Union Visa LLC

Union Visa LLC Our company specializes in Document Preparation Services.

We work closely with many Consulates and trustworthy courier services throughout the United States, which allows us to offer you a reliable service and competitive prices.


Union Visa LLC is temporary closed, and not accepting any new orders. We hope to reopen in mid February 2024 at a different location.

Посетить Россию с американским паспортом этим летом - это реальность! Не смотря ни на что, консульство выдает амерканцам...

Посетить Россию с американским паспортом этим летом - это реальность! Не смотря ни на что, консульство выдает амерканцам тур. Визы в Россию в штатном режиме. Благодаря Turkish Airlines, перелёты в Россию из Америки остаются доступными и комфортными. В этом сезоне спрос невелик, поэтому наш сервис становится ещё дешевле и удобнее, за $398 мы возьмём все ваши заботы на себя, закажем приглашение, заполним Application, распечатаем фото, подадим документы в консульство и бесплатно отправим на ваш адрес. Работать с нами вам выйдет удобнее и дешевле, чем оформлять самим, это факт.

Every day we get a lot of questions from our clients about getting a Russian visa. People heard somewhere or read on the...

Every day we get a lot of questions from our clients about getting a Russian visa. People heard somewhere or read on the social media that Americans cannot get Russian visas anymore. We work directly with the Russian Consulate and have information from trustworthy sources. So, our answer is: the Russian Consulate is issuing visas as usual, and you can get a visa. The next most popular question is how to get to Russia. Currently there are no direct flights from the US to Russia, but you can choose non-direct route to fly with Air Serbia, Turkish Airlines, Flydubai, Qatar Airways and other air companies that didn’t join to the sanctions against Russia. As you can understand, Russia is open for travel, and we’ll be happy to assist you in getting your visa. Call us at 727-683-1467 for information.

Один из наиболее популярных вопросов сейчас – можно ли получить визу в Россию. Многие прочитали в Интернете или услышали от кого-то, что выдача виз в Россию приостановилась. По последним данным, Российское Консульство открыто и выдача виз американцам происходит в штатном режиме. Мы получаем информацию из проверенных источников, и в случае изменений уведомим наших клиентов. Следующий наиболее популярный вопрос о том, как добраться до России. К сожалению, прямые рейсы из Америки в Россию временно приостановлены, но можно выбрать непрямой рейс через страны Европы или Азии авиакомпаний Air Serbia, Turkish Airlines, Flydubai, Qatar Airways и других, которые не присоединились к санкциям. Как вы видите, нет причин откладывать свой отпуск в России. Позвоните нам и мы расскажем, как получить визу быстро и просто!

Please note: Union Visa LLC will be closed February 21 for Presidents day. Russian Consulate will be closed February 23, and March 7-8, for Russian national holidays. Plan your trip accordingly.

Update from March 29, We are now accepting new applications for Russian visa, there was a price increase, and change in ...

Update from March 29, We are now accepting new applications for Russian visa, there was a price increase, and change in terms, other then that Russian Consulate is open and processing visas win no problems, slight delays are expected.

Union Visa LLC в процессе создания новых сервисов для помощи Украинским гражданам в получении Туристической визы в США, ...

Union Visa LLC в процессе создания новых сервисов для помощи Украинским гражданам в получении Туристической визы в США, а также для получения статуса TSU для тех кто уже находится здесь.
Мы собрали достаточно информации для того чтобы начать оказывать этот сервис профессионально.
Первым клиентам в нашем офисе в Ларго мы будем помогать бесплатно.
На данном этапе мы продолжаем сбор информации, обретение опыта в процессе, и определения количества заинтересованных.
Вы можете звонить, присылать сообщения, WhatsApp, telegram на номер +17273070313.

Starting today March 4th, 2022, we do not accept new clients and applications for Russian visa, until further notice. Al...

Starting today March 4th, 2022, we do not accept new clients and applications for Russian visa, until further notice. All new applications will be placed on hold, or returned. We are sorry for any inconvenience. All current clients will be processed as agreed and planned.

Update from February 25, 2022:  Russian Consulate is still accepting visa applications, we are open for business with Ad...

Update from February 25, 2022: Russian Consulate is still accepting visa applications, we are open for business with Additional Statement of non-liability , that can be found in Step #2

We are all hearing about what is happening between Russia and Ukraine now.Perhaps because of the latest news, you may ha...

We are all hearing about what is happening between Russia and Ukraine now.

