GASMA guias acreditados de San Miguel de Allende

GASMA guias acreditados de San Miguel de Allende Servicios turísticos acreditados !


What does It mean to become a Certified Guide in Mexico??? Many have asked me this question I’m sorry I haven’t written and answer to that but here it is. First of all, all tourist guides are regulated by the law of normativity NOM -08 ( you can find it in Google )it says in order to become a certified guide you have to present paperwork,birthday certificate, ID, CURP. RFC (SAT status ., pay taxes, high school certificate and prove that you speak English ( for the general or federal guides ) . There’s 2 types of certifications, local( only allows you to work in your municipality ( not necessary to be bilingual or speak English only Spanish is good . General federal guides. Allows you to work all over Mexico amd need to be bilingual . In order to have your certified document and credential you have to take a diplomat for 6 months 20 hours a week, with 9-12 subject then have a test on each and aprove amd of course have 80% assistance, plus pay for your diplomat around 9-10 thousand pesos ! When your done paper work most be taken to Mexico City plus get register at Sectur in the state amd Federal Sectur ., more money and time., if you want to be. Specialized guide in nature., adventure and other it is another process. The NOM 08 it’s very specifically non person with no certification is allowed to make any money from this activity, call it walks, call it voluntary work etc! You have to be certified, period .
FOR THE FOREIGNERS living in Mexico or San Miguel if you’re a legal resident here , pay taxes you can also do it , by following the same process you just have to be a permanent resident., speak Spanish, pay taxes and take the diplomat ! That’s all otherwise you are illegally working as a tour guide. Even tho you claim to be the best book seller on internet or. The best local guide and cheapest guide in town!! THATS JUST AN ILLEGAL WORK . We as a union of certified guide are working hard with the municipality and state authorities to have this pirate guides remove or at least give them the guidelines to become legal !! If they ignore this chances even worse., we are trying to position our city SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE in the best place as in to tourism matters by getting all of it under the law ! There are a lot of people out there, being pirates , giving false information and that affects our tourism standards as a world heritage city the last 2 years we where rank very law as in guided tours services ., why?? Because people are not aware that some guides are pirates and they use their services having a bad experience ! Now we are trying to position ourselves as accredited guides with the help of consejo turístico, to reinforce and fight the piracy ! There are many, local
Mexicans like the ones working at the trolleys that then offer tours with no certifications., some are identified, and many others, some come from other parts of the state and lately we have seen a lot foreigners doing this activity, new ones, guess following the bad example of Joseph Toone, who by the way has been operating illegally for more than 10 years!! And worse his info is not always correct and falls in to sensacionalist information! Please I ask you to hire certified guide we are more than 40 amd soon we will have a QR and info from the tourist office here in San Miguel., as GASMA we are working hard along side another AC of certified guides to eradicate all this piracy but we need tour support ! Please spread the word about the importance to hire a certified guide !we would apreciare it and help San Miguel become a high standar destination with the best guides and the best experiences for our tourist !!!
Thank you very much ! For information and questions contact is here or at San Miguel Xperiences tours and Languages or Isabel Mor thank you for your support and understanding !!


