👦🏻:「媽咪~復活節唔洗返學,我想同你同嗲哋去Egg Hunting🐣呀~~」
👫:「好呀~帶你去🏔428米海拔高處Egg Hunting好唔好呀?!」
🌟山頂凌霄閣摩天台428喺🥚復活節4月15至18日期間,門票買大送細,購買一張成人門票👨🏻,即送你小童門票👦🏻🆓!只需 HK$75! 即可嚟免費參加尋彩蛋遊戲🎉~仲可以贏取🎁精美小禮物一份添!!
事不宜遲~唔好要小朋友等喇!即刻Click入以下連結 ▶️ https://bit.ly/35J1Pxa 或到現場購買門票啦!!
👦🏻: Mommy, let’s go for egg hunting this Easter. How does that sound?
👫: Sure thing. And it gets better when it's 428 metres above the sea level! 🏔
That's right, also make sure you take advantage of our Easter perks! Enjoy Buy One Get One Free between 15-18 April for Sky Terrace 428 entry tickets 🎫 For any adult ticket purchased, get a child entry ticket for FREE 🧑🏻🧒 Just for HK$75, you'll get a pair of tickets, complimentary access to the Easter Egg Hunt and a free gift 🎁🐣
Plan your family getaway now! Tickets available at ▶️ https://bit.ly/35J1Pxa and onsite.
#高CP值優惠 #買大送細 #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
好玩又驚嚇嘅萬聖節有好嘩鬼嚟到山頂凌霄閣參加一連串萬聖節活動,又做Fitness又Trick or Treat咁,真係盡情狂歡萬聖節!
講到2021年人氣話題又點少得魷魚遊戲?所以我哋同夥同動身·養心嘅12大星級Studio嘅星級教練們,以魷魚遊戲嘅概念帶嚟 《Prism The Peak Escapade》,鍛練身心,重「生」出發!
It's time to count our blessings before we verge into a brand new year 🗓️
On 27 June, the 5th generation Peak Tram retired after 32 years of service. We're grateful for everyone who came to say farewell 🚋
In the fiery August, we swiped away summer heat with our cool and chill music fiesta 🎼
In Mid Autumn Festival which symbolises togetherness, our bunny gang joined us at the Sky Terrace 428 Moon Rabbit Garden to see cheerful smiles in our visitors' pictures 🌕🐇
Fitness challenges might be slightly tricky, but we were definitely hyped at the Halloween bacchanal with all the sweet treats available at the events 🎃🕺
Christmas Secret Garden workshops@ The Peak Tower have ended as Christmas holidays are drawing to a close. Time to take the final day off for recovery!
Throwback to fun times and happy faces at the workshops, all bagging handful of joy, memories and unique creations to be cherished. What a Christmas! Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!
#聖誕一起叫玩番足夠 #聖誕秘密花園工作坊 #ChristmasSecretGardenWorkshop #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
#高超過聖誕 #聖誕一起叫玩番足夠 #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
Happy Winter Solstice! The city lights look extra warm today from 428 metres above the sea level. We hope you are surrounded by family, hearty meals and health on this special day - sending love xx 💌
#ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
【🎼Music On The Top 🔝】
🎅We wish you a merry christmas~~we wish you a merry christmas……踏入12月濃濃嘅🎄聖誕氣氛滿布周圍,除咗聖誕裝飾之外,亦帶嚟歡欣、浪漫氣氛嘅歌唱場演出。
🎹悠悠嘅樂章讓你與親朋好友Turn On令人期待嘅Holiday mode😎!你都唔好錯過,快啲登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3EBc2YQ ,購買摩天台入場門券套票,邊Chill邊聽音樂啦🍻!
