Heritage Karen Chiang Mai

Heritage Karen Chiang Mai Responsible tourism perpetuating Karen culture and exchange for tourists. This friendly couple invited us to their home. of $1400. Our project needs you!

More about Nat & Heritage Karen:

Background story

We (Nathalie & Xavier from Cool Asia Travel in Chiang Mai Thailand) were enjoying a survey trip in the Mae Chaem Northern Thailand region – searching for some virgin place to build a responsible tourism project – when we run into Nat & Ya. A two hour ride from Chiang Mai through mountains and curving roads with picturesque scenery followed, howev

er it could not prepare us for what we were about to witness. We were taken aback when we arrived in Nat & Ya’s village. Surrounded by mountains, hills, greenery, lush rice terraces and corn fields… we thought we had found The Garden of Eden. Back home in Chiang Mai we started thinking about this heaven on earth and the hospitable couple we met. While they may live in 'paradise', their lives are far from easy. Due to external factors, Nat was unable to make a profit this harvest season. He lost most of his corn and made a loss and now has a debt (to the company who buy and sell corn seeds, chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides...) Meanwhile his dad has a debt of $2000. Villagers like Nat and his dad who depend on the crops they cultivate, have no means to provide for their family if they are faced with a bad harvest season. This pushes them to leave their home and search for jobs in constructions plants in the city, which is not only hazardous, but also unsustainable. If villagers were to continue in this vicious circle it would also mean they would lose their culture and traditions. Living off the land is true to Karen nature. It saddens us to see goodhearted people like Nat become "modern slaves" - separated from their family and working tirelessly on a meager salary in a deadend job. Meanwhile his wife is taking care of their disabled young daughter in their home which is a bamboo hut with no running water, heating nor electricity. Despite their hardship, Nat and his family have the biggest hearts and during our visits always show great hospitality - not only sharing what little they have, but also keen on passing on his valuable knowledge of nature. He knows exactly which fruits, plants and vegetables you can eat and how to gather them from the forest - this connection with their surroundings is typical of Karen heritage. We'd like for Nat and the other villagers to continue staying true to their culture. We see so much beauty and potential for this village. We want to share this place with others, but keep the place hidden to protect the villagers from mass exploitation and preserve its natural beauty. We wish to create something sustainable for the locals and offer visitors the chance to travel responsibly. And this is where the following project comes in:

Heritage Karen: “Share Karen life with a responsible attitude”

It is a responsible tourism project - a way to create a more sustainable living by offering a home stay, opening a webshop to sell handicrafts, and building a permaculture project. We believe in fair trade tourism that will benefit locals. Heritage Karen is a program that allows the tourist to become a local. Rather than standing on the sidelines and just observing people, monuments and other tourist traps; they are given the unique opportunity to get away from the tourist trail – to get away from it all. Meet the Karen hill tribes, hike around, learn how to weave, pound rice, cook with fire and bamboo utensils, pluck mushrooms and herbs, and enjoy these freshly gathered produce when you sit down for a traditional meal with locals in a secluded and natural setting. Nat and his family are among the warmest and most hospitable people we've ever met. Nat's friendly nature, wits and humility make him the perfect host to welcome responsible tourists to their village. We want to offer YOU the opportunity to visit this hidden gem and help the locals build a more sustainable future. The Heritage Karen Foundation

However, before tourists can become locals, we need volunteers to come over and help build the project! Up until now, the villagers have always lived their simple rural life and have not been in much contact with foreigners. For this responsible tourism project to succeed, they will need to receive appropriate training. We will need help with English and French tuition, bamboo architectural design, sustainable construction techniques, product managing, permaculture & organic agriculture practices. The foundation will authorize us to welcome and host volunteers in Mae Chaem. Without the Foundation we would not be able to get the correct corresponding visas and permissions of stay for the volunteers. Help make Nat's dream become reality. He wants to learn English so he can better provide for his family. Project Heritage Karen will not only benefit Nat and his family but the other villagers as well. This is a Communit Based Tourism project that will ensure a more sustainable future for all. Be a responsible tourist and donate!

งานผ้าป่าวัดบ้านแม่แรก ทุกคนร่วมแรงร่วมใจทำบุญจนสำเร็จดังเป้าหมาย สาธุ สาธุ

งานผ้าป่าวัดบ้านแม่แรก ทุกคนร่วมแรงร่วมใจทำบุญจนสำเร็จดังเป้าหมาย สาธุ สาธุ

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Les jours dorés du Doi Inthanon
A la fin octobre, les rizières en terrasses autour du Doi Inthanon (le plus haut sommet de Thaïlande, à Chiang Mai) deviennent progressivement dorées, offrant des visions superbes aux amateurs de paysages et de photos grandioses.
Les rizières en terrasses tapissent toute la vallée de Ban Pha Mon. La culture du riz fait partie intégrante de la vie du peuple Karen. Ces derniers s’emploient également à faire comprendre aux visiteurs l’importance de la forêt et de l'eau pour les gens vivant dans cette région.Ban Pha Mon et Nong Lom sont des villages karens tranquilles et accueillants. Les guides locaux invitent les touristes à explorer leurs villages à vélo et à découvrir le mode de vie simple de la tribu, basé sur le tissage, l'agriculture, le trekking et la cuisine. Les revenus de l'activité touristique contribue à l'amélioration des conditions de vie, la protection des forêts et à l’éducation.Les Thaïlandais viennent ici pour les paysages impressionnants tandis que les visiteurs étrangers, tout en profitant de la beauté du panorama, apprécient énormément les expériences uniques qu’ils vivent en partageant le quotidien de cette communauté karen.Ban Mae Klang Luang en est une autre, rendue célèbre en 2008 par le film thaïlandais « Where The Miracles Happen ». Depuis, des petits bungalows ont fait leur apparition pour le plus grand plaisir des touristes chasseurs d’images et de beaux paysages qui peuvent également explorer le village et goûter son fameux café Arabica.De l'autre côté de la montagne et très isolé, se trouve Pa Pong Piang. Ici les Karen sont chrétiens et profitent, selon l’avis de beaucoup de monde, du plus extraordinaire paysage de toute la région. Sur « l’épaule » vallonnée du Doi Inthanon, les rubans ondulés des rizières en étages se déploient à perte de vue sur fond de montagnes, épousant la moindre parcelle de sol.Une vallée plus loin, la petite ville de Mae Chaem est bercée elle-aussi de belles rizières. Le riz est uniquement cultivé pour subvenir à la consommation personnelle. Après la récolte, les grains sont gardés au sec dans des granges en teck. Avant toute cuisson de grains provenant de la nouvelle récolte, les habitants de Mae Chaem organisent une cérémonie de mérite appelée Tan Mai Khao durant laquelle ils offrent aux moines une partie du stock et des bonbons… au riz.A l’heure où le soleil s’attarde sur les montagnes avant d’aller se coucher, ses derniers rayons déposent sur les rizières des caresses dorées. C’est à ce moment là que les photos sont les plus belles.

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87 Sri Poom
Amphoe Muang Chiang Mai


จันทร์ 08:00 - 18:00
อังคาร 08:00 - 18:00
พุธ 08:00 - 18:00
พฤหัสบดี 08:00 - 18:00
ศุกร์ 08:00 - 18:00
เสาร์ 08:00 - 18:00
อาทิตย์ 08:00 - 18:00





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ตำแหน่งใกล้เคียง สำนักงานตัวแทนจัดการท่องเที่ยว

Amphoe Muang Chiang Mai สำนักงานตัวแทนจัดการท่องเที่ยวอื่นๆ

