centers in Mathura. Its predominance over the other holy spots are due to the belief that the temple stands on the same place where lord Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudev. Numerous articles excavated from the site bare testimony to the legendary story of Sri Krishna’a birth. References to the temple in a book by volcanologist David Richardson have helped increase tourism.No cameras allowed inside as a security measure as a mosque is present next to the place.

Kashi Vishvanath TempleKashi Vishvanath Temple is one of the most famous Hindu temples and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. I...

Kashi Vishvanath Temple

Kashi Vishvanath Temple is one of the most famous Hindu temples and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, the holiest existing place of Hindus. The temple stands on the western bank of the holy river Ganga, and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, the holiest of Shiva temples. The main deity is known by the name Vishvanatha or Vishveshvara meaning Ruler of The Universe. The Varanasi city is also called Kashi, and hence the temple is popularly called Kashi Vishvanath Temple.

The Temple has been referred to in Hindu Scriptures for a very long time and as a central part of worship in the Shaiva philosophy. It has been destroyed and re-constructed a number of times in the history. The last structure was demolished by Aurangzeb, who constructed the Gyanvapi Mosque on its site.The current structure was built on an adjacent site by the Maratha monarch, Ahilya Bai Holkar of Indore in 1780.

Since 1983, the temple has been managed by the government of Uttar Pradesh. During the religious occasion of Shivratri, Kashi Naresh (King of Kashi) is the chief officiating priest and no other person or priest is allowed to enter the temple sanctorum. It is only after he performs his religious functions that others are allowed to enter.As per Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati on Mahashivratri and gauna (a ritual associated with consummation of marriage) was performed on Rangbhari Ekadashi. Residents of Kashi - the abode of Lord Vishwanath—celebrate the occasion in a grand style.

As per tradition, devotees carried the idols of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in a 'palaki' from the house of former mahant of Kashi Vishwanath Temple. Blowing conch, damru and other musical instruments, the devotees went to the sanctum sanctorum of Kashi Vishwanath Temple and offered gulal and rose petals to the deities.
The Manikarnika Ghat on the banks of Ganges near to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple is considered as a Shakti Peetha, a revered place of worship for the Shaktism sect. The mythology of Daksha Yaga, a Shaivite literature is considered as an important literature which is the story about the origin of Shakti Peethas. It is said that Shiva came to the Kashi Vishwanath Shrine through Manikarnika after the death of Sati Devi.

Bhimakali TempleThe famous Bhimakali Temple in Shimla is a very popular tourist attraction. Also known as Bheemakali Tem...

Bhimakali Temple

The famous Bhimakali Temple in Shimla is a very popular tourist attraction. Also known as Bheemakali Temple of Simla, this architectural wonder is one of the representatives of 51 Shakti Peeths. The unique thing about this temple is that the style of architecture used to build it is a unique amalgamation of both Hinduism and Buddhism. It is built of wood and is no less than an architectural masterpiece. Located near the temple are the palaces of the royal families of Shimla.

The temple has an interesting story behind it. It is said that long ago, there were many demons in the Himalayas who were proving to be a major distraction when the priests and saints used to meditate. They all prayed to the Gods above to send a powerful force to wipe the demons off. Hearing their pleas, the Gods decided to concentrate their powers on one point. A huge explosion took place and one could see a small girl child on that spot. This girl child grew up to be the force who destroyed all demons and was supposed to take repeated births to destroy any evil force on the face of the earth. The temple is dedicated to this great female power who was called Bhimakali.

The temple also has interesting tit-bits that are truly intriguing. In the year 1905, a powerful earthquake struck this place and the temple tilted to one side. However, it reclined back to its original shape after another tremor jolted the place! People say that there is a secret tunnel inside the temple that was used to reach a nearby village by the priests. In the year 1927, another temple was built right next to the existing temple, which houses a 200-year-old idol of Goddess Bhimakali.
Shri Bhima Kali Temple is a temple at Sarahan in Himachal Pradesh in India, dedicated to the mother goddess Bhimakali, presiding deity of the rulers of former Bushahr State. The temple is situated about 180 km from Shimla and is one of 51 Shakti Peethass. The town Sarahan is known as the gate way of Kinnaur. Down below at a distance of 7 km from Sarahan is the River Satluj. Sarahan is identified with the then Sonitpur mentioned in Puranas.

Story of Birth of Lord HanumanAnjaneri Parvat ( Mountain) is the place where Mata Anajaneri mother of Lord Hanuman medit...

Story of Birth of Lord Hanuman

Anjaneri Parvat ( Mountain) is the place where Mata Anajaneri mother of Lord Hanuman meditated to get boon from Lord Shiva for a son. Anjana was an apsara who was born on earth as a female vanara due to a curse. She would be redeemed from this curse on her giving birth to a son. His father Kesari was the son of Brihaspati and that Kesari also fought on Rama’s side in the war against Ravana.] Anjana and Kesari performed intense prayers to Lord Shiva to get a child. Pleased with their devotion,:Lord Shiva granted them the boon they sought. Hanuman, in another interpretation, is the incarnation or reflection of Lord Shiva himself.

