Kariakoo Digital

Kariakoo Digital This website has all the information on shops and businesses in Kariakoo and is available to anyone,anytime using laptops, computers & all Mobile Devices. e.g.

It is a known fact that Kariakoo drives the retail industry in Tanzania supplying everything from clothings, medicine, cosmetics, building materials e.t.c to many small scale
traders all over the country. However, businesses in Kariakoo don’t advertise but rely on walk in customers. This is because it is costly for small shops to advertise in the
media (radio, TV, Press etc). But if they are comb

ined together and advertise them at our media then it becomes cheaper for them and gives them a higher reach compared
to traditional media. We now have a solution for them. Transevents marketing Ltd introduces the future of doing business for kariakoo traders. We have incorporated today’s technology to create a revolution that will grow kariakoo businesses by making it easier for traders in and out of the country to buy goods from Kariakoo or sell to Kariakoo traders. This revolution is in the form of a retail service known as KARIAKOO DIGITAL (go to: www.kariakootz.com). This
website has all the information on shops and businesses in Kariakoo and is available to anyone, anytime using laptops, desktop computers, smartphones and all Android Devices. It provides Kariakoo traders with a marketing solution for their
businesses. The website enables traders in and out of the country to order goods from kariakoo or sell goods to Kariakoo traders. For example if a trader in Mtwara wants to purchase spare parts for motor cycles, he will find all the dealers of
spare parts located in Kariakoo on our website. He can then get in touch with them and order directly from them. The same applies to many other products sold all over
the country that are supplied by kariakoo Traders. (clothings, electronics, mobile phones,pharmacies, furniture, spare parts etc). This platform connects Kariakoo traders
with other traders in Tanzania and all over the world. We want to be a catalyst for Kariakoo businesses. The medium you go to for information on Kariakoo shops and products. We believe this venture will bring
about a revolution for years to come just like how M-pesa & Tigopesa have simplified doing business Transactions. The website has 3 areas which shop owners can advertise.
1. Classified section which has the shop's name, address and contact. number
2. Web banners which are small billboards that have pictures of their products.
3. Features section which is a full page editorial where a customer can place a write up of his business i.e hotels, bus companies etc
This service reduces the amount of time and cost of purchasing goods from Kariakoo. Buyers and Traders can shop at their convenience anytime, anywhere. Traders who normally purchase goods from Kariakoo now don’t have to travel to Dar-es-salaam. They will get all the contacts from the website and communicate directly with the shop owners at Kariakoo. It also provides information to manufacturers Abroad like in China, India, Dubai, Thailand e.t.c. to connect directly to traders in Kariakoo who can buy their products. Transevents Marketing Ltd has many years of experience in advertising, marketing, product launches, digital media and communication campaigns. We have some of
the best people in sales of FMCG combined with a young team of graphic designers and web developers. At Transevents we believe it is now time to propel Kariakoo businesses to the future and we want to be a part of it!


MAKINIAPP: Hatua ya Kwanza

Fahamu jinsi ya kutumia MakiniApp kwa ufasaha zaidi kupitia video hii.

Kwa safari salama, usisahau kudownload MakiniApp

Kwa maoni, maswali au ushauri tembelea facebook.com/MakiniApp

Abiria ni haki yako kufika salama...!


Unapokuwa safarini, kuna wakati dereva huendesha kwa mwendokasi ambao ni hatarishi. Je abiria atafahamu vipi k**a mwendo dereva anaoendeshea ni hatarishi? Je uthibitisho wa mwendo huu abiria atautoa wapi wakati ni ukweli usiopingika kuwa sio maeneo yote na muda wote maaskari wenye tochi wapo barabaarani? MakiniApp itakusaidia kufahamu hilo.

Download sasa ili kuokoa maisha ya wengi mliopo katika chombo husika

Kwa maoni, maswali au ushauri kuhusu application ya MakiniApp, Like page ya MakiniApp: www.facebook.com/MakiniApp



