Walking Holidays

Walking Holidays Walking Holidays in Nepal is a service provider of local facilities based in Nepal.

Walking Holidays in Nepal, is a service provider of local facilities base in Nepal. Especially this page is promoting Nepalese flora and fauna, Cultural Heritage, Wildlife Activities, Rafting, and Nepalese Hidden Treasure. We are counseling package tours, Trek, rafting and water related sports, cultural program, village tour and many more!

POKHARA Pokhara is Nepal's number 1 adventure and leisure city, a trekking gateway to the Annapurna's with plenty of ent...

POKHARA Pokhara is Nepal's number 1 adventure and leisure city, a trekking gateway to the Annapurna's with plenty of entertainment for individual travellers as well as families with kids. In Pokhara you can experience the best in trekking, boating, hiking, pony rides, paragliding or simply relax at one of the lakes near the city with the stunning Annapurna mountain range at the background. [ 278 more words ]


POKHARA Pokhara is Nepal’s number 1 adventure and leisu…

Upper Mustang 10 Days Trek! Information available on request!

Upper Mustang 10 Days Trek! Information available on request!

It's already spring season. everywhere Cheery  blossom and it Looks so beautiful.

It's already spring season. everywhere Cheery blossom and it Looks so beautiful.

Evening view from MBC

Evening view from MBC

Nepal's one of the best trip 'UPPER MUSTANG' Mustang is the extension of the Tibetan plateau has an average elevation of...

Nepal's one of the best trip 'UPPER MUSTANG'

Mustang is the extension of the Tibetan plateau has an average elevation of over 3,000m. Located to the north of the highest mountains Dhaulagiri and Annapurna and to the north of the main Himalayan range and geographically part of the Tibet highlands.

Mustang is the old kingdom of Lo. Officially the capital of the Mustang district is Jomsom, but the natural and original Tibetan customs, which is situated north of Kagbeni and is known as Upper Mustang. It is a vast high valley, arid and dry, characterized by eroded canyons, colorful rock formations and has a barren, desert like appearance.

One of the most fascinating features of Mustang is literally thousands of cliff dwellings, some of which look completely inaccessible. Mustang was once a much greener land in theory way back 8-10,000 BC. The most when well known, intrepid explorers such as Professor David Snellgrove and the Italian scholar Guiseppi Tucci visited Mustang in the 1950’s and it has largely been their tales of a Tibetan like arid region that has fuelled interest in the area.

Recognizing the special nature of this old, tiny kingdom, the Nepal Government has imposed a surcharge for anyone wishing to trek past Kagbeni, the border of Upper Mustang. Only the organized trekking groups are allowed in for the first time since March 1992, an opportunity for you to be a part of a small privileged minority to visit these remote frontiers of Nepal. Our Mustang program, gives you an excellent options to visit the main town, Lo Manthang, and one or two of the villages beyond in this harsh, arid beautiful landscapes.

Note: Package available interested plz request for more detail on flowing emails [email protected]


A local tourist bus service, Mountain Overland, has begun WiFi services in its buses en route from Pokhara to Kathmandu and Chitwan.

The company launched WiFi services in its buses this week, after testing the service on the route.

"Our company believes in adopting new innovative technologies," said Som Bahadur Thapa of Mountain Overland. "We introduced this service for the convenience of our passengers who use internet."

Six of the company's buses have been fitted with 256 Kbps WiMax service from Nepal Telecom. The company is not charging extra for the WiFi service.

With the positive response on the service, Thapa says that the company hopes to expand the service.

Thakur Paneru at Annapurna Base Camp

Thakur Paneru at Annapurna Base Camp


COST: $1100- $1500
Full day Sightseeing in KTM with Car and Export City guide
4 Nights, Tourist Standard Hotel in Thamel/Kathmandu on BB plan
3 Nights, Tourist Standard Hotel in Pokhara on BB plan
2 Night 3 days Chitawan Safari, Package on full board plan
Normal Tourist Bus Ticket KTM-CHTN-POK
Flight ticket from Pokhara-Kathmandu
Airport Pick up /Drop including Pokhara Sightseeing by car
*20% will discount if travel booked before 25 Jan
For more detail:
E: [email protected]
PH: 977 014256529

Nepal Nature Dot Com Travels

Lower Manaslu Culture Trail:

Lower Manaslu Culture Trail:

Lower Manaslu Culture Trail:This trek north and northeast of Gorkha town takes 6-7 days and displays the very best of th...

