Can I bring my partner to the UK as a dependant via the “Global Talent Visa” even if we're not married? Watch till the end to be sure. #relocate #uk #dependant #visa
Don’t apply for the UK Global Talent Visa until you’ve done these 3 essential things.
#uk #travel #globaltalentvisa
Thinking of moving to the UK? Here are the top 5 places where Nigerians live and you might want to consider them. #uk #relocate #visa
Did you know that you can get up to £25,000 to fund your business in the UK as an immigrant? #travel #business #Uk
The safest way to relocate to the UK…#Travel #Uk #Relocate
The easiest and safest way to get PR in the UK. #uk #relocate #traavu #travel #reels #viral #fyp #friday
If you are thinking about taking your skills to the next level as a tech professional.
And if relocating to the UK is the channel you have chosen to achieve that…
Then watch till the end.
#uk #relocate #traavu #Globaltalentvisa #fyp #friday
Moving from Nigeria to the UK can be both exciting and worrying.
But don’t worry.
Traavu is here to make your move easier.
Are you ready?
Let’s get started by reading on for some helpful advice.
#relocate #travel #traavu #technation #visa #tuesday #uk #globaltalentvisa
If you believe that the endorsing body who evaluated your application didn’t get it right, you have the option to request a review.
The same organization that assessed your original application will conduct this review at no additional cost.
During the review, you can ask them to pay special attention to particular aspects.
For instance, if you feel like they overlooked an important piece of evidence or made a mistake in how they processed your application.
However, if they find that everything was handled correctly, they won’t change their decision.
Also, it’s important to note that you can’t introduce any new evidence during this review process.
So it’s best you get all your documentation right before submitting for endorsement
And if you want to proceed to reapply
Then It’s crucial to carefully review the reasons provided for the refusal.
But more importantly, seek guidance from immigration professionals or experts like Traavu for the best course of action.
#technation #traavu #relocate #globaltalentvisa #uk #review #endorsement
Interesting lifestyle and leisure to look out for in the UK.
Especially the food 🤭
#GlobalTalentVisa #VisaAssistance #TalentRecruitment #GlobalOpportunities #NigeriaTalentAgency #VisaExpertise #InternationalCareers #VisaConsultancy #GlobalMobility #TalentAcquisition #VisaSupport #CareerAbroad #GlobalWorkforce #VisaServices #NigeriaTalentPool #InternationalVisas #TalentMigration #GlobalVisaExperts #NigerianTalentAbroad #VisaSolutions
Two ways to prove your identity when applying for the global talent visa.
#traavu #relocate #tech #technation #fashion #tbt #arts #culture #fyp #tbt
Got any questions about the Global Talent Visa?
We are a DM away.
#traavu #travel #tuesday #fly #flight #visa #tech #technation #fashion #globaltalentvisa #relocate
Stop using Chat GPT and GEMINI when writing your personal statement.
Watch the video to see why.
#GlobalTalentVisa #relocate #traavu #Japa #tech
#Technation #Uk #Easter #travel #april
You don't have to go through the tricky process of applying for the Global Talent Visa.
When we can easily sort it all out for you.
Because we have mastered every single step of the application process like the back of our palm.
So, why struggle for no reason when are here to take the burden off you…
And also help you secure one of the best UK visas?
Send a DM right now to check your eligibility status for FREE.
#Uk #Globaltalentvisa #traavu #relocate #growth #thursday #homeoffice #japa #care #health #tech #technation #visa #application #travel
Missing a tiny preparation detail can strongly affect you for months in the UK.
One of the effects is that it'll be a source of distraction.
Which will eventually cost you more time and money that could have been channeled into something more profitable.
But not anymore because with this information you can japa confidently without looking back.
#UKRelocation #SmoothTransition #NewBeginnings #traavu #japa #Globaltalentvisa #relocate #friday #fyp #weekend #tips #caution #UKRelocation #SmoothTransition #NewBeginnings
The Global Talent Visa is a type of visa that allows skilled people in science, research, humanities, engineering, digital technology, arts, and culture to live and work in the United Kingdom.
But to qualify…
Skilled applicants must be an exceptional talent (leader) or exceptional promise (potential leader) in their chosen field.
And this could be proven through awards, publications, patents, exhibitions, performances, or other signs of local and international recognition.
Now, getting the Global Talent Visa requires an endorsement from a recognized expert body.
Like respected institutions, professional groups, or government organizations.
This process makes sure that only the qualified get the visa.
Which adds to the UK's standing for excellence and innovation.
So, why should you apply for the Global Talent Visa?
First, it's a chance to work with some of the brightest minds worldwide.
Knowing that the UK houses top-notch universities, research centers, and industry leaders.
And this creates an inspiring and supportive environment for career growth.
Also, this visa opens doors to many career paths.
Successful applicants can work for any employer, be self-employed, start their own business, or do freelance work.
Besides, the Global Talent Visa comes with bonuses like access to public funds, bringing family members to the UK, and the possibility of permanent residency and even British citizenship in the future.
To sum up, the Global Talent Visa is a prestigious and sought-after opportunity for talented individuals to flourish in the United Kingdom.
It provides unique benefits and chances for personal and professional development.
This is why it’s the most appealing option for those with skills in their fields.
Now, do you want to know if you are truly eligible for this one-of-a-kind visa?
Then check the comment section to quickly take the eligibility test.
Send your result to our DM and you’ll get a swift response on how to proceed.
We don't just talk.
But we work the talk.
Meanwhile, wait for the audio 😎.
#power #abito #traavu #gtv #fyp #travel #relocate #japa #wednesday #technation #technationvisa #testimonials
You see, whether you want to effortlessly expand your Tech business and team to the UK
Or you want to easily relocate with your family to the UK as a tech professional.
Then this is the best info you'll set your beautiful eyes on today.
📌The best part about this is that you will be completely excluded from the stress of job hunting.
With this visa type, you skip the traditional job offer step.
So It's like a VIP pass to the UK without the "Sorry, position filled" emails.
📌Also, you have no business with showing proof of funds.
Yes!!!! No proof of funds needed!
Just focus on your skill, not your wallet
No one will trouble you about showing your bank balance for any reason.
📌Another great part is that this visa application Journey is super fast.
Because the decisions and a hassle-free application process will make your move smoother than a British accent.
📌Plus you can work and live anywhere you desire in the UK.
📌And lastly for now, when you get this visa and gallantly settle in.
You can apply for permanent residency after 3 years of relocating.
So It's not a short-term affair.
Nail it, and you're on the path to permanent residency.
It's as easy as you're reading it, no hidden mystery to it.
Now, the special Visa that allows you to get all these benefits with the snap of your finger is the Global Talent Visa.
All you need is to have a tech skill with notable achievement or promising achievement.
That's all.
You see, after helping hundreds of Tech professionals and businesses like you relocate and settle in the UK.
We can help you do the same.
Simply show that you are ready by commenting “GTV” in the comment section or send a DM.
#GlobalTalentVisa #Technation #relocate #Travel #Agent #UK #Japa #monday #fyp #viral #reel
Did you know that companies in the UK are quietly hunting for tech professionals like you?
Here is why.
The UK aims to attract the brightest minds to contribute to its thriving tech industry.
Knowing so well that tech professionals bring innovation, expertise, and a boost to the present-day economy.
Now, this is where you come in as a valuable asset
Because your skill as a tech professional is an active tool for shaping the future of technology.
So, when it comes to visas, the UK is rolling out the red carpet for techies.
And on the flip side, that makes it a win-win for you and the nation
Because your contribution will enable growth, innovation, and global collaboration in the tech world!
This is one of the top reasons why companies in the UK are quietly harvesting skilled tech bro/sis like you to work with them.
The result?
You enjoy one of the highest pay and best living conditions in the world.
Simply because your skills are not just valued; they're in demand!
So if you are thinking about taking your skills to the next level…
And if relocating to the UK is the channel you have chosen to achieve that.
Then the UK Global Talent Visa is your master key to the big opportunity you seek.
On Top of that, if you also aim to expand your business or launch your own start-up in the UK
The UK Global Talent Visa is still your golden ticket.
The best part?
We are here as Traavutech to make the process smooth, easy, and fast for you in the same way we have helped hundreds of techies like you.
A simple DM is all you need to begin your journey.
#traavu #travel #japa #relocate #immigrate #technation
#TechInUK #GlobalTalentVisa #DreamBig