There are 1,700 plants and animals listed as endangered or threatened with extinction, and in the aggregate those species get $1.2 billion spent toward their preservation. That top-line number, however, really obscures the reality with the funding situation, as half of that money goes to two fish, salmon and steelhead trout, and of the remaining balance the funding tends to be diverted toward more charismatic endangered species like manatees, grizzly bears and spotted owls. The animal with a budget line that got the least amount of money was the Virginia fringed mountain snail, which had $100 thrown its way toward preservation, but that’s still more than can be said for about 200 plants and animals for which no money at all was spent. All told, 67 percent of spending on endangered species goes toward fish, with 7 percent going to mammals and just 5 percent to birds.
-Matthew Brown and John Flesher, The Associated Press