The Bowen Technique is one of the most versatile yet effective therapies today’s world has to offer. This powerful therapy stimulates the nervous system to release stresses and strains within the body. The Bowen treats many conditions from muscular aches and pains through to respiratory and digestive complaints, with long lasting results. Most clients will feel an improvement within 1 to 2 treatme
nts depending on the severity of the problem. The woman herself – Clare Townsend has trained as a Bowen Practitioner with the Bowtech school, ‘The Original Bowen Technique’ and completed her training in November 2007. Background
As a child, she developed a strong love and admiration to help others in a natural way. This natural passion has led her, from her academic studies to travel around the world, gaining experience in different countries. Her journey has brought her back to the Isle of Man where she now practicing The Bowen Technique with outstanding results. Over the past 4 years Clare has been helping clients with a variety of conditions from muscle pain through to Fibromyalgia/ME. She says ‘This therapy works on 3 levels, physical, mental and emotional, creating an equilibrium within the body which enhances the way the body copes with the pressure of modern day life. This therapy is known to increase immunity and reduce stress levels and relieve muscular pain.