Celebrate Club和太平家庭電器每月都為會員精心細選不同的家電產品,而這個四月有日本和台灣熱賣的Tescom膠原蛋白美髮風筒,喜歡烹飪的人不會想錯過的Gemini真空低溫烹調慢煮機及真空保鮮機 (送真空包裝袋2卷),還有春夏必備的Gemini風扇系列。Celebrate Club會員可尊享高達四折優惠,貨品數量有限,先到先得,售完即止!
Celebrate Club and Gilman carefully select different home appliance products and provide monthly offers for members. This April, we have Tescom Beauty Collagen Hair Dryer, which is very popular in Japan and Taiwan; Gemini Sous Vide & Slow Cook Machine and Vacuum Sealer (Free gift: Vacuum Seal Rolls 1 pack) which the cooking lovers would not want to miss; and also Gemini fans for this S/S seasons. Celebrate Club members can enjoy up to 60% off on all these products, the offer is on a first come first serve of basis, hold stock of products last.
Order now: http://goo.gl/RLYvz0