Perhaps because of the latest news, you may have suspended planning your long-awaited vacation to one of the most beautiful countries—Russia. Is the situation really as serious as we are reading online and hearing in the news? What is the forecast for overcoming the impasse between the two countries?

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has explicitly stated that Russia is not engaging in military escalation against Ukraine. The White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki no longer calls the attack inevitable and even renounced this word.

Alexei Zaitsev, Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also confirmed that “for our part, we have repeatedly stated that our country is not going to attack anyone. We consider unacceptable even the idea of a war between our peoples.”

(more details https://www.rbc.ru/politics/27/01/2022/61f296ec9a794785fb8175af)

Members of the security apparatus of Ukraine, including the Minister of Defense, are not finding any evidence of Russia preparing for an "invasion" of their country, contradicting allegations made by the US.

(details: https://ukraina.ru/exclusive/20220201/1033193559.html)

Warnings of a Russian attack on Ukraine appear in the news about once every year. Fortunately, these predictions have never come true.

When is the best time to apply for a visa to Russia? Now. In our experience, the Consulate of the Russian Federation in the period between February and April is nowhere near as busy as it is during the summer, and thus processes applications and issues visas on time. We advise you not to delay getting your visa until tomorrow if it can be done today. Call us and find out how to get a visa to Russia quickly and easily.

Все мы знаем о напряженных событиях между Россией и Украиной. Возможно, именно из за обилия тревожных новостей Вам пришлось приостановить планированние долгожданного отпуска в одну из самых прекрасных стран – Россию. Давайте разберемся, все ли так плохо и мрачно на самом деле? Какой дальнейший прогноз развития недопониманий стран?
Пресс секретарь Президента России Дмитрий Песков прямо и открыто заявил, что Россия не проявляет военной эскалации по отношению к Украине.
Заместитель директора департамента информации и печати МИДа Алексей Зайцев также подтвердил, что «со своей стороны мы уже неоднократно заявляли, что наша страна ни на кого нападать не собирается. Считаем неприемлемой даже мысль о войне между нашими народами»
(подробнее https://www.rbc.ru/politics/27/01/2022/61f296ec9a794785fb8175af)
Не видят подготовки к этому самому «вторжению», о котором говорили американцы, и руководители силовых ведомств Украины, в том числе министр обороны. Да и сам пресс секретарь Белого Дома Дженнифер Псаки уже не называет нападение неизбежным и даже отреклась от этого слова.

(подробнее: https://ukraina.ru/exclusive/20220201/1033193559.html)

Предупреждения о нападении России на Украину появляются в новостях с частотой примерно раз в год. К счастью, эти прогнозы никогда не исполнялись.

Когда лучшее подавать документы на визу в Россию? Сейчас. По нашему опыту, Консульство РФ в феврале - апреле обрабатывает заявки и выдает визы в срок, но ситуация всегда меняется к лету из-за увеличения количества людей, подающих на визу. Мы советуем вам не откладывать получение визы на завтра, если это можно сделать сегодня. Позвоните нам и узнайте, как получить визу в Россию быстро и просто.

Мандарин - Запах, который слышно с каждого уголка квартиры, цитрусовый летний аромат, который ассоциируется с самым зимн...

Мандарин - Запах, который слышно с каждого уголка квартиры, цитрусовый летний аромат, который ассоциируется с самым зимним праздником - Новым годом. Когда вся семья собирается за большим столом, вы с мамой режете оливье, скоро придут Петровы, Звон бокалов и Новогодняя речь президента. Шоколадный Дед Мороз и естественно подарки под Елкой! А потом Вы всей семьей пойдете запускать салюты!
Захотелось родного торжества? Просто позвоните нам, и мы возьмём на себя ваши заботы по оформлению виз в Россию
(727) 683-1467

Dear Friends, We are happy to inform you that India is finally open for tourism! As Covid cases in the country continue ...

Dear Friends, We are happy to inform you that India is finally open for tourism! As Covid cases in the country continue to drop, the Indian government is making it easier for travelers around the world to visit this beautifully diverse nation. They have started with limited duration single-entry tourist e-visas valid for 30 days, but the 1-year multiple-entry business e-visas is also an available option. We will be carefully tracking the latest news from the Indian government and will keep you posted as the country continues to open its borders. All you need to do is to call and schedule an appointment with us in person or by phone. The cost of that service is $90. Call us today at (727) 683-1467 and travel to India this Holiday season!