What does It mea to become a Certified Guide in Mexico??? Many of you have asked me this question I’m sorry I haven’t written and answer to that but here it is. First of all all tourist guides are regulated by the lay of normativitu NOM -08 ( you can find it in Google )it says in order to become a certified guide you have to present paperwork,birthday certificate, ID, CURP. RFC (SAT status ., pay taxes, high school certificate amd aprove that tou speak English ( for the general or federal guides ) . There’s 2 types of certifications, local( only aloud a you to work in your municipality ( not necessary to be bilingual or speak English only Spanish is good . General federal guides. Allows you to work all over Mexico amd need to be bilingual . In order to have your certified document and credential you have to take a diplomat for 6 months 20 hours a week, with 9-12 subject then have a test on each and aprove amd of course have 80% assistance, plus pay for your diplomat around 9-10 thousand pesos ! When your done paper work most be take to Mexico City plus get register at Sectur in the state amd Federal Sectur ., more money and time., if you want to be. Specialized guide in nature., adventure and other it is another process. The NOM 08 it’s very specifically non person with no certification is allowed to make any money from this activity, call it walks, call it voluntary work etc! You have to be certified period . For the foreigners living in Mexico or San Miguel if you’re a legato resident here , pay taxes you can also do it , by following the same process you just have to be a permanent resident., speak Spanish, pay taxes and take the diplomat ! That’s all otherwise you are illegally working as a tour guide. Even tho you claim to be the bes book seller on internet or. The best local guide and cheapest guide in town!! That’s just an illegal activity . We as a union of certified guide are working hard with the municipality and state authorities to have this pirate guides remove or at least give them the guidelines to become legal !! If they ignore this chances even worse., we are trying to position our city in the best place as in to tourism matters by getting all of it under the law ! There are a lot of people out there, being pirates , giving false information and that affects our tourism standards as a work heritage city the las 2 years we where rank very law as in guided tours services ., why?? Because people are not aware that some guides are pirate md they use their services having a bad experience ! Now we are trying to position ourselves as accredited guides with the help of consejo turístico, to reinforce and fight the piracy ! There are many, local
Mexicans like the ones working at the trolleys that then offer tours with no certifications., some are identified ., Saul., Ivan amd many others, some come from other parts of the state and lately we have seen aim foreigners doing this activity, new ones, guess following the bad example of Joseph Toone, who by the way has been operating illegally for more than 10 years!! And worse his info is not always correct amd falls in to sensacionalist information! Please I ask you to hire certified guides we are more than 40 amd soon we will have a QR and info from the tourist office here in San Miguel., as GASMA we are working har along side another AC of certified guides to eradicate all this piracy but we need tour support ! Please spread the word about the importance to hire a certified guide !we would apreciare it and help San Miguel become a high standar destination with the best guides and the best experiences for our tourist !!!
Thank you very much ! For information and questions contact us or me directly at San Miguel Xperiences tours and Languages. Or here at or Isabel Mor thank you for your support and understanding !!


Here is some info on OUR GUIDES( you can find their credentials in the photograph album)

NUESTROA GUÍAS ( encuentra más información en el álbum de fotos sobre cada uno )

José Arturo Morales Tirado ( founder ) (fundador)
Web page

*Isabel Morales Isabel Mor

[email protected]
San Miguel Xperiences tours and Languages

*Alejandro Gutierrez
Sma experiences

Maria Del Mar Gonzalez:


*José Maria Árias y Ricardo Téllez


415 103 0669

*Gerardo Nava Fuentes : Guia local acreditado , tranvías

*Héctor Miguel Gallegos Ramírez Guía General: 007264 Tel . 418 100 52 52
fb Hec Gr

*Israel Arteaga Tenshi Israel

We will be adding more to the list
Se irán agregando más a la lista

Español abajo / Spanish below

Español abajo / Spanish below

Today some of us from GASMA Accredited tour guides. José Arturo Morales Tirado our President ( In green ) Tenshi Israel ...

Today some of us from GASMA Accredited tour guides. José Arturo Morales Tirado our President ( In green ) Tenshi Israel and Isabel Mor at the “Fat bastard mural walk” supporting this iniciative and giving an interpretation of some
Murals and the context of this old barrios in our City!! Wonderful experience alongside . Thank you !

El día de hoy alguno de nosotros en representación de GASMA AC Arturo Morales, Tenshi Israel y to Isabel Morales en la caminata por los murales en el barrio de San Rafael colaborando con el contexto histórico de los barrios antiguos de la ciudad e interpretando algunos símbolos de estos increíbles murales ! Gracias ! “‘Fat bastard mural walk “

SÍMBOLOS DE SEMANA SANTA Y EL ALTAR DE DOLORES Cómo sabemos en Mexico la Semana Santa inicia con el Viernes de dolores q...


Cómo sabemos en Mexico la Semana Santa inicia con el Viernes de dolores que se conmemora con la colocación de altares a la virgen de Dolores. Algunos de los símbolos que podemos encontrar en estos altares son los siguientes :

Trigo geminado representa el cuerpo de Cristo hecho pan, de acuerdo a la tradición cristiana se pone germinar en la oscuridad para que nazca de color amarillo místicamente y en la religión se evoca al ocultamiento de la naturaleza divina de Cristo.
Yerbas olorosas significan hacer menos penoso el camino de la Virgen.
La flor de manzanilla fresca es parecida a la margarita que rememora al sol y es una planta medicinal que alivia el dolor.
Semillas: representan la naturaleza debido a que se llevan a bendecir para ser utilizadas en la siembra y se considera una aportación de la cultura indígena prehispánica a los altares, baste recordar que, en algunas culturas del México antiguo, el maíz era considerado grano o dádiva divina y carne del hombre.
Naranjas agrias con banderitas de papel picado: aluden a Eva quien pecó al probar la manzana, fruto prohibido y evoca a la Virgen que venció el pecado al aceptar el sufrimiento. Las banderitas son festivas y mitigan el dolor e indica el triunfo de Cristo sobre la muerte y el pecado.
Agua de colores: representa las lágrimas derramadas en la pasión o la sangre derramada por nuestra salvación y las flores llaves son la solidaridad y el consuelo que los fieles brindan a la Virgen Dolorosa.
Lad s velas significan la luz que es Cristo quien ilumina el camino y arden como un reflejo de nuestras almas que desgastan en la presencia de Dios.

