Dealbh Dihaoine: this week's photo was taken from Eilean nan Ròn, looking towards Eilean Niamh, or Coomb Island.
You can hear Donald Mackay from Eilean Ròn, born 1911, and recorded in 1977 by the School of Scottish Studies, speaking here in Gaelic about why the people were leaving Eilean Ròn: See rough translation below - any gaps filled or corrections welcome.
INT: A nis, carson na dh’fhalbh na daoine à Eilean Ròn?
Now, why did the people leave Eilean Ròn?
RES: O, uill, dh’fhalbh iad aig deireadh a chogadh, a’ chiad chogadh. Bha an t-iasgach
sgadan (chaidh e) a stad, bha e a’dol air ais. Dh’fhalbh teaghlaichean, dh’fhalbh
aid gu Astràilia, is dh’fhalbh aid ('s an eisg) bha e a fàs tearc. Sin agad mar a
bha aid. Bha aid airson (...) an uair sin, as deidh a’chiad cogadh.
Oh well, they left at the end of the war, the first war. The fishing – the herring, it
was stopping, it had gone back. Families left, they left for Australia, and they left
(because the fishing) was growing scarce. That’s how they were. They were (...),
then, after the First World War.
An uair sin bha Borgaidh briseadh a-bhàn is dh’fhalbh tri teaghlaichean do
Then Borgie was broken down and three families left for Borgie.
INT: Is an uair sin – Borgaidh, an robh e na thac roimhe sin, neo ciamar a bha e...’se
farm a bha am Borgaidh, an e?
And then, Borgie, was it a farm before that or how was it...it was a farm, Borgie,
wasn’t it?
RES: ‘Se farm a bha ‘m Borgaidh, chaidh triùir dhe teaghlaichean às an eilean gu
It was a farm, Borgie, and three of the families went from the island to Borgie.
INT: Dìreach. Is cia mheud croitean a rinn iad ann am Borgaidh nuair a bhrist iad e?
Indeed. And how many crofts did they create in Borgie when they broke it up?
RES: Uill, ‘se as na 1920s, ‘21 neo 23, a chaidh aid do Bhorgaidh, as deidh a chogadh.
Well it was in the 1920s, or 23, they went to Borgie.
INT: ‘S cia mheud croit a bh’ann uile gu leir ann am Borgaidh? Dè bheil (de na do)
And how many crofts were there altogther in Borgie?
RES: Bha deichnear neo aon lot deug ann, ‘s e ex-servicemen a fhuair uil’..
There were ten or eleven ‘lots’, and it was ex-servicement that got them all.
INT: Tha mi tuigs, tha mi tuigs.
I see, I see.
RES: (...) is Earabol, chaidh e a bhriseadh a-bhàn (...) croitean.
(the same with) Eriboll, it was broken up into crofts.
(Photo: C MacLeod 2023)