OU counts!!! Fill out the 2020 Census!!! You count in Norman!!!
In Solidarity, we are #StudentsAgainstHate
Time for the Vice Presidential Debate !!
Join us live for the SGA Presidential Debate! #OUrSGA
Dept. of Exterior member Marc Lamanque is #FTK because "every kid deserves to feel important." Donate to his page at events.dancemarathon.com/index.cfm?fuse…
SGA is having a great time at CAC Soonerthon. Stay tuned for why we are #FTK
Check out Campus Activities Council Winter Welcome Week!!
SGA Executive Cabinet Orientation
Challenged the Status Quo.
SGA's mission is to serve the student body. Through various projects and initiatives, SGA advocates for meaningful and tangible changes on behalf of the student body. Here is a recap of what was accomplished during the Pae-Lutter administration in order to continue moving towards a more perfect campus.
You have a chance to have a say in the future of this nation by voting in the national election. Need more reasons to vote? Check out this video.
Welcome Class of 2020! If you're unable to attend the New Sooner Convocation, here's a live stream of Daniel's speech
Holocaust Remembrance Week
This Wednesday marks the first day of the first annual Holocaust Remembrance Week hosted by the Holocaust Remembrance and Restitution Society and co-programmed many different campus organizations. To check out some of the events happening this week, watch the video below.
Visit elections.ou.edu starting at 9AM to make your voice heard in this year's CAC Chair elections!
Check out Daniel4CAC, Jacob4CAC, and Aimee4CAC on all social media platforms to learn more about their individual initiatives!
SGA Midterm Check
Now that midterms are over, we wanted to update you on SGAs midterm progress on initiatives. Let us know other ways we can make your OU experience even better, and have a fun and safe spring break!
Welcome Back from SGA
Daniel and Michael are excited to get to work, and they want to start by showing you around their office. Stop by and let them know how they can help make this semester better for yOU.