The season has started! Our two requests for this weekend and the rest of the summer:
1. Stay 50ft away from the horses at all times. If you’re 50ft away that means you aren’t feeding them or petting them or in danger of being kicked by an irritated mare, and everything is great! It’s really easy to do and you’ll have just as much fun, we promise. If you see someone breaking the law or engaging in dangerous behavior, please call 252-453-3633.
2. Learn about driving on the beach BEFORE you hit the sand: https://currituckcountync.gov/beach-parking/ Air. Down. Your. Tires. Have a Jeep? Cool. You still have to air down. A lifted F250 Super Duty? Neat. You also need to air down. An AWD Kia Sorento? Tell the tow truck driver we said hi. When you don’t air down you damage the beach and make it terribly difficult to drive on. It’s also really rough on vehicles (and backs 😫). You can stop at the lighthouse beach access to air down, and then swing into Whalehead and fill back up at the free pumps once you’re back on the pavement.
Thanks, and we hope everyone has a fun - and SAFE! - Memorial Day weekend! 🇺🇸🐎🏖