【🎼Music On The Top 🔝】
🎅We wish you a Merry Christmas~~we wish you a Merry Christmas…… Ignite your December spirit with more than just festive illuminations 💡 Sing along and rejoice at our Christmas carol performance 🎶 This Saturday and Sunday (18 & 19 Dec), join us at Sky Terrace 428 @ Peak Tower for the first event of our Christmas extravaganza 🎉
Purchase your tickets at ➡️ https://bit.ly/3EBc2YQ now - your immediate pass to holiday mode 😎
#高超過聖誕 #聖誕一起叫玩番足夠 #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
【🎄《聖誕秘密花園工作坊》早鳥優惠🐦】🌟早鳥優惠套票每位HK$340(原價HK$380),一位成人可以免費帶一位8 歲以下小童入場體驗工作坊
套票包括兩小時工作坊通行證,凌霄閣摩天台428當天入場券一張🌃及一支指定手工茶啤🍺。 玩完工作坊仲可以慢慢嘆靚景+飲野~
🦃 12月15日或之前仲有早鳥優惠添!🌟早鳥優惠套票每位HK$340(原價HK$380),一位成人可以免費帶一位8 歲以下小童入場體驗工作坊,並共同制作同一件作品,而小童摩天台入場券可即場購買~
快啲登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3EBc2YQ ,享受早鳥優惠購買《聖誕秘密花園工作坊》套票啦!
Christmas Secret Garden early bird offer 🎅🏻🐦
Get in the festive period and add a fun, artsy touch at our Christmas Secret Garden 🎨🎄 From 24 to 26 December, join us at 8 of our family-friendly handcraft workshops. Take home your creations and load up the spaces beneath your Christmas tree! 🎁
Enjoy early bird offer for HK$340 per session on or before 15 Dec (original price HK$380). Each ticket includes 2 hours workshop access for 1 adult, 1 admission ticket to Sky Terrace 428 and a designated craft beer. Complimentary access to workshop for one kid aged 8 or below, with 1 product to be shared between the unit. Child ticket to Sky Terrace 428 is available to purchase on site.
Register at ➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH before the early bird offer ends! 🤩
#聖誕一起叫玩番足夠 #聖誕秘密花園工作坊 #ChristmasSecretGardenWorkshop #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
一連兩星期《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》喺🌤好天、好景、好心情下圓滿結束!一眾參加者分別跟住1️⃣2️⃣大星級Studio嘅星級教練們,由內到外,再外到內都得到鍛練💪🏻。加上山頂凌霄閣摩天台428擁抱嘅維港美景,帶嚟更舒暢嘅「動身.養心」體驗,留下美好嘅回憶💚!
It's a wrap! 🤸🏼♂️
The past two weeks at Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade were all smiles 😁 We couldn't have asked for more! Good companion, weather, views - all our participants and the star trainers from 12 fitness studios were nourished inside out 👯♂️🌄☀️
A big thank you to all of you for the immense support. Stay tuned before we come back with more exciting activities! 💪🏻
#PrismThePeakEscapade #TakeYourChance #SquidGame #魷魚遊戲 #Chill高魷魚遊戲 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
【🍭重獲糖一般甜嘅me time!🕒】
⭕劇集就睇得多喇~有冇諗過現實都有得體驗差不多嘅精彩橋段?❌有時就係想「逃離」現實,🔺尋求一個重「生」嘅機會!山頂凌霄閣摩天台428 喺12月4及5日以🦑《魷魚遊戲》嘅概念,夥拍1️⃣2️⃣大星級Studio嘅星級教練們 Dee Dream Life XP Fitness Hub Mindful Studio HK Move Studio Malbert Lee F45 Training Causeway Bay TOPFIT 舉行🧘♀️《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》🤸♀️!
🌤讓你望住藍天白雲同美景,擁有番個me time,重鑊新「生」🆕~
✨《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》套票詳情:
立即登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH ,以HK$399購買套票於當天到山頂凌霄閣摩天台428參與2.5小時嘅健身體能活動!
#PrismThePeakEscapade #TakeYourChance #SquidGame #魷魚遊戲 #Chill高魷魚遊戲 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
❌比起淨係望住小小螢幕裡刺激嘅遊戲劇集同透過人地鏡頭SHOW俾你睇嘅美景,⭕《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》更讓大家親自體驗一番~🔺唔洗再望住個Mon好奇有幾正喇,12月4日及5日仲有機會俾你嚟參與!立即登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH ,即可以HK$399購買套票於當天到山頂凌霄閣摩天台428參與2.5小時嘅健身體能活動!