As the United States comes out of the grips of the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for international travel has been on the rise. But traveling abroad requires an up-to-date passport, and many have been shocked to learn that getting one could take weeks, if not months.

Not only is the US Department of State experiencing staffing issues, but the US Post Office is also taking longer than usual to deliver mail throughout the country. Moreover, companies that provide expedited courier services for passports are overwhelmed with orders and have extremely limited availability for slots at those few US Passport Agencies that provide courier hand-carry service. As such, we can currently renew your passport in as little as 12-15 business days, as all slots for faster services get booked weeks in advance. Taking advantage of the desperation of travelers, most of our competitors will charge $800-1,500 for such a service, but we are keeping our prices low at a total of $615 (government fee included) for a 5 star concierge service. Don't wait, call us now at (727) 683-1467 to book your appointment at our office in Largo, Florida.

Our company specializes in Document Preparation Services. We work closely with many Consulates and t

Russia is seeing a downward trend in COVID-19 infection rates after experiencing a spike last month. In Moscow, infectio...

Russia is seeing a downward trend in COVID-19 infection rates after experiencing a spike last month. In Moscow, infection and hospitalization rates are among the lowest compared to other regions of Russia, according to the city's Mayor Sergey Sobyanin. The mayor noted that the city is experiencing a downward trend relative to earlier statistics, but warned everyone to remain vigilant in the coming fall and winter seasons.

У компании UNION VISA появился Блог!Первый пост посвящен очень важной теме для всех россиян проживающих на территории СШ...

У компании UNION VISA появился Блог!
Первый пост посвящен очень важной теме для всех россиян проживающих на территории США.
Как обновить российский без посещения консульства.

We are lowering our prices!!!This week has been full of good news for our customers! Our most popular service is now $25...

We are lowering our prices!!!
This week has been full of good news for our customers! Our most popular service is now $25 cheaper!
Getting a Russian visa is now even cheaper and extremely easy with the user-friendly instructions we have on our website and our customer-friendly representatives who are always happy to assist you!
Call us now at (727) 683-1467

We have exciting news about US Passports! The Department of State is once again accepting expedited courier submissions....

We have exciting news about US Passports! The Department of State is once again accepting expedited courier submissions. That means that we can get your passport done in as little as one week! Please contact us as soon as possible since availability is extremely limited.
Call now (727) 683-1467

Getting ID photos at a variety of “passport photo services” can be a frustrating experience as their quality is often fa...

Getting ID photos at a variety of “passport photo services” can be a frustrating experience as their quality is often far from ideal.
Not only can these photos make you look ugly, but you can also end up having your passport or travel visa application rejected because of bad photo, that do not match requirements. Some services refuse to provide digital copies of your photos but charge $15 for just 2 passport photos.
We’re here to change that! With us, you can be get high-quality photos for passports, travel visas, and other documents. Our service is fast and easy—just make an appointment.
You want digital copies? No problem!
Unusual photo dimensions? No problem!
Canadian passport photos? No problem!
Wanna pick the best of 10 different photos? No problem! We know government requirements from every country around the world and guarantee that your photo will be accepted!
Click here for more details https://unionvisa.com/passport-photos/


В Москве отменили QR коды! Что это значит?
Самое время подавать документы на визу в Россию!
Ведь Москва возвращается к полноценной жизни с верандами, ресторанами и танцами до утра. Цитируя классика:"Moscow never sleeps".
До встречи в Москве!

*Получите скидку $10 за репост этого поста на оформление визы. Позвоните, чтобы узнать подробности (727) 683-1467

Dear friends!We would like to share our new Instagram account with you. We will be posting various news, life hacks, and...

Dear friends!
We would like to share our new Instagram account with you. We will be posting various news, life hacks, and advice about tourism, travel documents, and immigration.
Subscribe and stay up to date!

Компания Union Visa LLC рада Вам сообщить о том, что Российская Федерация начала выдачу всех категорий виз для резиденто...

Компания Union Visa LLC рада Вам сообщить о том, что Российская Федерация начала выдачу всех категорий виз для резидентов США. Наш офис открыт для бизнеса и мы будем рады Вам помочь с оформлением документов на российскую визу.
Спрос на российскую визу очень высок, рекомендуем Вам связаться с нами как можно быстрее во избежание задержек.
(727) 683-1467
801 West Bay Drive, #313, Largo, FL 33770


Union Visa LLC is delighted to inform you that Russian consulate has started issuing all types of visas for US residents. Our office is open for business, and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary paperwork for your Russian visa.
Demand for travel to Russia is high. Please contact us as soon as possible to avoid delays!