Another account says , Anjana was worshipping Shiva. At that time King Dasharatha of Ayodhya was also performing the ritual of Putrakama yagna in order to have children. As a result, he received some sacred pudding (Kheer) to be shared by his three wives, leading to the births of Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna. A kite snatched a fragment of that pudding and dropped it while flying over the forest where Anjana was engaged in worship. Vayu, the Hindu deity of the wind, delivered the falling pudding to the outstretched hands of Maa Anjana, who consumed it and Hanuman was born to her as a result.
The way between Sangamner and Nasik was full of greenery and agricultural fields . Around 8.00 o clcock we reached Nasik . And after reaching Nasik we went to another bus stop called CBS from where we get bus for Trimbakeshwar. Trimbakeshwar is 25 kms from Nasik. We had two treks in Trimbakeshwar out of which one we were going to do today and one next day . First one was Trek to Anjaneri Parvat and other one was Brahmagiri Mountain. So two days we were going to stay in Trimbakeshwar. As soon as we sat in the bus we thought to get down at a point 4 kms before Trimbakeshwar from where one can go to Anjaneri Parvat.

The Birthplace of Ganesh - Dodi TalDodi Tal, considered the birthplace of Lord Ganesh, is a lake in Garhwal, western Utt...

The Birthplace of Ganesh - Dodi Tal

Dodi Tal, considered the birthplace of Lord Ganesh, is a lake in Garhwal, western Uttaranchal. We hiked 44 km in 3 days, going up and down from about 5,000 ft to 11,000 ft, where we camped near the lake. Unfortunately, it was drizzly or overcast the whole time, so we couldn't view the snowy peaks all around. Still, the walk was incredibly beautiful, through the luminously green, high mountain woodlands of the early rainy-season, the cliffs punctuated by streams of clear water gushing from the rocks, with breathtaking drops falling away on one side of the path.
Dodital is a mysterious lake holding fresh water and offering tranquil environs. Dodital is one of the very few water bodies where Himalayan Trout’s are found. This picturesque lake is named after the rare Himalayan Trout’s known as Dodi in local language. Dodital is considered as one of the most beautiful lakes of India and it is extremely popular with nature lovers and trekking enthusiasts. The origin of this Tal is from the natural springs and the source of river 'Asi Ganga'.

Baba Balak NathThe cave temple of Baba Balak Nath is thronged by devotees all the year round. It is situated on the Dhau...

Baba Balak Nath

The cave temple of Baba Balak Nath is thronged by devotees all the year round. It is situated on the Dhaulgiri hills on the border of Bilaspur and Hamirpur (40 Kms from Bilaspur and 45 Kms from Hamirpur) and is well connected by roads from all sides. During Navratras, there is a continuous stream of visitors to receive blessings of the Baba and Government makes arrangements for stay in tented colonies and provides water, toilets and other essential services. Additional accommodation and installation of rope way to Shahtalai is expected to attract more tourists. Shahtalai associated with legends of the saint is about 5 km from Deotsidh. En-route Deotsidh, one can enjoy pleasing sights of Bhakra Dam as well as of Shri Naina Devi temple complex. Nangal, the gateway to Bhakra dam is about 100 km from Hamirpur.

Manikaran GurudwaraManikaran Gurudwara in the small town of Manikaran is thronged by devotees all through the year. It i...

Manikaran Gurudwara

Manikaran Gurudwara in the small town of Manikaran is thronged by devotees all through the year. It is said that the Sikh founder, Guru Nanak Devji visited Manikaran for the betterment of the people there. Once at the small town, his disciple collected flour and pulses from the local people for langar. Guru Nanak ji then requested his disciple to remove a stone from the area where he was sitting. The disciple did as instructed and was surprised by the sudden hot water spring that erupted. The natural hot thermal spring is considered to pe pious and a dip in the spring will guarantee one a place in heaven. The gurudwara also has a free food community or langar for one and all. One should certainly have the heavenly langar served here. The town of Manikaran is considered sacred by Hindus and Sikhs both and is one of the most visited spots in the Kullu and Manali. Make a stop here for a rejuvenating spiritual retreat.
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Somnath TempleThe Somnath temple located in Prabhas Patan near Veraval in Saurashtra on the western coast of Gujarat, In...

Somnath Temple

The Somnath temple located in Prabhas Patan near Veraval in Saurashtra on the western coast of Gujarat, India, is the first among the twelve Jyotirlinga shrines of Shiva. It is an important pilgrimage and tourist spot for pilgrims and tourists. The temple is considered sacred due to the various legends connected to it. Somnath means "Lord of the Soma", an epithet of Shiva.

Somnath Temple is known as "the Shrine Eternal". This legendary temple has been destroyed and rebuilt several times by Islamic kings and Hindu kings respectively. Most recently it was rebuilt in November 1947, when Vallabhbhai Patel visited the area for the integration of Junagadh and mooted a plan for restoration. After Patel's death, the rebuilding continued under Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, another minister of the Government of India.

The temple is open daily from 6AM to 9PM. There are 3 aarti daily; in the morning at 0700, at 1200 and in the evening at 1900.

It is also believed that this is the place where Krishna ended his lila on earth and left for his heavenly abode.




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