Lower Manaslu Culture Trail:
This trek north and northeast of Gorkha town takes 6-7 days and displays the very best of the lower Manaslu region without the need to follow any 'gruesome trail' or to cross any high and wild passes. The traditional barely changed hill villages of Barpark, Gumda and Laprak are top-notch attractions for those wanting to discover the true lifestyles of the hill farming communities. The rand finale is the spectacular vista and dramatic decent onto the mysterious gorge of the Budi Gandaki the getaway to Upper Manaslu and Tsum Vally. Currently most group trekking here are fully supported campers, but the villagers are enthusiastically embracing the new home stay concept, where villagers set aside space within their home for passing trekkers.
The trip start in Gorkha Bazaar after a half day Bus journey from Kathmandu, so there is plenty of time to explore the magnificent Durbar Place above the town. Campers can enjoy a superb panorama from the field camp close to the place. From Gorkha it's necessary on the normal itinerary to take a jeep or local bus on newly constructed dirt road along the Darandi River valley, almost Barpark, Purists could take the whole way via Chhepetar, Chorchate, Naya Saangu, Mahatar, Bhaluswara, Kerabari, Chanaute, Baluwa, (or Chepetar- Pipal Bot-Aappipal- Sirandada-Ghyachowk-Kafaldada) but this could easily add 3-4 days of walking. (Sirudada is unusual in that it has a Gompa and a Sherpa community.) The Darawdi river valley will be quite hot and humid for most of the trekking season, so think carefully about this option
From the large Gurung settlement of Barpark (1915M), with its distinctive stone roofs, the treks begin a strenuous forested climb to the Pusu Kang pass (2800M) - a rather rude awakening! You are strongly urged to prepare at home with some pre-trek training, since this ascent is formidable for a first day. Perhaps that purist walk is not such a bad plan after all besides; you could start in any of the places en route by taking a jeep part of the way. Baluwa is one place to commence the trek, since the dirt road and the trail diverge there. Those sitting on the Pusu Kang pass will now at least have the pleasure of a descent to Laprak (2100M) to follow their exertion.
Laprak is another magnificent Gurung village with shingle roof houses and two welcoming lodges. From here the treks to Gumda is only a half day to recover from that punishing previous interoducton. (Another router from Larpak goes via the Dharche Dada back to Gorkha), Gumda (1800M) is a fine, typical country hill village. The Ganesh Himal peaks are to the east high above the Budi Gandaki valley. The normal route from Gumda is it head down the ridges to Machha Khola some 1000M below. Other trails appear to offer shorter but steeper option to Lapubesi again in the deep canyon of the Budi Gandaki. Once in Machha Khola, with its new trekkers- style lodges and good food, the trek follows the Budi Gadaki downstream to Soti, where the dirt jeep track enables visitors to access Arughat more quickly .

कञ्चनजंघाको हिउँ चितुवा राजधानीबाटै रेखदेखकाठमाडौं— कञ्चनजंघा क्षेत्र र त्यस वरपरका अधिकांश सर्वसाधारणको राजधानीस"ग खासै...

कञ्चनजंघाको हिउँ चितुवा राजधानीबाटै रेखदेख
काठमाडौं— कञ्चनजंघा क्षेत्र र त्यस वरपरका अधिकांश सर्वसाधारणको राजधानीस"ग खासै सम्बन्ध हुँदैन । उनीहरू आफ्नो दैनिकी चलाउन चीनको तिब्बत छिर्छन्, काठमाडौं भने बिरलै आउँछन्।
यसको ठीक विपरीत कञ्चनजंघा हिमशृखंलामा पर्ने कुम्भकर्ण हिमालको आधारशिविरलाई आफ्नो बासस्थान बनाएको एउटा हिउ" चितुवा राजधानीस"ग जोडिन पुगेको छ । संसारमै दुर्लभ र लोपोन्मुख उक्त वन्यजन्तुका हरेक गतिविधि र अवस्थाको जानकारी चार–चार घन्टामा राजधानीको बबरमहलस्थित राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु संरक्षण विभागमा आउ"छ ।

