During the life and ministry of Jesus, He constantly was revealing in Himself fulfillments of the Mosaic laws, brining a new perspective on variety of concerns and issues amongst the Jewish and religious people. He is the Law perfected in love, so we know that in a similar way, the teachings of Jesus can ALWAYS and forever be best applied through the working of the Holy Spirit: namely the fruit of love.
It must also be noted: Jesus teaches and commands A LOT. So please don't read this as the "only things He commanded" but more so what He instituted as more *tangible practices* for His followers. These are also not intended to be a means of salvation, but from the heart posture of faith in Jesus we approach these for closeness & obedience to Him!
So when it comes to the specific practices and mission Christ gave His followers before and after He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended. He left 3 main practices that we are encouraged to do as often as we can:
#1 Communion (Matt. 26:17-30): To remember His Death. Christ commanded His followers to do this as often as they meet together, in remembrance of His Covenant love, His fulfillment of the Passover feast, that we would break bread & drink wine in remembrance of His work on the cross. Communion is a practice that we are do partake in as often as the fellowship of believers gathers so that we can remember and give thanks for the Good News of Jesus!
#2 Baptism (Matt. 28:16-22): To remember & partake in His death & resurrection. Baptism is a physical representation of a spiritual reality where the believer identifies with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We baptize believers in water into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as a sign of being consecrated to God. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by His cousin John as an example and commissioning for all believers to likewise do the same. This is not a means of salvation but a command from Christ Himself that should be fulfilled by a professing Christian.
#3 Discipleship (Matt. 28:16-22): To actively live for His second return. This is for every follower of Christ, the command is wherever you are, whatever you are doing, or wherever the Sprit sends you, to bear witness of Christ and to build up others in the teachings & ways of Jesus. And to full circle lead them to be baptized and partake in remembering Christs death through communion. *Note that discipleship does NOT mean we are seeking to convert someone or save them, as that is ONLY done by the interworking of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Himself!
What is your testimony of partaking in these practices? How have you been transformed in the practicing of being discipled, baptized, and partaking in communion? Tell us in the comments!