Tesfa - Hope Travel & Tour

Tesfa - Hope Travel & Tour Arrange flights, Car & Hotel . Tours to Israel ,Greece, Egypt & Ethiopia. We are specialized in overseas travel pls call us

Tesfa ተኢሰፈአ means hope in Amharic (Ethiopian language) and that is the core of life. named our company hopeing to serve in a best possible way.


Kenya travel during this pandemic
Here is a detailed note from Mike traveled at the end of August 2020

If you are preparing for travel to Africa under pandemic condictions during september and october, there are numerous sources of information that are either vague, complicated, or contradictory. In my experience boarding commercial flights to Nairobi required precise timing, but not complexity and undue anxiety.

You should come prepared with three documents. (I printed three sets and kept them in separate places on my person throughout my travel.)

The three documents, in order of importance, are:

1. A PCR Covid-19 test report stating you are negative.The timing of this document is the most critical. From the day you're tested, you have only 96 hours to enter Kenya. Because of this, you should only use testing facilities that guarantee 48 hours turnaround on your test. My test results were emailed to me as a simple one page pdf, so I could print them off.

2. A completed health survey from your destination country. Kenya uses an online form that delivers a printable document with a QR for you to print and carry with you. (People who failed to fill this out at home, were given a chance to fill it out on their mobile devices in the airport, which produced unwelcome stress.) During my overseas flight, I was also handed a paper version to fill out for Ethiopia, even though I was only a transit visitor in the airport. (It turned out I didn't need it, because I wasn't leaving the airport, but the stewardess wanted to help me avoid any surprise inconvenience.)

3. A Request for self quarantine: I never was asked for this document, as US citizens are among those exempt from quarantine. (Except those coming from California, Texas, Florida.) However I felt good having it with me, as I upon arrival at Kenya Visa desk, I was asked where I was staying and the phone number of the person picking me up. The self quarantine document was just a good planning step for me. Having it filled out, made it easy for me to be ready.

In summary, I was asked for the first two documents every time I boarded a plane. I was never asked for the third document, but I was asked about the information on it when applying for my Visa.

Here are some tips from on my actual travel experience:

During my travels I kept about 12 of the blue disposable masks, so I could dispose of them every few hours. I used ten of them.
We were asked to keep the mask on while seated. This means you'll be wearing a mask for 24-30 hours...even while sleeping in your seat. So, it's best to bring the lightest mask you can find.

As all legs of my journey were was less than full, solitary travelers can request to be reseated in empty rows.

I brought a legal size container of hand sanitizer for frequent use on the plane, especially right after using the restroom facility.

I also brought a plastic face shield for boarding and disembarking on the overseas leg of my flight. There was absol;utely NO social distancing in the rush to get on and off a place.

Here is my experience upon arrival in Kenya.

The Kenya Ministry of Health has two check in stations greeting all the passengers before customs.

1. The first station is to show your PCR test on last time.
2. The second station is to show your completed Health Survey, which allows them to scan your QR code and greet you by name. This second station also requires you to submit to a full body temperature scan.

Both stations only required a few minutes in total to complete. After that I went through customs, and picked up my luggage and was leaving the airport within 20 minutes.

Here is my experience in Kenya:

Most businesses are opened in Nairobi. Unlike the US almost all public and commercial establishments greet you with hand sanitizers and temperature checks. (And of course the local security scans at the entry points of large venues like malls.)

Much like the US, people are not required to wear masks while seated in restaurants. Unlike the US, people are required to wear masks even while walking outside. We also kept them on while driving, if only to avoid attention from local police.

Due to the pandemic, no alcohol is served in restaurants or bars, but you can buy a drink in some hotels. (To my surprise a bowling alley was open...the last refuge of any virus must surely be hiding in the finger holes of bowling balls.)

There is a curfew at 9:00PM.

Overall, my experience in Kenya was very good. Pandemic safety is viewed as civic duty, without the politicalization in the United States. (Although to be fair, I saw plenty of rural places in Kenya where people weren't wearing masks.)

In summary: If you carry printouts of your fresh PCR negative test, a completed health survey, your residence information, and of course 30 hours worth of masks, you should have a great trip.

Happy travels!


