Tour guide in Budapest, Hungary Budapest Day Trips is an in-bound tour operator in Hungary.

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    The fairy tale FishermenBastion in Budapest is one of the most favored lookout point in Budapest.

The fairy tale FishermenBastion in Budapest is one of the most favored lookout point in Budapest.


The series of buildings and gardens, known as Várkert bazár, were built in the 19. century (between 1875-1883) by the designs of Miklós Ybl archite
He designed, among many other buildings and mansions, the Opera House on Andrássy Av.
Take a leisurely walk to explore the beautiful buildings, the verdant neo-Renaissance garden while admiring the scenic panorama.

Good evening

Good evening



The first statue of Saint Stephen in Budapest was completed from 1906. Although the founding king of Hungary has always been highly respected in the country, the great work of Alajos Strobl was completed slowly. The first statue of King Stephen in Budapest was inaugurated in 1906 next to Matthias Church almost 40 years after it was first planned. The cult surrounding Saint Stephen has always been strong in Hungary, and his feast day, also known as the State Foundation Day, is one of the greatest holidays in the country. In light of this, it is interesting that Hungary's founding king did not have a worthy statue in Budapest until the beginning of the 20th century.

A decision was made in 1893 on the location and that the king was to be depicted on horseback and not on a throne (Photo: Balázs Both/

Of course, this is not surprising since there were only a few statues in the capital at the end of the 19th century. The German emperor, Wilhelm II also commented on it to Franz Joseph, who guided him around Budapest. The king took this criticism so seriously that he paid for 10 works of art from his own money. However, the statue of Saint Stephen was not included because when the two emperors visited Budapest in 1897, the er****on of the statue of the founding king was in full swing, and it had been dealt with for more than 40 years. A committee was set up in 1863 to erect a statue of Saint Stephen in Budapest, and the initiator was Count Móric Pálffy, the royal deputy. However, the fundraising was not successful at the time.

The experts and the king also had a say in shaping the details, which delayed the work (Photo: Balázs Both/

The issue was later raised again in Parliament, of course in preparation for the anniversary of the founding of the state, the millennium. On behalf of the Minister of Religion and Public Education, the Council of Fine Arts created a subcommittee to prepare the statue in 1893. This committee recommended that the future statue should be placed next to the Matthias Church and that the king should not be depicted sitting on the throne but rather on horseback. Thus, the work began, of which the 12 December 1894 issue of the Pesti Napló reported:

“With regard to the er****on of the statue of Saint Stephen, and the short deadline within which they want to erect the statue of the great king, again, only gives the impression that they want to make it in an underhand way, throwing out the tender conditions that have been in place for a year, and of which they have been waiting for an announcement in the Ministry of Religion and Public Education since. (…)

A strange surprise popped out of Pandora's box that Alajos Stróbl was already working on the plan of the statue of Saint Stephen. Pesti Napló asked: who gave him the commission?”

The contract with Alajos Strobl was actually concluded a little later - but months before the promulgation of the law ordering the er****on of the statue – on 10 May 1895, which stated that the state would pay 101 thousand forints for the preparation of the sample, while the pedestal and the pouring of the statue would cost another 99 thousand forints. The additional cost of 100,000 forints covered the arrangement of the surroundings of the statue. Then, in 1896, i.e., 125 years ago, the Act of 1896, Article VIII., paragraph 1(c) was passed:

"[The legislature] will erect an equestrian statue of King Saint Stephen in the Fisherman's Bastion next to the Coronation Church named after Our Lady in Budapest."

The law also allocated an amount for the er****on of the sculpture, 300,000 forints, out of which the arrangement of the space had to be solved. Of these 300,000 forints 60,000 were covered by donations, of which 25,000 forints was previously offered by the capital, the rest came from private individuals. The er****on of the statue was planned for 1899.

Strobl originally intended to place his work on a lower pedestal (Photo: Balázs Both/

So, if there was the money and will, why did the statue take another 10 years to complete? The sample was not completed until 1901, as several people had a say in what Saint Stephen should look like. On the one hand, the experts of the National Council of Fine Arts, who suggested that the king be depicted with the Holy Crown on his head because it was not how Strobl depicted originally, and then Franz Joseph, who objected to the spear in the king's hands and asked the artist to replace it with a double-cross.

The reliefs running around the pedestal of the statue are also the works of Alajos Strobl (Photo: Balázs Both/

The pedestal also changed, because while Strobl intended his work to stands on a low pedestal, Frigyes Schulek, who rebuilt the Matthias Church and the Fisherman's Bastion, imagined a tall structure in which reliefs - Strobl's works - show the most important episodes of Stephen's reign: the coronation, the passing of laws, the spread of the Christian faith, i.e., church-building and conquest, including the homage to Vienna. Perhaps a small nod toward the co-capital of the Monarchy was that the worshipping mayor was recognizably Karl Lueger, the mayor Vienna from 1897 to 1910. The statue was thus only completed in 1906.

