Respect the wildlife. π©΅
UPDATE: Thank you all so much for helping to spread the word about the importance of not disturbing sea turtles, including the use of flash photography and lights. The photo was sent to the Sea Turtle Stranding Network by an anonymous tourist who was concerned for the safety of the loggerhead sea turtle on Friday, July 5th.
A team leader from Share the Beach (a volunteer sea turtle conservation group) immediately arrived at the scene. By that time, the sea turtle was already back in the Gulf. The team leader educated the tourists on the proper way to behave around nesting sea turtles.
No person may take, harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, or capture any marine turtle, turtle nest, and/or eggs, or attempt to engage in such conduct.
Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this act may be assessed a civil penalty up to $25,000 or a criminal penalty up to $100,000 and up to one year imprisonment.
For more information or to report sea turtle nesting activity, please call 1-866-SEA-TURTLE, www.joinACF.org
ORIGINAL POST: This sea turtle attempted to nest on an Alabama beach last night. However, the crowd of people and flashing lights deterred her from finding a suitable spot. Instead, she went back into the water, keeping her eggs with her. When you see a nesting sea turtle, leave it alone. Give her plenty of room and do not use lights or flash photography. Their survival DEPENDS on it!