CDM is a non-governmental think tank, established in 2011, with the mission to help in creating a favorable environment for social-economic development in Moldova. Analysis of Social and Economic Impact of Legislation: The team developed legal research and analysis of draft legislation and of modifications and amendments to effective legislation especially on economic, financial and fiscal matters
with a view to assessing its impact on the country’s socio-economic development.
2. Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment: A group of CDM experts worked for first indicatives on regulatory reforms, conducted trainings for public authorities on RIA, as well as worked for Parliament Assistance Group within the Fiscal Reform Project in Moldova. They carried out review of legislative acts and policy initiatives revealing their impact on different sectors of economy.
3. Policies on Trade, Trade Facilitation and Export Promotion:
Group of CDM experts are actively involved in foreign trade policies analysis, including trade facilitation components, TBT, SPS, TRIPS and TRIMS, customs valuation, goods expertise on HS classification and origin of goods, import and export licensing procedure and all other related issues to performance of a foreign transaction on trading goods and services. CDM can conduct market research for specific goods and access to local and foreign markets.
4. Business Plan Consulting: CDM helps entrepreneurs, owners, and executives develop clear, concise and persuasive business plans that enable them to raise capital.
5. Program Budgeting, Financial Literacy and Budget Analysis: The CDM team has experience on program budgeting, financial literacy and were constantly involved in analyzing the results of public budget ex*****on and annual budget proposals: the state budget, the consolidated budget, and the social insurance budget.
8. Project Cycle Management: The team has extensive experience in provision of trainings & assistance in European Union and other donor funded projects writing to various organizations: NGOs, budgetary institutions, local governments.