Calling Team Active - check this out 👇🏻
SKy Terrace 428 has transformed into the hottest fitness spot in town! Whether you prefer high intensity workout or relieving yoga, our star trainers always have something for everyone 🏃🏻🧘🏻♀️
Ditch your gadgets and embrace the splendid nature 🌱 Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade gives you a thrilling immersive experience found behind the sceen! ✨Grab your tickets fast to secure your spot for Dec 4 and 5 Dec! Visit ➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH only at HK$399 for 2.5 hours of endless excitement!
#PrismThePeakEscapade #TakeYourChance #SquidGame #魷魚遊戲 #Chill高魷魚遊戲 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade【🏙城市與大自然間🍃嘅養身聖地🧘♀️】
摩天台428搖身一變「動身 · 養心」潮流聖地🌱,特別呈獻《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》,11月27、28日及12月4、5日,連續兩個週末帶嚟🔥熱門又充滿動感嘅健身運動及🙏🏻靜態健心活動,一站式看顧你嘅身心靈健康💚!
✨《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》套票詳情:
立即登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH ,以HK$399購買套票於當天到山頂凌霄閣摩天台428參與2.5小時嘅健身體能活動!
Urban paradise for wellness 🍃🏙
Magnificent harbour views paired with well-rounded fitness activities packed with fun activities , weekends can't get better than this ⛰
We're transforming Sky Terrace into an urban wellness paradise 🌱 bringing you the special Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade on 27-28 Nov and 4-5 Dec, only for two consecutive weekends! Catch on the hottest fitness trends in town and nourish your body inside out 💚
"Prism The Peak Escapade" package details:
Visit ➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH and purchase your package at HK$399 for a 2.5hr activity session at Sky Terrace @ The Peak!"
#PrismThePeakEscapade #TakeYourChance #SquidGame #魷魚遊戲 #Chill高魷魚遊戲 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
【🦑 Take your chance!「魷魚遊戲」摩天台428特別版】
【🦑 Take your chance!「魷魚遊戲」摩天台428特別版】
⭕《魷魚遊戲》鐵定拍第二季,喺播出之前,嚟山頂凌霄閣一齊參與「1.5季」先??🤩11月27、28日及12月4、5日,山頂凌霄閣摩天台428將帶你逃離繁囂🏃🏻♂️,出走到海拔428米高參與《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》,由不同專業嘅Fitness星級導師 Dee Dream Life XP Fitness Hub Mindful Studio HK Move Studio Malbert Lee F45 Training Causeway Bay TOPFIT,同你嚟一場另類嘅🔺魷魚遊戲~洗滌身心,🆕重「生」注入新動力係你生活中!
✨《Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade》套票詳情:
立即登入➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH ,以HK$399購買套票於當天到山頂凌霄閣摩天台428參與2.5小時嘅健身體能活動!
Take your chance! The chaos of ‘Squid Game ‘will be returning for season 2!
Before the launch of episode 2, why not join us for season 1.5 at Sky Terrace 428@ The Peak Tower ⭕
Escape the city's hustle and bustle at Sky Terrace 428 only on 27-28 Nov and 4-5 Dec!
🏃🏻♂️ Game on! High calibre fitness instructors will take you to "Prism The Peak Fitness and Wellness Escapade" 428 metres above the sea level. Ready for some high intensity and low intensity fitness? 🔺
Follow our official page for more details 🗞
"Prism The Peak Escapade" package details:
Visit ➡️ https://bit.ly/3yIerNH purchase your package at HK$399 for a 2.5hr Fitness and Wellness program at Sky Terrace 428 @ The Peak!
#PrismPeakEscapade #TakeYourChance #SquidGame #魷魚遊戲 #Chill高魷魚遊戲 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #人氣打卡點
【😈Trick or Treat 🍫!】
🧙♀️萬聖節點可以無Trick or Treat ?!唔怕你嚟攞糖,就怕你錯過大好機會嚟盡享Halloween🎃!
