Podere Trafonti

Podere Trafonti Podere Trafonti is a chic rural domain and guest-house, in Italian, an "agriturismo".

Podere Trafonti is a chic, eco-friendly rural domain nestled in the picturesque hills of Southern Tuscany where you can escape the everyday turmoil, for creative and re-creative sojourns with your family, friends or colleagues. We host yoga retreats, hiking and biking camps, cultural and artistic experiences and other types of activities, combining nature and culture. Nestled in the hills of Southern Tuscany, Trafonti lays within a short drive from Siena and Perugia.


Let’s go creative with artist Studi Daniel Canogar of Daniel Studio Daniel Canogar !

Stage de yoga et dessin avec  du 12-15 septembre 2024Encore quelques places disponibles, écrivez-nous rapidement! Cet ém...

Stage de yoga et dessin avec du 12-15 septembre 2024

Encore quelques places disponibles, écrivez-nous rapidement!

Cet émerveillement que nous ressentons devant les choses si simples et si belles qu’une clairière dans la forêt, un coléoptère sur une fleur d’artichaut, une libellule dans la lavande, un dessin d’une fleur bleue...

Ces couleurs et lumières que nous observons et qui nous donnent envie de créer ou de danser, le coeur en joie.

Comment nourrissez-vous votre inspiration?

Au stage de yoga du cachemire et de dessin de cet automne, vous pourrez vous rassasier de beauté, dans la sérénité et l’harmonie enchanteresse de la Toscane du sud.

Nous avons encore quelques places disponibles pour ce merveilleux stage de yoga et dessin avec Vidya Gastaldon, artiste renommée et enseignante de yoga du Cachemire.

Ecrivez-nous pour plus d’informations et pour vous enregistrer.

Nous vous attendons les bras ouverts.

Summer fun with friends and family, and, of course, Lara.            ☀️

Summer fun with friends and family, and, of course, Lara.


Come and hang out in the yurt with artist in residence Catalina Leon at Podere’s Trafonti. Chat about art, nature, life ...

Come and hang out in the yurt with artist in residence Catalina Leon at Podere’s Trafonti. Chat about art, nature, life and maybe pick up a brush to free your creativity.

Whispers Across Horizons by artist  at Podere Trafonti on this gorgeous June day. Neda has opened the blind wall to the ...

Whispers Across Horizons by artist at Podere Trafonti on this gorgeous June day. Neda has opened the blind wall to the garden and the sky. The colors, lights and shadows play with the mirrors in a myriad of ways to entice the eye and lift the spirits. We love living with this installation!

In alto nel muro di via del Pianello 43, a Montefollonico, c'è un bellissimo nido di una famiglia d'api, specie protetta...

In alto nel muro di via del Pianello 43, a Montefollonico, c'è un bellissimo nido di una famiglia d'api, specie protetta che tramite la sua attività di impollinazione fornisce un servizio importante al sostegno dell'ecosistema del quale tutti noi dipendiamo. Non disturbatele, per favore, non presentano nessun pericolo se si lasciano tranquille.

La famiglia è monitorata da Antonella Notari Vischer per due progetti italiani importanti che raccolgono dati di famiglie di api che vivono in natura, senza interventi umani, per capire se riescono a sviluppare la resilienza necessaria per sopravvivere. L'uno Resilient Bee Project (RBP) e l'altro Bee Wild del Dr. Paulo Fontana.

Se avete delle domande o se vorreste anche voi partecipare nel nostro progetto di tutela delle api, per favore contattate Antonella a Podere Trafonti.

Eccovi un video sul progetto di RBP:

Stiamo creando una rete di apicoltori e apicoltrici custodi che sorveglino le colonie esistenti allo stato selvatico, le uniche a portare in sé il segreto de...

Yoga asana practice under the ancient green oak at Podere’s Trafonti. Fill your body and mind with the force of the tree...

Yoga asana practice under the ancient green oak at Podere’s Trafonti. Fill your body and mind with the force of the tree and the calm of the forest and come away regenerated.


A performance with a video piece and a book launch with a glass of wine to celebrate it all! You are all most welcome to...

A performance with a video piece and a book launch with a glass of wine to celebrate it all! You are all most welcome to join us for the performance and video projection of our first artist in residence at Podere Trafonti (in 2022), Marie Kølbæk Iversen. And to toast to her brilliant accomplishments.

