The Bestrane Group was founded to address the gap in market between traditional management consultants and technology vendors. Bestrane combines ‘real-world’ and extensive operationally based industry knowledge with expertise in specific best of breed software applications and related consultancy services to deliver a unique blend of technology enabled solutions. This results in Bestrane's capabil
ity to engineer solutions representing genuine value for money with a solid track record of substantial ROI’s and real bottom-line impact to each customer. These solutions can be delivered either via managed service whereby clients pay a monthly fee for an outcome based service or the traditional provision of licence, maintenance and implementation services. Bestrane is the sole authorised distributor of the Descartes Transport Management Suite in Australian and New Zealand. We employ a balanced blend of multi-skilled individuals who possess the experience, technical, analytical skills with the project and change management experience to provide value and rigour, whilst reducing the time to deliver solutions to our clients.