In need of a Visa to Russia? Union Visa LLC is here to help! Russia currently issues private visas, ( including 3-year m...

In need of a Visa to Russia? Union Visa LLC is here to help! Russia currently issues private visas, ( including 3-year multiple-entry visas!) for immediate relatives of Russian citizens, medical visas for foreigners traveling to Russia for medical treatment, and special visas for Americans traveling to Russia to take care of ailing relatives, and some other.
Even if these situations do not apply to your individual case, we can still help you get a Russian Visa, so call us today at (727) 6831467 to discuss your options.

More good news for our potential immigration document customers! President Biden’s administration will no longer enforce...

More good news for our potential immigration document customers!
President Biden’s administration will no longer enforce the “public charge” rule for immigration applications. That means that the immigration process will be easier and our company’s fees for some services will be reduced, as the notoriously complex I-944 form is no longer needed.
Take advantage of this opportunity to file US immigration paperwork for yourself or loved ones.


On March 9, 2021, the Supreme Court dismissed several pending appeals over the “Public Charge Rule” following the Biden administration’s announcement that it would not defend the Tru

Welcome news for many of our potential customers who are seeking to immigrate to United States of America: President Joe...

Welcome news for many of our potential customers who are seeking to immigrate to United States of America: President Joe Biden has revoked an Executive Order that temporarily banned certain categories of immigrants from receiving visas and green cards, including parents and siblings of US citizens, spouses of green card holders, H-1B workers, and green card lottery winners.

Passport Services from Union Visa. Take advantage of our knowledge and experience in preparing all required passport pap...

Passport Services from Union Visa.

Take advantage of our knowledge and experience in preparing all required passport paperwork to avoid delays for a service fee of only $60 (passport photos and shipping included). Our electronic forms can be crucial in receiving your passport on time, as processing has been delayed due to COVID-19.

Expedited US passport, US Passport Renewal in Tampa Florida, First Time Passport Tampa, Passport application Tampa Florida


Applying for a visa or passport typically requires you to obtain professional photos that must comply with each country’s individual requirements.
Unlike most other photo printing services, Union Visa LLC has expert knowledge about each country’s visa and passport photo requirements. We can print Canadian 50 x 70 mm passport photos, as well as 35 x 45 mm photos for Russia and 33 x 48 mm photos for China.
Visit our website for more info and fees: https://unionvisa.com/passport-photos/

Many countries in Africa have been reopening their borders for international tourists. Union Visa LLC can help you obtai...

Many countries in Africa have been reopening their borders for international tourists. Union Visa LLC can help you obtain visas to Nigeria, Ghana, the Republic of the Congo, and a variety of other destinations, as well as e-visas to Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, or Uganda, all of which have opened their borders to international travelers.

With a relatively fewer number of COVID-19 cases and a lower per capita mortality rate, most countries still require you to take a COVID-19 test, but some forego a mandatory quarantine provided you test negative.

For example, Nigeria requires you to have a negative PCR test issued 96 hours before departure and complete a Health Declaration Form before you can enter the country. Upon entry, you would need to self-isolate and take another test 7 days after your arrival. Ghana, on the other hand, does not require you to self-isolate, but still mandates that you present a negative PCR test issued 72 hours before departure.

We will provide all updated information about COVID-19 restrictions to the best of our knowledge as a part of the visa service you order.

President Biden’s administration has released details on its ambitious legislative proposal that would immediately grant...

President Biden’s administration has released details on its ambitious legislative proposal that would immediately grant green cards to certain categories of illegal immigrants. These include farm workers, those with temporary protected status, and DACA recipients (those who had been brought into the country illegally).
Union Visa remains committed to filling out the paperwork necessary to receive immigration documents. https://wearemitu.com/things-that-matter/president-biden-legislation-immigration/

President Joe Biden has introduced legislation that would start overhauling the immigration system in the U.S., something a majority of Americans support.

Great news for our potential clients!The incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden will take a more “humane” ...

Great news for our potential clients!

The incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden will take a more “humane” approach to immigration, according to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. You can find out more by reading the link below.

Union Visa LLC is here to provide immigration document services for a variety of cases. Please contact us for our terms and pricing.


The vice president-elect also said the new administration would try to decrease by five years the time required to obtain citizenship.


801 W Bay Drive, Ste 313
Largo, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm




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