Nestled between Waikanae Beach and Township just 60 kilometres north of Wellington, Ngārara is conveniently connected to both commerce and recreation. Proximity to the interchange leading to the new expressway and the imminent Transmission Gully Motorway means travel time to Wellington is expected to drop by 15 minutes, creating the perfect opportunity for relaxed beachside living within reasonabl
e transit of local amenities and the City. There are many reasons why Ngārara will be a unique and inspiring place to live. We lived and worked on this land until farming it was no longer economically viable and at the same time we made great efforts to protect and improve the property's native and natural assets. As a direct result of our knowledge of the land and environment and our familiarity with the surrounding communities, the development has been planned and designed with a uniquely 'ground up' vision. Our aspiration is to create a high quality living environment which preserves the character of the natural landscape, places a high value on the unique protected wetland and native bush, puts a greater emphasis on people than it does on cars, and connects naturally with the surrounding neighbourhoods. There will be a variety of residential opportunities which will encourage a wide demographic and result in a real sense of community. Mixed use commercial opportunities will also help create neighbourhoods which are vibrant and well rounded. A high proportion of open spaces and shared spaces will further encourage community connection. Our goal is to create somewhere not just to live, but to belong.