Por otra en las casa prepara aguas frescas de diferente sabor como: chía horchata, limón, tamarindo o Jamaica, a la que se llamó lágrimas de la virgen en recuerdo de las que ella derramó durante la semana de Pasión y se ofrecen a los devotos que caminan por las casas admirando los altares, la familia entera suele rezar el rosario a una hora determinada y a ese homenaje piadosos unían los visitantes.

Los siete dolores de la virgen:
1. Primer dolor: la profecía de Simeón.
2. Segundo dolor: la persecución de Herodes y la huida a Egipto.
3. Tercer dolor: Jesús perdido en el templo, por tres días.
4. Cuarto dolor: en María encuentra Jesús cargando la cruz.
5. Quinto dolor: la crucifixión y muerte de Nuestro Señor.
6. Sexto dolor: María recibe Jesús bajando de la Cruz.
7. Séptimo dolor: Entierro de Jesús.

Estás hermosas decoraciones en ventanas y entradas principalmente en el centro de la ciudad., son alusivas a la temporad...

Estás hermosas decoraciones en ventanas y entradas principalmente en el centro de la ciudad., son alusivas a la temporada en la que nos encontramos, por tal, cambian cada temporada . Ahora es morado y blanco por Semana Santa, en el verano flores y listones de colores, navidad flores y listones verdes rojos y tonos dorados y por supuesto en el mes patrio rojo verde y blanco, sin olvidar el oroño con colores naranjas, negro, terracotas y naturaleza mu**ta justo alusivo al Día de mu***os . Pero esta tradición no es centenaria apenas comenzó hace unos 10-12 años cuando una pequeña escuela de idiomas empezó a colocar listones para decoración y llamar la atención de los clientes y así le siguieron muchos negocios del centro y hasta ahora sigue la tradición !
Que hace a nuestro San Miguel único y excepcional !

This beautiful decorations are alusivo to the season we are on, now is purple and white for holly week, then comes the colorful ribbons amd flowers for summer, followed by the black orange and dried flowers for autum and day of the death non the less before por patriotic month with green white and red ! Then follows Christmas with red and green and. Golden decorations !

But this is not a centennial tradition ! It only appeared 10-12! Years ago by a small language school who put up some colorful ribbons during summer to bring attention to clients and decoration amd then many businesses in town followed ! Making our city as always unique and Exceptional!!!

Sobre esta Cruz   del pueblo en la colina cerca del Malanquin :Desde luego no son trabajos de brujos o brujas, y el 14 d...

Sobre esta Cruz del pueblo en la colina cerca del Malanquin :

Desde luego no son trabajos de brujos o brujas, y el 14 de septiembre se realiza en muchos cruces de Mesoamérica que están en la cima de las montañas la reseña de la Santa Cruz en San Miguel de Allende esto ocurre al menos en una decena de cruces y no tiene que ver con rituales oscurosDesde el punto de vista y visión occidental desde las religiones judeocristiana tiene que ver con rituales ancestrales de los calendarios astronómicos ligados a la agricultura.

de hecho esta Cruz es un punto astronómico en la medición del solsticio de verano desde algún punto también ceremonial-ritual de la Cuenca Alta del Río Laja.

Éstos puntos son mucho más que la superficial interpretación de gente que viene de fuera con información sobre Brújula y brujas más en la visión de cine barato de Hollywood y si acaso, con algunas visiones europeas cuando la inquisición persiguió a quienes practicaban ritos o rituales fuera de la religión católica. ya de entrada representa un acto de discriminación a las prácticas rituales ancestrales mexicanas si no coinciden con lo que, aparentemente es la normalidad de la cultura anglosajona o bien la católica tradicional. si seguro sin críticos como diversa en cultura es la región de San Miguel de Allende y desde luego toda el área de MESOAMÉRICA.



Recenty I Rea San article about this Cruz talking about witch craft and missinformation!

The real story is that in September 14 there’s a celebration all over Mesoamérica for this crosses including San Miguel de Allende, this crosses are usually on top of cerros or small
Mountains in towns. The rituals have to do with the ancestral rituals of agriculture. When the inquisition when after the people practicing this rituals out of the Catholic Church of course they where marked as pagans. If any of this rituals doesn’t agree with the Catholic Church is consider pagan or witch craft and can even be an act of discrimination for the indígenas amd their ancestral rituals!

