The number of butterflies on the farm this year has been pretty poor. Yesterday I heard there were Comma - Polygonia c-album about in the area. I still only need one hand to count all the Comma seen on this farm over the years. Today I kept the camera close at hand as I was out dealing with escaping cattle. There were decent numbers of Peacock - Aglais io around on the Creeping Thisle flowers. I spotted a strange butterfly flying close to the ground along a field edge. Had to give chase for a while. When it landed it was a new Butterfly for me and the farm, a Wall - Lasiommata megera. Which is the second new species for the farm this year. The first new species for the year were several individuals of Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria. Both have been heading this way for some time. With Large and Small Skipper that makes four new species in the last ten years.