Le 18 juin, le Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève et la Wilde Gallery accueilleront conjointement une performance publique...

Le 18 juin, le Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève et la Wilde Gallery accueilleront conjointement une performance publique unique de l'artiste Marie Kølbæk Iversen, ainsi que le lancement de son ouvrage, "Histories of Predation".

La vidéo "Histories of Predation", sera projeté dans le Cinema Dynamo du CAC, où Kølbæk Iversen interprétera des chants de sirènes, dans le cadre de son projet de performance "Donnimaar". La représentation sera suivie d’une verrée et d’une séance de dédicace à la galerie Wilde. La performance aura lieu à 18h30.

La pièce vidéo "Histories of Predation" a été réalisée à partir d’enregistrements microscopiques, effectués à l’intérieur des lentilles oculaires d’un requin gurry, également connu sous le nom de requin gris ou de requin du Groenland. Grâce à la datation au carbone 14, des recherches récentes en biologie marine ont montré que ce requin peut vivre de 272 à 512 ans. Ceci ouvre une perspective historique singulière, faisant de cet animal un « témoin oculaire » plus-qu’humain qui dépasse de loin la durée de vie humaine. Dans les langues nordiques et germaniques, le requin gris est traditionnellement appelé « personne-sirène ».

Kølbæk Iversen active ces axes mythologiques de l’Océan Atlantique, en interprétant des chansons folkloriques de sa région natale de l’Atlantique Est, le Jutland Occidental, qui présentent les gens de mer comme des personnes Autres, dissidentes par rapport à l’État Danois et à ses autorités.

À propos de l’artiste :

Marie Kølbæk Iversen (*Herning, Danemark, 1981) vit et travaille à Copenhague, au Danemark. Chanteuse de Donnimaar depuis 2017. Artiste visuelle, elle a obtenu une maîtrise de la Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts en 2008 et un PhD en art visuels à la Oslo National Academy of the Arts en 2023. Outre à être une performeuse, Kølbæk Iversen travaille sur des supports temporels, créant des images et des sculptures. Elle a beaucoup exposé et performé en Scandinavie et à l’étranger, notamment à la 11e Biennale de Gwangju (KR), au Centre d’art contemporain de Genève (CH), au Henie Onstad Art Centre (NO), au Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (DK). Son travail est représenté dans des collections importantes, telles que la Danish National Gallery (DK), le Malmö Konstmuseum (SE) et le ARKEN Museum of Modern Art (DK).

Histories of Predation (Mousse Publishing, 2024) est son livre d’artiste le plus récent.

À propos du livre :

Histories of Predation est un livre qui traite de la pensée mythique active et des récits scientifique, de l’effroi, du traumatisme et des potentiels de transformation. Il retrace, à partir des oeuvres et des recherches de Marie Kølbæk Iversen, des formes de ré-imagination critique de la subjectivité et de l’histoire culturelle, depuis Mirror Therapy (2015-16) et Io/I (2015-19) jusqu’à Histories of Predation (2022-) et au projet de performance Donnimaar (2017-). Interrogeant l’homogénéisation démographique et esthétique de l’État-nation Danois du milieu du XIXe siècle et l’oubli forcé des identités divergentes qui en a résulté, le livre offre une vision en profondeur des processus de construction nationale en sondant les « mythologies » géopolitiques sur lesquelles ils s’articulent.

Publié par Mousse et Podere Trafonti
Textes de Marie Kølbæk Iversen, Adam Khalil, Isabella Rjeille et Yann Chateigné Tytelman
Graphisme : Maximage

Photos by photographer Nabeeh Samaan curtesy of Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (Marie Kølbæk Iversen au Kunstsenter on 27 April 2024)

Join Donna Williams of Emergencyoga and me at Podere Trafonti in Southern Tuscany 🇮🇹 from 17-22 June 2024 for the Summer...

Join Donna Williams of Emergencyoga and me at Podere Trafonti in Southern Tuscany 🇮🇹 from 17-22 June 2024 for the Summer Solstice Yoga and Meditation Retreat and for some serious yoga practices, lots of laughing, dancing and joyful exploration.
Head to Emergencyoga.org for more information and to book your spot right now, or send me a direct message.
We are waiting for you with open arms!

