Heather and Nathan Foli are Yogi and the Beat. An intriguing couple that combine mindfulness and love of adventure with a unique and inspiring lifestyle which embraces the present moment and a continued practice of conscious living. What? Yogi and the Beat host energizing classes, workshops and retreats where individuals are taught to use yoga, music, guided drum circles and other relative techniq
ues to expand their awareness and discover new ways to savor the here and now. Yogi and the Beat establish and foster community in yoga studios, churches and corporate environments. Events offer individuals captivating and engaging activities to expand creativity and decipher messages from their unique inner voice. Why? Learning to slow down and enjoy each moment stimulates the exploration of self-discovery, increased awareness and ultimately the conquering or release of one's internal fears and setbacks. Once this occurs individuals have a new perspective with limitless possibilities bettering themselves and essentially the whole world. How? Yogi and the Beat advocate deliberate living, community, adventure and compassion. Being fully conscious of the present moment, gaining the ability to hear one's deepest intuitions clearly and unlocking hidden potential to discover self-fulfillment. The modern fast-paced world leaves the majority of the population feeling exhausted, empty and overwhelmed. Many feel alone, although as a society are more connected than ever before. When people come to the realization that life comes from them, rather than simply happening to them, they’re empowered to deliberately create their own lives as they choose.