MRADI wa mabasi yatakayo kwenda mwendo wa haraka katika barabara teule mpya jijini Dar es Salaam unaweza kuwa na ufunguo wenye sulushisho dhidi ya foleni na misongamano ya magari jijini humu.
Matarajio ya wakazi wa jiji la Dar es Salaam ni kwamba kuzinduliwa kwa mradi huu kutakuwa ndio mwisho wa tatizo sugu la foleni katika barabara zake nyembamba ambazo nyingi mtindo wake ulijengwa na Wakoloni zaidi ya miaka 100 iliyopita.
Pamoja na kuwahi kuwepo aina hii ya mabasi katika miaka ya 1980, sasa mabasi haya yamerudi tena katika ubora wa kipekee na tofauti hasa katika suala zima la uundwaji wake wa kuvutia zaidi na ulio na mapambo mengi k**a vile televisheni, kiyoyozi, kamera za usalama(CCTV Camera) ambazo zitasaidia kuonyesha usalama ndani ya basi, endapo utatokea uhalifu wowote muhusika ataonekana mara moja. Pamoja na kuwepo vyote hivyo pia kuna na viti kwa ajili ya watu wenye mahitaji maalum ambao ni walemavu wa viungo pamoja na mama wajawazito.


Mfumo wa stelingi ni ZF ya Ujerumani, wenye ubora wa kimataifa na unaozingatia usalama wa basi liendeshwapo barabarani muda wote. Pia kiti cha dereva kina uwezo wa kumpunguzia uchovu wa kukaa kwa muda mrefu ili kumsaidia kuwa makini aendeshapo basi husika ili kuepukana na ajali.

Matairi bora yaliyothibitishwa na viwango vya kimataifa (ISO) ili kuweza kukabiliana na mabadiriko ya tabia nchi.

Mitungi maalum ya kuzimishia moto utokanao na vimiminika (mafuta), gasi, hitilafu za umeme n.k

Aina ya injini ni CUMMINS iliyotengenezwa nchini Marekani (USA) ndio inayotumika katika mabasi yaendayo kwa haraka, injini hii kwa kiasi kikubwa imepunguza uchafuzi wa mazingira, imedhibiti uchafuzi wa mazingira (air pollution), makelele (noise pollution)

Skrini ndogo yenye ukubwa wa inchi saba inayo dhibiti kamera 16 zilizomo ndani ya basi zinazo onesha yote yanayojiri ndani ya basi na kwa kupitia teknolojia iliyowekwa ndani ya kila basi yenye uwezo wa kutuma picha za matukio yote yanayojiri ndani ya basi liwapo barabarani kwenda kituo kikuu cha udhibiti na uchunguzi na matukio ya kihalifu na uharibifu wa samani.

Ndani ya basi haki za walemavu, wazee, wajawazito zimezingatiwa kwa kutengewa viti maalum kulingana na mahitaji husika ikiwemo vikuju vya kushika kwenye bomba kwa abiria wanao simama.

Wengi imeshatutokea au tumeshasikia na pia kupoteza ndugu jamaa na marafiki kwa sababu ya ajali zinazosababishwa na mwen...

Wengi imeshatutokea au tumeshasikia na pia kupoteza ndugu jamaa na marafiki kwa sababu ya ajali zinazosababishwa na mwendo kasi.
Dereva Makini Tanzania imekuletea MakiniApp itakayosaidia kupunguza tatizo hili katika barabara zetu.
Tushirikiane nao kwa kudownload App hii ili kutokomeza ajali katika barabara zetu.
Ni haki yetu kufika salama

Fuata link hapo chini kupakua MakiniApp


Vilivyopo sasa:
1. Iweze kukuonesha mwendo wa chombo sawia na speedmeter ya chombo husika.

2. Iweze kukuonesha coordinate za barabara na eneo ili zije tafsiriwa ukipata Internet.

3. Iweze kukuruhusu kuingiza kikomo cha mwendo kasi binafsi huku App ikikusanya wastani wa watu wote watakaoingiza ili kuufanya uwe halisi kwa barabara husika(Tumeshindwa kupata vikomo vya mwendo kasi kwa mamlaka husika - Wizara ya Ujenzi, Uchukuzi na mawasiliano na sababu nyingine ni kuwezesha nchi jirani waweze pia kuitumia kwa vikomo vyao).

4. Iweze kutoa mlio pindi chombo unachosafiria kitavuka kikomo cha mwendokasi.

5. Ikuwezeshe kupiga picha(screenshot) simu yako ili uweze kuripoti mwendokasi huo na kusambaza.

6. Iweze kuhifadhi taarifa za mwendo kasi mpaka utakapokua na Internet ili kutuma taarifa hiyo.Pia ikuwezeshe kuifuta taarifa hiyo muda wowote k**a ukibadilisha mawazo.

7. Uweze kurekebisha ama kuboresha taarifa zako na kubadili lugha pia kuondoa na kurudisha mitetemo au mlio.

1. Iweze kufanya yote yaliyoorodheshwa juu (1, 2, 3, 4,5 na 7)
2. Iweze kukuonesha ramani kulingana na unavyosogea.
3. Iweze kukuonesha majina ya maeneo unayopita.
4. Uweze kutuma taarifa za mwendo kasi moja kwa moja kwa mamlaka husika.

Kwa mwaka hupatikana wastani wa ajali 16,000 kati ya hizo 11,500 ni za mwendo kasi ambazo huua wastani wa watu 3,500 na majeruhi 15,000.
Tutumie na tuhamasishe wengine kuidownload na kutumia - ili tuepushe ajali zitokanazo na mwendo kasi. Tafadhali download kupitia linki iliyo hapo chini:


Dereva Makini, Ni Haki Yako Kufika Salama!

Godown hili linauzwa, lipo Ilala boma opposite na Mwalimu house.Bei: TZS 1,200,000,000/= (1.2 Billion)Kwa mawasiliano pi...

Godown hili linauzwa, lipo Ilala boma opposite na Mwalimu house.
Bei: TZS 1,200,000,000/= (1.2 Billion)
Kwa mawasiliano piga namba 0754279264/ 0712137380/ 0715272264 ili kupata maelezo zaidi.

CHICKEN BOSSProduct: Chicken Breast FilletN0. of pieces per Kg: 4 PiecesPrice per Kg: Tshs. 14,000/=We are located at th...


Product: Chicken Breast Fillet
N0. of pieces per Kg: 4 Pieces
Price per Kg: Tshs. 14,000/=
We are located at the NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

CHICKEN BOSSProduct: Chicken WingsN0. of pieces per Kg: 16 Pieces.Price per Kg: Tshs. 8,000/=We are located at the NIC I...


Product: Chicken Wings
N0. of pieces per Kg: 16 Pieces.
Price per Kg: Tshs. 8,000/=
We are located at the NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

CHICKEN BOSSProduct: Chicken GizzardN0. of pieces per Kg: 34 Pieces.Price per Kg: Tshs. 10,000/=We are located at the NI...


Product: Chicken Gizzard
N0. of pieces per Kg: 34 Pieces.
Price per Kg: Tshs. 10,000/=
We are located at the NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

CHICKEN BOSSProduct: Chicken Quarter Legs N0. of pieces per Kg: 3 Pieces.Price per Kg: 6,500/=We are located at the NIC ...


Product: Chicken Quarter Legs
N0. of pieces per Kg: 3 Pieces.
Price per Kg: 6,500/=
We are located at the NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

CHICKEN BOSSProduct: Fish fillet Type of fish: Nile Pearch (Sangara)N0. of pieces per Kg: 8 Pieces.Price per Kg: Tshs. 1...


Product: Fish fillet
Type of fish: Nile Pearch (Sangara)
N0. of pieces per Kg: 8 Pieces.
Price per Kg: Tshs. 15,000/=
We are located at the NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

CHICKEN BOSSThis is a shop that sells chicken and fish products. They are Halal products.OUR PRODUCTS1. Chicken Gizzards...

This is a shop that sells chicken and fish products.
They are Halal products.
1. Chicken Gizzards at 10,000/= per Kg (34 pieces)
2. Whole Chicken at 7,000/= per Kg
3. Chicken Quarter Legs at 6,500/= per Kg (3-4 pieces)
4. Chicken Breast Fillet at 14,000/= per Kg (4 Pieces)
5. Chicken Wings a 8,000/= per Kg (16 pieces)
6. Fish Fillet (Nile pearch i.e Sangara) at 15,000/= per Kg (8 pieces)
Please be informed that delivery around City Center is free,

Our Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 1:00pm

Our Location: NIC Investment H'se- Samora avenue/Mirambo street, 13th Floor, Wing A.
Call us on: 0655864675.

TangazoGodown hili linauzwa, lipo Ilala boma opposite na Mwalimu house.Kwa mawasiliano piga namba 0754279264/ 0712137380...

Godown hili linauzwa, lipo Ilala boma opposite na Mwalimu house.
Kwa mawasiliano piga namba 0754279264/ 0712137380/ 0715272264 ili kupata maelezo zaidi na bei..!


P. O. Box 78107 NIC Investment House 13th Floor Samora/Mirambo Avenue
Dar Es Salaam


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