10月28日至31日山頂凌霄閣夥拍商戶與一眾嘩鬼來賓大玩「Trick or Treat! 萬聖節尋糖果」~拎住套票送俾你嘅🎃萬聖節糖果籃同Trick or Treat! 萬聖節尋糖果通行證🎟向我哋嘅參與商戶叩門,隨時俾比你搵到萬聖節糖果🍬!如果俾你咁叻叻搵到8️⃣間或以上參與商戶後,更可到凌霄閣客戶服務中心換領精美紀念品 一份添🎁!
另外,10月30日及31日,只要著上🦸♀️萬聖節裝扮到訪凌霄閣, 仲可獲免費摩天台428入場,一班嘩鬼相聚海拔428米高狂歡🧟♀️!
#GostGo高 ~仲唔快啲Click入 ➡️https://ticketing.thepeak.com.hk或親臨山頂凌霄閣客戶服務中心購買【Trick or Treat! 萬聖節尋糖果】套票?!🍭
*活動受條款及細則約束。Terms and conditions apply.
😈 Knock knock, trick or treat! 🍫
Who's afraid of Halloween shenanigans when we have plenty of offerings! 🎃 The tenants here at the Peak Tower have teamed up and are well prepared!
Go trick or treat with your Trick or Treat candy pass !🍬 Collect 8 or more treats from hotspot to redeem a souvenir at the Peak Tower customer service centre 🎁
And good news if you are dressed up and ready for a spooks' rendezvous.
FREE ENTRY at the Sky Terrace 428 on 30-31 Oct. 🦸♀️🧟♀️
Tickets are available via https://ticketing.thepeak.com.hkor at the Peak Tower customer service centre. Come scare us!
#Halloween好去處 #親子活動 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
🌇日出而作 日入而息……有時咩都唔洗做,無遮無擋望住個維港靚景,感受住涼風🍃,同朋友傾下計,飲下嘢,舒舒服服咁休息一下,就係就好嘅約會😌!
“I can’t remember what is like ; to hold one you love by your side ❣️”
Some days all we need is to unplug and unleash ourselves and spend some quality time with loved ones over looking the Victoria Harbour. Ideal date nights could be as simple as that 🍃
#高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
👻 十月呀~夜晚小心喲~隨時有啲小嘩鬼喺度彈下彈下、跳下跳下~不過見佢哋喺到玩得咁開心,唔知玩緊咩呢~唔通山頂凌宵閣摩天台428又有新玩意?
PEEK-A-BOO 👻👻👻 It's Halloween fun season without a doubt - but what's on Sky Terrace 428 this time around? 🧹💫🌠
Stay tuned for a series of Halloween activities! 😈Ready to thrill up with Fun and Happiness upon The Peak Tower ? 🎃👽☠️
#Halloween好去處 #親子活動 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
👻 萬聖節兒童工作坊早鳥優惠🐦
👻「早鳥優惠只需HK$360就可以參加4️⃣項健康活動*、🍫遊走到唔同商戶尋糖果遊戲🍬,以及摩天台 428 成人及小童入場門票連🥤指定飲品添呀!」
👻「報名Link喺留言位置呀~做個精叻鬼~ #GhostGo高 ~」
Pumpkin spice means... it's almost Halloween! 🎃
Look out for the Spooktacular Fit and Treat Workshop with XP Fitness Hub and Dee Dream Life for kid and adult ! Includes 4️⃣ jolly and healthy activities, trick or treat, Sky Terrace 428 Adult & Child tickets and designated beverage 🥤🧃
Take advantage of the early bird discount before 22 Oct🤩! (HK$360) 🐦Book fast to secure your spot!
Check out the registration link in the comment box below👇🏻 Make sure you steal the deal before the spooks do 👻
#Halloween好去處 #親子活動 #高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeakTower #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
【喂 係啊 我哋飲杯先啦~山頂纜車X大圍手工茶啤買一送一呀!】
【喂 係啊 我哋飲杯先啦~山頂纜車X大圍手工茶啤買一送一呀!】
「酒」先喇~係咁先喇,一人一支丫唔該。吓~咩話?山頂凌霄閣摩天台428限定:「山頂纜車X大圍啤」手工茶啤伯爵口味同洋甘菊口味買一送一?!係 係兄弟~咁就一人一支啦!
