I know I’m going to be seen as ridiculous, but I’m pretty sure what I’m about to say many Americans will agree with. Because there’s something amiss in this CV story and we really need to take a look at what we are allowing governments to do and decide if this what we want. When I look out my windows and doors, I see no good reason for Military presence. The idea that the police protect us is not good thinking. Showing up 30-90 minutes after something bad goes down is not protection. That would never happen if a bank was robbed or Jacob Rothschild home was broken into but mine? No way! I would be lucky if they even came. I’m trying to get my head around this so please don’t reply with insolence until you think this through yourself. If I have the numbers correct here are the statistics and projections of the Corona Virus worldwide, and specifically the US. We are now about 3 months into the world being infected from Corona Virus. Beginning with Wuhan China around the Chinese New Year, when it took off exponentially and then found its way to Italy etc., and now the US. There have so far been just south of 600,000 people in world infected and 27,000 deaths. It’s projected growth rate and number will likely exceed 2,000,000 cases and well over a quarter of a million deaths world wide. “Who knows”, I get that, but that’s what I have read, use your own numbers. And as bad as that seems think about a few things which might alter your perception which is clearly being fed to us all:
1. There are so far this flu season 29 million Americans who got the regular Flu and 16,000 have died from it. But this could be misleading by the CDC on purpose because they also report that last year 83,000 died of influenza and I don’t know about you but I nor anyone I know ever died of the flu in the summer, unless there were other factors considered. That’s 29 million cases with 83 Million deaths and we accept that, (apparently at least the government does) and this is even after the flu shot is all but handed out like candy from anyplace that even smells like a medical distribution facility. I think even Walmart administers the shot.
2. Worldwide, last year 240,000 people were struck by lighting and 6000 of those died.
3. There are 272 million people hospitalized each year and 6-7 million deaths occurs from smoking ci******es.
4. Every 2 minutes a child dies from Malaria and 3 million each year from starvation.
5. According to Ralph Nader a popular consumer advocate in the US during the 80’s and 90’s, around 500,000 Americans died in 1999 from medical services - they died from the facilities and the people and services they trusted to save them or heal them, and not from whatever caused them to seek out a Doctor or Hospital or ER.
6. It has been reported by US Border patrol that as many as 10,000 people per year die from attempting to enter the United States illegally.
7. Road traffic crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally. Road crashes are the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-29, and the second leading cause of death worldwide among young people ages 5-14. Each year nearly 400,000 people under 25 die on the world’s roads, on average over 1,000 a day. Over 90% of all road fatalities occur in low and middle-income countries, which have less than half of the world’s vehicles.
8. There are strong implications that anyone in the US ages 3 and 44 will eventually have died from eating non nutritional foods – dead food. That's assuming something else doesn't get them first.
Point. I'm certainly not playing down the threat of this virus, nor the need to quarantine, but In my lifetime, I have never seen the deployment of military forces in the US or anywhere in the world for these reasons I have outlined.
So why the tough stuff? Where is the civil disobedience? People as a rule either observe Laws and Regulations or they don’t. They don’t change their mind and disobey laws when when they see a group if soldiers marching along. I live in Texas where you can see a person packing a Gun on their hip as they walk down the sidewalks of Dallas but no one is shooting anyone over the Corona virus or even toilet paper.
Worth thinking about about.