This cross is also an astronomical point foe the summer solstice and its alone with cañada de la Virgen and the “ cerró de las tres cruces “ where there is a pyramid btw .

Si please don’t fall in to cheap Hollywood fantasy ideas of witch craft or with he’s gathering here etc these are all myths or legends part of the Mexican folklore but this are the true facts.

Información proporcionada por
Information by :
José Arturo Morales Tirado ., Historían, amd certified tour guide.

Ayer se inauguraron tres placas alusivas al nombramiento de Atotonilco y San Miguel de Allende como Sitios Patrimonio de...

Ayer se inauguraron tres placas alusivas al nombramiento de Atotonilco y San Miguel de Allende como Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad por su carácter de patrimonio auténtico, excepcional y universal.

Las placas están enfrente de la parroquia, en la plaza cívica y en Atotonilco

Presente nuestro Presidente de la asociación de Guías Acreditados de SMA.

Yesterday inauguration of the alusivo plates commemorating the naming of San Miguel de Allende and Atotonilco as world heritage and worlds patrimony ! Plates where set in front of. La Parroquia, plaza cívica and Atotonilco !!

Our A.C president was present!!

Virtual lectures via zoom!Wonders of San Miguel and its relationship with the History, traditions amd culture of our bel...

Virtual lectures via zoom!
Wonders of San Miguel and its relationship with the History, traditions amd culture of our beloved city . Presented via zoom by our GASMA president Arturo Morales! Information in the link below ! Sessions March and April ! Pay via PayPal or bank transfer fee per person pets sesión 8 USD or 165 pesos ( plus PayPal comission or tranfer directly to his account if you need more info please feel free to contact me ! Via messenger. Here are the links Spanish and english lectures available!!

Links :

Responsible for editing and digital content: José Arturo Morales Tirado*.


Hello everyone we would like to invite you to take one of our tours so you can recommend us and you can experience and be sure we are certified and knowledgeable guides and also how we follow all covid protocols ! Special price 200 per person per hour 1-6 people only * dates
FRIDAY 5th at 10 am and 1:30 pm aprox 2 hours
SATURDAY 6th 12:30 pm
SUNDAY 7th 10 am/ 12:30 pm
Please bring mask ( mandatory) bottle of water included and bring a hat or cap!

To confirm please message me or what’s app 4151149737

Thank you and hope you can join us


OUR GUIDES( you can find their credentials in the photograph album)

NUESTROA GUÍAS ( encuentra más información en el álbum de fotos sobre cada uno )

Arturo Morales Tirado ( Founder ) ( fundador) Morales

José Arturo Morales Tirado José Arturo Morales Tirado

*Alejandro Gutiérrez:

*Maria Del Mar Gonzalez:

*Ximena Isabel Morales Isabel Mor

[email protected]
San Miguel Xperiences tours and Languages

*José Maria Árias y Ricardo Téllez


415 103 0669

*Gerardo Nava Fuentes : Guia local acreditado , tranvías

*Héctor Miguel Gallegos Ramírez Guía General: N 007264 Tel . 418 100 52 52
fb Hec Gr

*Israel Arteaga Tenshi Israel

We will be adding more to the list
Se irán agregando más a la lista


We are a Mexican civil association of accredited tourist guides, by the Secretary of Tourism of country of Mexico . Therefore in accordance with the United Nations through the world tourism organization and in accordance with the framework of federal, state and municipal law in force in our country: Mexico. We are publicly identified by an official credential issued by SECTUR, to exercise in a legal, formal and professional manner the economic-cultural-ecological activity of tourist guides. We are at your service to accompany you to live the experience of the exceptional natural and cultural heritage of Mexico. Get in touch with us and enjoy the wonders of Mexico from San Miguel de Allende.


Somos una asociación civil mexicana de guías acreditados de Turistas, por parte de la Secretaría de turismo de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Lo anterior, en concordancia con las Naciones Unidas a través de la organización mundial del turismo y de acuerdo al marco de derecho federal, estatal y municipal vigentes en nuestro país: México. Nos identifica públicamente una credencial oficial expedida por SECTUR, para ejercer de manera legal, formal y profesional la actividad económica-cultural-ecológica de guías de turistas. Estamos a sus órdenes para acompañarlos a vivir la experiencia del excepcional patrimonio natural y cultural de México. ponte en contacto con nosotros y disfrutar en forma las maravillas de México desde San Miguel de Allende.


San Miguelito, GTO
San Miguel De Allende



Página web


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