Daniela and Mimì in floating Swan pose (hamasana). Spot the difference. 🧘🏾😹

Daniela and Mimì in floating Swan pose (hamasana). Spot the difference. 🧘🏾😹

L’hirondelle qui a fait le printemps de retour à Trafonti pour la nichée 2024. Tellement émouvante. Nous l’aimons beauco...

L’hirondelle qui a fait le printemps de retour à Trafonti pour la nichée 2024. Tellement émouvante. Nous l’aimons beaucoup.

The deck chairs are out, the fountain is gurgling with water (Lara’s pool!), the sky is blue and the birds are chirping....

The deck chairs are out, the fountain is gurgling with water (Lara’s pool!), the sky is blue and the birds are chirping.

Welcome Spring 2024!

And to all my Persian and Afghan friends, Nowruz Mubarak! may your lives be filled with the light of hope and may you feel the strong as mountains!



Histories of Predation is a book about active mythic thinking and scientific storytelling, about fright, trauma, and potentials for transformation. It traces

There’s more than yoga to the yoga retreats at Podere’s Trafonti. You can hang out by the pool, get a massage, go for wa...

There’s more than yoga to the yoga retreats at Podere’s Trafonti. You can hang out by the pool, get a massage, go for walks, ride a bike, read a book, taste cheese or wine or olive oil, play bocce, relax, go on a truffle hunt, take a thermal bath, sightsee, contemplate the sunset. And more.

Just give yourself some loving care.

Up-coming retreats in bio and on our website.

This spring with of of

Fresh off the print: the publication on the work of Marie Kølbæk Iversen, our first artist in residence at Podere Trafon...

Fresh off the print: the publication on the work of Marie Kølbæk Iversen, our first artist in residence at Podere Trafonti (2022). It was a labour of love carefully conceived by Marie in collaboration with Yann Chateigné Tytelman (www.yct.solar), who also contributed their insightful texts, along with those by Adam Khalil and Isabella Rjelle; skilfully designed by Julien Tavelli of Maximage and beautifully printed in Italy by Grafiche Veneziane, Venice.

"Histories of Predation" is published and distributed by Mousse Publishing, Milan. Our special thanks to the publishing editor, Iliaria Bombelli, for her guidance and collaboration.

Most of all, congratulations to my husband, Bernard Vischer, for realizing his dream: a residency for artists at Trafonti, a community of art loves and connaisseurs who have gathered around and enthusiastically support the venture, and, finally, the first book relating the work of our first artist in residence.

"Histories of Predation" is a book about active mythic thinking and scientific storytelling; about fright, trauma and potential for transformation. It focuses on Marie Kølbæk Iversen’s most recent projects and traces her critical re-imagining of subjectivity and cultural history, from the works "Mirror Therapy" (2015–2016) and "Io/I" (2015–2019) to "Histories of Predation" (2022–) and the performance series "Donnimaar" (2017–). Investigating the homogenising narrative of the Danish nation state and the ensuing forced forgetting of divergent identities, the book offers a deep-time view on processes of nation-building by probing the geopolitical ‘mythologics’ they hinge on.

Translations and Proofreading (you were all fantastic!)
Peter Lenny, Gioia Guerzoni, Claudio Cambon, Bennett Bazalgette-Staples

Image credits
All artworks, process images and stills are courtesy of © Marie Kølbæk Iversen Mirror Therapy, Fotografisk Center, 2015, photo © Marie Kølbæk Iversen Mirror Therapy, Gwangju Biennial, 2016, photo © Doyun Kim Autumn Equinox Celebration, PS/Y + LUX London, photo © Christa Holka Io/I, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018, photo © Frida Gregersen Io/I, Kai Art Centre and Tallinn Photomonth Biennial, 2019, photo © Hedi Jaansoo Donnimaar, Rønnebæksholm, 2021, photo © Christian Brems Donnimaar, photo © Martin Bubandt O Tilli, Ebeltoft Kunsthal, 2022, photo © Kasper Palsnov Donnimaar, O – Overgaden, 2022, photo © Christian Brems Histories of Predation, O – Overgaden, 2022, photo © Laura Stamer



Strada Provinciale 15
Torrita Di Siena


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Our story

Podere Trafonti is a recently renovated organic farm and guesthouse - an "agriturismo", as they say in Italian - which hosts yoga and other types of retreats and events, as well as groups and families. Nestled in the hills of central Tuscany, it lays within a short drive from Siena and Perugia.

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