Eri Bekentu

Eri Bekentu

አይ እሪ በከንቱ
(በዳንኤል ታረቀኝ)
~~~~~ !!! ~~~~~

ከሙሴ ኤሊግ እስካፈንጉስ፣
ከቀይ ባህር እስከ ኋይት ሀውስ፣
ከፎቶ አስቻለው እስካድማስ፣
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

ከ"ካፌኖል" ሽኩሪ - ጎንደሬ ሰፈር፣
ከአበበ ሱቅ - እስካገው ምድር፣
ከጅሩ ሰፈር - መርሻ ሻይ ቤት፣
ከዘበኛ ግቢ እስከ ደሴት፣
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

ከድምቡሎ ሱቅ መረባ - ከጋራ ሜክሲኮ ሜዳ፣
ዙሪያሽን ተከበሽ - ባለም ብርሀንና በገንዳ፣
ባንድ 'ምታኖሪ
ሰባሪና ጠጋኝ፣
አይን አፋርና ጀንጃኝ፣
ሀጂና መምሬ፣
አድባር ካዶከበሬ፤
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

ባንድ 'ምታኖሪ
ጥቅመኛ ካፍቃሪ፣
ዘማሪ ከኮማሪ፣
ቸር ከኪስ አውላቂ፣
ጭምት ከወግ ጠራቂ፣
ፊደል ዳገቱ ከሊቅ አዋቂ።
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

እንዴትስ ይረሳል የወንዝሽ ትዝታ?
ቤት ቢሞላም ጎርፉ የዘነበ ለታ፤
አሸዋና ድንጋይ ከየትም 'የጠረገ፣
የቤታችንን ወለል ከእበት ልቅለቃ የታደገ፣
የወንዝ አውራ ነበረ'ኮ ያ እሪ በከንቱ፣
የግንባታ ግባታችን 'ማይነጥፍ ምርቱ።
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

ያኔ መንደር እየተጠራራ፣
ቡና እያፈላ በየተራ፣
እንጀራ ቀርቦ በሚጥሚጣ፣
ከአቦል እስከ በረካ 'የተጠጣ፣
ከማህበራዊ ጉዳይ እስከ ፖለቲካ፣
'ማይዳሰስ 'ማይነካ፣
'ማይመዘን 'ማይለካ፣
ምን ነበረ?
አይ እሪ ነከንቱ!

እንጀራ መበዳደርስ ከጎረቤት ሂዶ፣
ፍም እሳት መዋዋስ ድስት ጥዶ፣
ድሮ ነበር አሁን የ'ተገኝቶ - መንደሩ ፈራርሶ፣
'ርስቱን ተነጥቆ፥ በእዳ ተሳ'ቆ ፥ ግለኝነት ነግሶ።

በመከራ ግዜ...?
ጠበኛ'ንኳ መ'ቶ፣
ጥላቻና ቂሙን ትቶ፣
ያፅናና ነበር ቡና ስኳሩን ሰ'ቶ፣
አሁን ግን
የብቻ ነው ሀዘኑ - የብቻ ነው ሰቀቀኑ፣
ሌቱ አይነጋልን - አይመሽልን ቀኑ፣
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

ስሚኝማ . .
አካባቢ እንዲለማ፣
ድሀ ነው ድህነት - መወገድ ያለበት ከከተማ?

ስምሽ ትምቢት ሆኖ፣
እንደ ጨው ዘር ልጅሽ ተበትኖ፣
እንደባይተዋር ተንከራቶ፣
እሪታውን 'ሚያደምጠው አ'ቶ፣
ፈጣሪውን ነው ያራሰው - እምባውን ወደ ላይ 'ረጭቶ።

እርጉም ባገሩ ፈልቶ፣
የማህበራዊ ኑሮን ትርጉም አጥፍቶ፣
ዘመናት የፈጀ - መተማመንን አንኮታኩቶ፣
ፍርሀትን አስፍኗል - ትስስርን አላልቶ፣
የጥላቻን ቅርሻት ተፍቶ።
አይ እሪ በከንቱ!

*ቀይ ባህር፦ የስዊድናዊው የዳግማዊ ምኒልክ አማካሪ የሙሴ
ኦሊግ ቤት በዳግማዊ ምኒልክ ስም የተሰየመ የመጀመሪያው
ትምህርት ቤትና ቀዳማዊ ሀይለ ስላሴ የተማሩበት አሁን የቀይ
ባህር ኮንዶሚንየም ያለበት ቦታ ሲሆን ቅርስ ሆኖ አልፈረሰም
*ኋይት ሀውስ፦ በአንድ ወቅት ግቢው ውስጥ የነበረው ቤት ነጭ
ቀለም በመቀባቱ ስያሜውን ያገኘ
(ሌሎች ግቢው በወቅቱ ሀብታም ሰዎች ይኖሩበት ስለነበረ ነው
ስያሜውን ያገኘው ብለው ያስባሉ)
*ሜክሲኮ ሜዳ፦ እ.ኤ.አ 1986 ከሜክሲኮ የአለም ዋንጫ በኋላ
ያገኘው ስያሜ ነው
*አለም ብርሀን፦ አካባቢው ላይ ያለ ት/ቤት በደርግ ግዜ የካቲት
66 አንደኛ ደረጃ ት/ቤት ይባል የነበረ
ምንጭ፦ኢትዮ ዴይሊ ፖስት

Amazing Journey

Amazing Journey

The African bush and world-renowned religious sites are meant to be two separate holiday options. Stories about examining ancient Christian scrolls and searching for the tell-tale bubbles of an irate hippo coming to flip your boat aren’t supposed to share a paragraph. 


Addis Ababa keeps visitors on their toes -- in a fun way. Discover the 10 best things to do in Ethiopia's busy capital.

New address and awesome website

New address and awesome website


Tesfa (Hope) Travel & Tour new office location
ተስፋየጉዞ ወኪል፡ ኣዲስ የቢሮ ኣድራሻ)
171 S Hamilton Rd.
Whitehall, OH 43213

Religious tour to Jerusalem @ affordable price

Religious tour to Jerusalem @ affordable price


Dear Valued Customers,
This is just a friendly reminder that there is a 2 day ( 02-03Dec only) airline ticket sale to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Please see the below list & associated prices which includes taxes & fees.
Sales Date: 02-03Dec only
Travel Date: 11JAN-31MAR
prices are subject to seats availability. Please contact us for more details.

Ticket Validity
Prices including taxes
Washington DC
3 Months
Boston ,Dallas ,Houston, New York , Chicago
3 Months
Portland,Seattle,Nashville ,Charlotte ,Atlanta ,Denver
,Detroit ,Indianapolis ,Kansas City ,Minneapolis ,Phoenix ,Columbus ,Las Vegas ,Raleigh Durham ,San Diego ,San Francisco ,Los Angeles
3 Months
ALL OTHER SELECTED USA CITIES ( will advise you the list)
3 Months
Thank You & we appreciate your Business.
Tesfaye Bika, Travel consultant
Tesfa Travel & Tour
Serve with a smile
4520 Josephus Lane
Columbus, OH 43227
1-614-622-2506 Columbus #
1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax


Dear Valued Customers,
This is just a friendly reminder that there is a 2 day (12-13 November only) airline ticket sale to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Please see the below list & associated prices which includes taxes & fees.
Sales Date: 12th and 13th of November only
Travel Date: NOV/JAN11-31/FEB/MAR
prices are subject to seats availability. Please contact us for more details.

Ticket Validity
Prices including taxes
Washington DC
3 Months
Boston ,Dallas ,Houston, New York , Chicago
3 Months
Portland,Seattle,Nashville ,Charlotte ,Atlanta ,Denver
,Detroit ,Indianapolis ,Kansas City ,Minneapolis ,Phoenix ,Columbus ,Las Vegas ,Raleigh Durham ,San Diego ,San Francisco ,Los Angeles
3 Months
ALL OTHER SELECTED USA CITIES ( will advise you the list)
3 Months
Thank You & we appreciate your Business.
Tesfaye Bika, Travel consultant
Tesfa Travel & Tour
Serve with a smile
4520 Josephus Lane
Columbus, OH 43227
1-614-622-2506 Columbus #
1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax


PLS post this


Dear Valued Customers,

This is just a friendly reminder that there is a 2 day (12-13 November only) airline ticket sale to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Please see the below list & associated prices which includes taxes & fees.

Sales Date: 12th and 13th of November only

Travel Date: NOV/JAN11-31/FEB/MAR

prices are subject to seats availability. Please contact us for more details.

Ticket Validity
Prices including taxes

Washington DC

3 Months

Boston ,Dallas ,Houston, New York , Chicago

3 Months

Portland,Seattle,Nashville ,Charlotte ,Atlanta ,Denver
,Detroit ,Indianapolis ,Kansas City ,Minneapolis ,Phoenix ,Columbus ,Las Vegas ,Raleigh Durham ,San Diego ,San Francisco ,Los Angeles

3 Months

ALL OTHER SELECTED USA CITIES ( will advise you the list)

3 Months

Thank You & we appreciate your Business.

Tesfaye Bika, Travel consultant
Tesfa Travel & Tour
Serve with a smile
4520 Josephus Lane
Columbus, OH 43227
1-614-622-2506 Columbus #
1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax


Dear Valued Customers,

This is just a friendly reminder that there is a 2 day (19-20 Oct only) airline ticket sale to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Please see the below list & associated prices which includes taxes & fees.

Sales Date: 19th and 20th of October only

Travel Date: 21OCT-30NOV & 11JAN-31MAR

prices are subject to seats availability. Please contact us for more details.

FROM Prices including taxes

Washington DC $970.00

Boston ,Dallas ,Houston, New York , Chicago $975.00

Portland,Seattle,Nashville ,Charlotte ,Atlanta ,Denver
,Detroit ,Indianapolis ,Kansas City ,Minneapolis ,Phoenix ,Columbus ,Las Vegas ,Raleigh Durham ,San Diego ,San Francisco ,Los Angeles

ALL OTHER SELECTED USA CITIES ( will be advised later) $1175.00

Tesfa Travel & Tour
Serve with a smile
4520 Josephus Lane
Columbus, OH 43227
1-614-622-2506 Columbus # 1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax


Amazing 4 day only ticket sale to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dear Valued Customers,

This is just a friendly reminder that there is **four day 14-18 September airline ticket sale** $1050 including taxes from Washington DC to Addis Ababa. Please contact us for more details or email to us.

From total cost incl. taxes
Dallas,Houston, Chicago $980
Los Angles $1025
New York $1075
Charlotte,Denver,Detroit,Indianapolis,Kansas city, Minneapolis, Raleigh Durham, San Francisco, Nashville, Rapid City, Omaha.... $1255