विभागका इकालोजिस्ट महेश्वर ढकालका अनुसार भू–उपग्रह प्रविधिमार्फत् राजधानीसँग जोडिनेबित्तिकै हिउँ चितुवाको पहिचान बदलिएको छ । घा"टीमा 'रेडियोकलर' झुन्डिएपछि मंसिर १० बाट यसको नाउँ 'घन्जेङजुंगा' भएको छ । कुम्भकर्ण हिमाललाई स्थानीय भाषामा घन्जेङजुंगा भनिन्छ । पा"च वर्षको भाले घन्जेङजुंगाको वजन ४० किलो छ भने लम्बाई १९३ र उचाइ ६० सेन्टिमिटर छ ।

हिउ" चितुवामा रेडियो कलर प्रविधि प्रयोग गरिएको पहिलोपटक हो । यसले चार–चार घन्टामा विचरण र गतिविधिका सूचना जिपिएस प्वाइन्टबाट पत्ता लाग्छ । ढकालले ती सूचना संकलन र विश्लेषण गरिरहेका छन् । अहिलेसम्म घन्जेङजुंघा ८० वर्ग किलोमिटरभित्र विचरण गरिरहेको छ । 'सबै जानकारी बटुलेपछि मात्र त्यसलाई जोगाउने कार्यक्रम बनाउन सक्छौं,' ढकालले भने ।

जाडो महिनामा उच्च हिमाली क्षेत्र पुगेर एउटा वन्यजन्तुको घा"टीमा रेडियो कलर झुन्ड्याउने काम सहज भने थिएन ।

'हिउ" परिरहेका बेला एउटा हिंस्रक जन्तु खोजेर बेहोस पार्न सजिलै होला भन्ने हामीले ठानेका थिएनौं, तर सफल भयौं,' ढकालले भने, 'यहा"बाट गएको प्राविधिक टोलीले १२ दिनभित्र काम पूरा ग¥यो ।'

प्राविधिक टोली कात्तिक २७ गते कुम्भकर्ण हिमालको फेद पुगेको थियो । त्यतिबेला टेन्टभित्रको तापक्रम माइनस ९ थियो । तीन दिनभित्र त्यसको गतिविधि हुने ठाउँ पहिचान गरियो । १६ वटा ठाउँमा पासो थापियो । एघारौं दिनसम्म चितुवा पासोमा नपरेको टोलीमा सहभागी संरक्षण वैज्ञानिक रिन्जन श्रेष्ठले बताए । त्यही बेला हिउ" पर्ने क्रम बढ्दै थियो । अभियान असफल हुने त होइन भन्ने चिन्ता टोली सदस्यले गर्न थाले ।

उनीहरूले सबैतिर स्वचालित क्यामरा जडान गरेका थिए । आठौं दिनसम्म चितुवा नआएपछि विश्व वन्यजन्तु कोषका संरक्षण निर्देशक घनश्याम गुरुङले स्थानीयस"ग सल्लाह गरेर 'घन्जेङजुंगा' हिमालको पूजा गरे । यो हिमाल लिम्बुहरूको प्रसिद्घ तीर्थस्थल हो । चितवनका गैंडा स्थानान्तरण गर्नुअघि पनि वनदेवी पुज्ने चलन छ ।

'पूजा गरेको तीन दिनपछि त चितुवा पासोमा परिहाल्यो,' श्रेष्ठले भने । पासोमा परेको सूचना टोलीले 'ट्र्याप ट्रान्समिटर'बाट पायो । यसले स्याटलाइट फोनमा जानकारी दियो । यो प्रविधि पनि पहिलो पटक प्रयोग गरिएको हो ।

श्रेष्ठका अनुसार पासोमा परेको हिउँ चितुवालाई बेहोस पार्न झन्डै २० मिनेट लाग्यो । बेहोस अवस्थामा मुख बन्द नगरोस् भनेर माथिल्ला र तल्ला दा"त फट्टाएर पाइप राखियो । आ"खामा पट्टी बा"धियो । त्यसपछि घा"टीमा रेडियो कलर झुन्ड्याइयो ।

रेडियोकलरले दुई वर्ष काम गर्नेछ । त्यसपछि स्वतः खस्नसक्छ । 'दुई वर्षभित्रको सूचना यसको दिगो संरक्षण र व्यवस्थापनका लागि कार्यक्रम बनाउन कोसेढुङा साबित हुनेछ,' ढकालले भने । केही महिनाभित्र थप ३ वटा चितुवामा रेडियोकलर जडान गर्ने कार्यक्रम रहेको उनले बताए ।

ढकालका अनुसार रेडियोकलरबाट आएका सूचनाले बासस्थान परिवर्तन, त्यसका समस्या, हिमाली क्षेत्रमा आएका परिवर्तन, आहाराको अवस्था, प्रजजन लगायतबारे जानकारी लिन सकिन्छ । 'यी सूचना भावी कार्यक्रमका प्रमुख आधार हुनेछन्,' उनले भने, 'कञ्चनजंघा क्षेत्र चीन र भारतस"ग पनि जोडिएकाले त्रिदेशीय सम्बन्ध विस्तारमा पनि यसले सहयोग पुग्छ ।'

नेपालमा हिउ" चितुवा ३ सयदेखि ५ सयबीच रहेको अनुमान छ । यो वन्यजन्तु विश्वका १२ मुलुकमा पाइन्छ । विश्वमा यसको संख्या ४ हजारदेखि ६ हजार ५ सयसम्म रहेको अनुमान छ । यो नेपालको पूर्वको कञ्चनजंघा संरक्षण क्षेत्रदेखि पश्चिमको अपिनम्पा संरक्षण क्षेत्रभित्रका १२ निकुञ्ज, शिकार आरक्ष र संरक्षण क्षेत्रको हिमाली भेगमा पाइन्छ । यसलाई राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु संरक्षण ऐन २०२९ को संरक्षित वन्यजन्तुको सूचीमा राखिएको छ ।
source: nagariknews

At evening view !!

At evening view !!

The temple dates back to the 19th century but the statue of the bull in front of the temple is about 300 years old. The black, four-headed image of Pashupati inside the temple is said to be even older, an earlier image was destroyed by the Mugal Invaders in the 14th century. Non-hindus can view the main temple from the other bank of Bagmati near the Aarya Ghat. Aarya Ghat (cremation ghat) just towards the south of the bridge is for the common people & there is almost always a cremation going on. It is a powerful place to contemplate notions of death & mortality.

The temple dates back to the 19th century but the statue of the bull in front of the temple is about 300 years old. The ...

The temple dates back to the 19th century but the statue of the bull in front of the temple is about 300 years old. The black, four-headed image of Pashupati inside the temple is said to be even older, an earlier image was destroyed by the Mugal Invaders in the 14th century. Non-hindus can view the main temple from the other bank of Bagmati near the Aarya Ghat. Aarya Ghat (cremation ghat) just towards the south of the bridge is for the common people & there is almost always a cremation going on. It is a powerful place to contemplate notions of death & mortality.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into...

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

Mother Nature has certainly blessed this fertile valley with outstanding scenery and picturesque landscapes, snow capped...

Mother Nature has certainly blessed this fertile valley with outstanding scenery and picturesque landscapes, snow capped mountains, moderate tropical climate, and beautiful pristine lakes of Phewa.

Early morning

Early morning


May the beauty Of deepavali season fill your home with Happiness, And may the coming year Provide you with all That bring you joy!

The Everest region is understandably one of the most popular and spectacular destinations for trekkers in Nepal and the ...

The Everest region is understandably one of the most popular and spectacular destinations for trekkers in Nepal and the world, and it offers fascinating and enjoyable trekking, with beautiful views of the highest peaks in the world. This trek reaches its highest point at Gokyo Ri, situated at 5,357 m., which provides outstanding, breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks and their glaciers, including Mt. Everest. — at Gokyo.





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