Calicut Talkies is the result of endless love and worship towards cinema and friendship of people who lived, ate and drank movies. And yes, like majority we have no connection whatsoever with film field nor had any kind of previous experience with any video making. Only thing we had is the knowledge which we possessed through closely watching the movies from all around the world. Everyone knows th
at Calicut is well known for the friendly behavior of its people and by adding ‘Calicut’ to our group name we would like to show our affection to the place and also the friendship with which we are bound. Having photographed at least a million times, the broken sea bridge of Calicut is a trade mark of the city and at least a picture of the same can be found in every Kozhikodan’s social network profile. Also for years it has been our meeting place for countless evenings and always will be. And so the image of the broken sea bridge completes our logo. We would like to thank the support of all our numerous friends who stood by us and believed us. Now it’s time for us to make it all count. The journey begins here officially. Now we need your love and support to thrive forward and we promise that you won’t be disappointed. We shall communicate with you through this page and are looking forward in bringing you the best of the experiences. Thank you
Calicut Talkies