Portland. Seattle, San Diego, Atlanta, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Billings....$1345

Columbus,Indianapolis $1525

Note: 1-Travel Date: SEP 15, 2015 to DEC 10, 2015 and From JAN 10, 2016 to MAR 31, 2016
2-Sales Date: From SEP 14, 2015 to SEP 18, 2015 only
3-Promotional one Free Baggage Allowance (from IAD and LAX to ADD on ET 501 & 505)

Travel Period: September 01, 2015 – December 06, 2015 except On Saturday ET 501 out IAD flights.

Sales Date: Effective August 3, untill October 31

Applicable Flight: Extra baggage doesn’t apply for offline points but only on ET 501 & ET 505

The Baggage Allowance is reflected in the system, when tickets are issued automatically the luggage allowance will reflect on the ticket.

Prices are subject to seat availability

Thank You & we appreciate your Business.

Tesfaye Bika, Travel consultant
Tesfa Travel & Tour
Serve with a smile
4520 Josephus Lane
Columbus, OH 43227
1-614-622-2506 Columbus # 1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax

please join us at a great deal

please join us at a great deal


ታላቅ የትኬት ቅናሽ
በተስፋ ትራቭልና ቱር

From total cost incl. taxes
Boston, Dallas, Houston, New York, Chicago, Washington DC $970

Columbus,Portland.Seattle,Charlotte,Atlanta,Denver,Detroit,Indianapolis,Kansas city, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Raleigh Durham, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angles, Nashville, $1075

From all other selected USA cities which are not listed above ---- $1175

Note: Travel dates are: 15Feb-31MAR.
Ticket has to be purchased until 13Feburary
Prices are subject to seat availability

ስለ ጉዞው ለመረዳት ወይም ለጉዞው ለመመዝገብ በተስፋ ትራቭልና ቱር በስልክ ቁጥር፡
Columbus፡ 1-614-622-2506
Minneapolis/St. Paul Area፡ 1-612-227-8597
Seattle፡ 1-206-200-5948/1-206-429-3209


Dear Valued Customers,

This is just a friendly reminder that there is **two day 23-24 Jan 2014 airline ticket sale** $970 including taxes from Washington DC to Addis Ababa. Please contact us for more details on the telephone numbers below or email us.

From total cost incl. taxes
Dallas,Houston, New York, Chicago, Washington DC $970

Columbus,Portland.Seattle,Charlotte,Atlanta,Denver,Detroit,Indianapolis,Kansas city, Minneapolis,Phoenix,Las Vegas,Raleigh Durham,San Diego,San Francisco, Los Angles, Nashville, $1075

From all other selected USA cities which are not listed above ---- $1175

Note: Travel dates are : 24JAN-31MAR.
Prices are subject to seat availability

1-614-622-2506 Columbus #
1-206-200-5948/ 1-206-429-3209 Seattle #
1-612-227-8597 Minneapolis/St. Paul Area #
1-614-231-2447 Fax


Dear Valued Customers,

This is just a friendly reminder that there is **two day 05-06 Jan 2014 airline ticket sale** $970 including taxes from Washington DC to Addis Ababa. Please contact us for more details on the telephone numbers below or email us.

From total cost incl. taxes
Dallas,Houston, New York, Chicago, Washington DC $970

Columbus,Portland.Seattle,Charlotte,Atlanta,Denver,Detroit,Indianapolis,Kansas city, Minneapolis,Phoenix,Las Vegas,Raleigh Durham,San Diego,San Francisco, Los Angles, Nashville, $1075

From all other selected USA cities which are not listed above ---- $1175

Note: Travel dates are : 18JAN-31MAR.
Prices are subject to seat availability

*Happy New Year & Merry Christmas!!*


171 S Hamilton Road
Columbus, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 9:45am - 5:45pm
Tuesday 9:45am - 5:45pm
Wednesday 9:45am - 5:45pm
Thursday 9:45am - 5:45pm
Friday 9:45am - 5:45pm
Saturday 11:45am - 2:45pm




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