A beer for you and a beer for me. What makes it cooler - it's BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!! 🍻
Did you hear that? You can now get 2 The Peak Tram x Tai Wai Craft Tea Beers (Earl Grey, Chamomile) at the price of one - only at Sky Terrace 428. No excuse for not sharing! 👯👬🏻
Grab yours now! Available from 1-9 October only 🏃🏻
#高ChillHour #HappyHourInTheSky #ThePeak #摩天台428 #山頂凌霄閣 #香港山頂 #月兔遊山頂 #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
➡️立即訂購: https://bit.ly/3yIerNH 或於山頂凌霄閣客戶服務中心即場購買*
緊係Real啦~因為係Virtual Reality(VR)丫麻😎!山頂凌霄閣VR AUTO ZONE一系列嘅遊戲🎮,讓平時打機或唔打機嘅你都覺得Real好玩😍!
👪無論係大人定小朋友,只要喺VR AUTO ZONE🔓營業嘅時間,星期一至日,早上10點半至晚上8點,都可以隨時購買💰VR代幣或體驗套票嚟打機~享受奇幻虛擬世界嘅帶俾你嘅歡樂。
Whether you're a rookie or a pro-gamer, an adult or a child, you'll find exciting VR games at VR AUTO ZONE🎮🕹️
👪 We are open from 10:30am to 8pm throughout the week. Come visit us!
🎫 Adult package includes one VR token and one Sky Terrace 428 admission ticket with a complimentary drink (Weekdays HK$68/ Weekends & Public Holidays HK$88); Family package includes an extra VR token and child admission ticket with a complimentary drink on top of the adult package (Weekdays HK$125/ Weekends & Public Holidays HK$138)
#高ChillHour #海拔428米 #VRgame #VR #中秋好去處 #摩天台428 #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeak #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
立即訂購: https://bit.ly/3yIerNH
🐰 It’s Bunny Rush Hour this Mid Autumn! 🐰
The bunny island in Japan is off the list before travel returns, but you’ll find illuminated bunnies at Sky Terrace 428 this Mid Autumn Festival! 🏮🐇 Check out the atmospheric decorations, panoramic views of the Victoria Habour and an unparalleled sight of the round, bright moon Sky Terrace 428 has to offer - a fascinating experience for all 🌕🌃
Purchase now: https://bit.ly/3yIerNH
#高ChillHour #RabbitsGarden #兔兔那麼可愛 #海拔428米 #中秋好去處 #月兔遊山頂 #摩天台428 #SkyTerrace428 #山頂凌霄閣 #ThePeakTower #香港山頂 #ThePeak #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點
【兩手fing fing嚟山頂,俾齊中秋用品你賞月!】
【兩手fing fing嚟山頂,俾齊中秋用品你賞月!】
➡️立即訂購: https://bit.ly/3yIerNH 或山頂凌霄閣客戶服務中心即場購買
🌕 Spend a fun, hassle-free night at the Peak this Mid Autumn❗🎑
Purchase online ➡️https://bit.ly/3yIerNH or at the Peak Tower Customer Service Centre
Mid Autumn Festival is just around the corner 🌝 If you are still looking for unique ways to spend this Mid Autumn Festival, look no further 👀
Price at just HK$238, the ST428 Festive Package for two includes 2 ST428 adult entry tickets, 2 Tai Tung Bakery mini lotus paste mooncakes with egg yolk, 2 Peak Tram X Tai Wai Beer limited edition tea-infused craft beers, 2 packs of Lay's potato chips and a bunny lantern - served with the astonishing, romantic views of Hong Kong 428 metres above the sea level and some very instagrammable installations! 🥮🌃
All you need for a hands-free moon-gazing evening. Plan yours and grab your package now! 🏮🐇
#高ChillHour #海拔428米 #離月亮又近了一大步 #中秋好去處 #懶人包 #摩天台428 #SkyTerrace428 #ThePeak #香港本地遊 #香港打卡點 #人氣打卡點 #最佳賞月地點