Make getting your concealed fi****ms permit easy with gun training from Streeterville Tactical in Chicago, Illinois. Our state was one of the last to pass the concealed carry law and has some of the most stringent regulations on the books, but we offer extensive training to make sure you are prepared. In the state of Illinois, you're required to complete 16 hours of gun safety, gun nomenclature, m
aintenance, and marksmanship training. In addition, you must learn the legal and physiological aftermaths of a self defensive shooting. We believe that everyone should have the option to carry a firearm as a last resort to protect themselves or their families. At Streeterville Tactical, we provide the training needed to make this possible. We also offer recertification training for anyone with an expired Illinois or concealed carry permit. More than 8 million people across the US have concealed carry permits. Despite the demand in Illinois, we limit class sizes to 20 people to ensure that you get the attention you need and deserve. All of our training takes place at our new state-of-the-art training facility located at 345 North Canal St in Chicago. However, we also offer private in-home training with laser marksmanship training equipment. In addition to official certifications, our instructors also have experience with pistol training for the NRA and the Special Defensive Pistol Instruction by a former Chicago police captain and instructor at the prestigious Smith/Wesson Academy. When you sign up for one of our 8, 12 or 16 hour classes, you get all of the skills and information you need to exercise your second amendment rights. We also give you a free Concealed Carry magazine and a monthly email flier including important concealed carry information. We do our best to connect and stay in touch with our students to make sure there are no unanswered questions down the line.