Do not miss this interesting discussion live on IUCN Species Survival Commission page.
Year after year many species move towards greater extinction risk. We believe that it is time to stop this decline. It is time to reverse the trends shown by the Red List.
Tune in the second Live Webinar and join in an inspiring conversation with:
• John Robinson. IUCN Presidential Candidate; Senior Vice-President and Director of the International Conservation programs of Wildlife Conservation Society
• Brighton Mukupa-Kaoma. Intern for the Earth Institute’s Initiative on Communication and Sustainability.
• Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. Founder of Conservation Through Public Health and Whitley Fund for Nature Winner.
• Sally Box. Threatened Species Commissioner, Australia.
• Amy Fraenkel. Executive Secretary, Convention on Migratory Species
LIVE on IUCN Species Survival Commission page at 9 AM EST (UTC-5) this November, 17. FREE WEBINAR!
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Smithsonian Earth Optimism HHMI Tangled Bank Studios On The Edge Conservation San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservation