The compatibility of Aries with other signs
The sign of Aries is courageous , dynamic, full of initiative and spirit of combativeness. Aries represents a search for self through activity that reaffirms existence as an individual. There is a constant need to test the limits of self-hood by taking the initiative whenever the opportunity arises.
Aries does not respond well to routine and repetition, nor at work nor in relationships. He/she looks for challenges, for novelty. It can be a powerful romantic sign, although it can also be selfish and demanding.
From a positive perspective, it can be inspirational. enthusiastic, passionate, funny.
From a negative perspective, it can be egoistical and competitive.
Aries&Aries: They are independent people with a tendency of domination, with a strong desire to control others. It may be a dynamic relationship, bold , extremely exciting , a successful relationship as long as they do not waste their energy competing against themselves.
Aries&Ta**us: It is a combination of Love and Sensuality (represented by Ta**us) and Passion and Spontaneity (represented by Aries). It is a balanced relationship , where Aries likes to take action and Ta**us is calm. However, they can both become incredibly stubborn which could cause issues now and again.
Aries&Gemini: Gemini's air feeds the fire of Aries . Both zodiac signs share the desire of freedom, of action. An Aries next to a Gemini can form the best team in any activity they involve. Both are extremely responsible , innovative and unstoppable when they put something in mind. Aries is the boss in this relationship which might make the free-spirit Gemini feel limited and unappreciated.
Aries&Cancer: Aries and Cancer love their families. They are devoted and dedicated body and soul to their house. Cancer is something more involved than Aries in this direction , and you might say that one of the negative aspects of the relationship between Cancer and Aries is the suffocation as a result of the attitude of Cancer exaggerated in terms of family problems. Aries loves his family, but his/her independence that make him feel trapped in the relationship. Balance is needed in this regard.
Aries&Leo: Leo and Aries have much in common . Both are adventurous , dominant, energetic , independent, freedom-loving, very sociable, but with surprising mood changes. Together they form one of the most explosive existing relationship. Explosive in a good way , as they respect each other and will understand their character and attitudes.
Aries&Virgo: Virgo is very critical of the adventurous spirit of Aries and will try hard to counteract these tendencies. Aries does not like at all to criticize or to be criticized. Virgos have no reservation in using harsh and tough words which deeply touches our Aries . It happens quite often that Aries becomes annoyed by the criticism and attitude of Virgo. The collaboration can be somewhat fruitful, especially in finance and professional area if they learn from each other's strengths.
Aries&Libra: With patience and involvement from both sides, the couple Libra - Aries can reach a perfect complementary relationship. Libra can teach Aries the sense of caution, patience and analysis, while Libra can learn from Aries how to enjoy life. From this point of view, Aries will be very attractive to the shy Libra. Luckily both are communicative and like to experience new things in life; they are intelligent and they interact well with others.
Aries&Scorpio: The relationship between Aries and Scorpio can be an explosive, passionate and energetic connection as both are active and dynamic. Both have a strong personality and are focused on their goals. Being very passionate, the emotional relationship can beautifully flourish. However, they are passionate in different ways which could be a big negative aspect in the relationship. Scorpio needs certainty in a sentimental relationship, he/she needs to feel his/her partner close. On the other hand, Aries is detached from this point of view
Aries&Sagittarius: The combination Aries - Sagittarius is stable and productive.The relationship between them is a mixture of delight, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, zeal and adventure. Both will compliment each other. They are full of vitality, young spirit and their energy levels are quite high. Both of them love to travel, explore and meet new people. The mutual understanding will contribute to a good evolution of the relationship.
Aries&Capricorn: Capricorn has a sober , practical , realistic personality, qualities a bit too conservative for the ram. Aries do not like rules , limits; in general, he/she does not like rules of any kind. Goats, on the other hand, are very organized , they enjoy working in well developed environments with clear and concise rules. Capricorns like to respect customs and traditions, while Aries are quite informal in this regard.
Capricorn can learn from Aries about hope , excitement , enthusiasm and excitement , while Aries , in turn, can learn from Capricorn the usefulness of rules and order.
Aries&Aquarius: Aquarius will always support and help Aries and Aries will always appreciate the new and unconventional ideas of Aquarius. Aries and Aquarius will understand each other, and the result can only be favorable. The two personalities shine through creativity , communication and optimism.
Aries&Pisces: Aries is strong and it can handle almost any situation , while Pisces is weaker and experiences things from a different perspective . Making a compromise is difficult for Aries, even impossible in many cases. Aries may feel that Pisces do nothing and would do anything to get them to move. The Fish , however, would consider that their emotional needs are in this case treated lightly.
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