The inauguration of the statue was a huge event (Photo: Fortepan/No.: 115777)

The inauguration of the statue took place on 21 May 1906. It was a huge ceremony that even the king joined. The Vasárnapi Ujság praised the event in its 27 May 1906 issue:

“It is a historical, ecclesiastical and artistic celebration at the same time, because on this day the statue of the first Hungarian king and the first Hungarian saint, King Saint Stephen, was unveiled in Buda Castle.
In his artistic manifestation, the gratitude of the nation was not very urgent in the direction of the founder of the historical Hungarian empire. It took almost a thousand years to get the first Hungarian king a statue in the Hungarian capital, still the first king statue in Budapest.”

However, not everyone liked the work. The 27 May 1906 issue of Uj Idők wrote:

“The figure of Stephen, on his bronze parapet, looks small when measured against the pedestal: in addition to the Gothic Matthias Church and the strong, massive bastion towers, both the horse and the rider look scrawny. If this is about the mass layout of the statue, it is doubly about the detailed solution. The real plasticity is obscured by the variegated web of goldsmith's works, brocades, tinsels, and tools and shows almost nothing of the horse and rider. It is not so much a monument as a magnified goldsmith's work with a thousand irrelevant ancillary works. The most offensive of these is the wire-glory above the king's head and the adornment of the horse's saddle cover, which hangs far down low in rich tufts and tiny fringes.”

Despite the judgement above, the statue has been standing next to the Matthias Church for 115 years, and thousands of tourists visit and read that the statue depicts Saint Stephen, the first Christian ruler of Hungary, whose memory has been cherished by the Hungarians for almost a thousand years.

Cover photo: Statue of Saint Stephen, the state-forming king of the Hungarians (Photo: Balázs Both/

Alajos Strobl, Art, Buda Castle, Budapest, Csaba Domonkos, Heritage, PestBuda,, Saint Stephen, sculpture

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The Bridge Report, which brought a turning point in the history of Budapest
March 31, 2023 at 3:00 PM
A travel report that changed the history of Pest and Buda, as well as Hungary. The little book contributed to the change of half a thousand years of legal customs and the implementation of an investment of unprecedented size and technical quality. This book was The Bridge Report [Hídjelentés in Hungarian].
If the efforts of 1848 had not failed, Szabadság Square would be somewhere else today
March 28, 2023 at 12:30 PM
Do you know where Diadal Street or Szabad Sajtó Street was in 1848? Not where many would think. During the revolution of 1848, the street names of Pest and Buda also changed.
Sightseeing flights over Budapest - This is how air travel was popularised 70 years ago
March 26, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Seventy years ago, the Hungarian airline of the time, MASZOVLET, wanted to bring aviation closer to the general public, so it invited interested parties to a quarter-hour sightseeing flight. Many were flying for the first time, the oldest passenger was over 80 years old.
Drama on the university wall - The heroic monument was planned 95 years ago
March 30, 2023 at 9:00 AM
In the constant hustle and bustle of the Egyetem Square in Pest, the students may not even notice the monument that decorates the short section of wall between the church and the central building of ELTE. However, it commemorates their predecessors, the heroes who fought for their country in World War I, and those who heroically helped them. The first design of the dramatically collapsing soldier was born in 1928, ninety-five years ago.
A message from the former school: An exhibition in memory of János Neumann was opened at the Fasori Secondary School
March 29, 2023 at 9:00 AM
An exhibition was opened in János Neumann's former school, the Fasori Lutheran Secondary School, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the world-famous mathematician's birth. In the exhibition presenting the former Neumann milieu, paintings, graphics, photos, furniture, and objects tell the story of the art-supporting spirit of the noble bourgeois family at the turn of the century.
The renovated Angyalföld Reformed Church was handed over
March 27, 2023 at 4:00 PM
On 26 March, the renovated Frangepán Street Reformed Church was handed over. The 13th District church was built in 1933, the tower was restored in 2017, and the roof and facade were renovated last year. By the time of the ceremonial handover, the building had completely recovered its form only abour ninety years ago.

Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest is one of the top Budapest attractions without a doubt. The present day lovely lookout t...

Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest is one of the top Budapest attractions without a doubt. The present day lovely lookout towers / decorative fortification of Fisherman’s Bastion were built in the 19th century to serve as a lookout tower for the best panoramic views in Budapest, Hungary. Needless to say, there used to be real castle walls where now you can take fantastic photos from, but the present day structure has never served as an actual fortification in Buda.


This outstanding fountain on Margaret Island is considered to be one of the largest in Europe. The musical fountain sets hourly music shows, and a light show at night.
The fountain opened in 1962. At first there was live music at the fountain. It was later electronized.


150 years ago, on June 24, 1874, the first cogwheel train was put into operation in Budapest. The idea of the railway was suggested by Count Ödön Széchenyi.


The ‘green column bath’ of Budapest – Rudas Thermal baths The beautiful building of Rudas bath made a name in the world of Hollywood movies as well, in 1988 the bath was used as a shooting place for the action movie Red Heat, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Belushi, and in 2012 for some sceneries of the Borgias with Jeremy Irons. Rudas Bath’s Turkish-style bathhouse was built in the 1560s by Sokullu Mustafa, the that time Pasha of Buda. During the 150 years of Turkish reign in Hungary, this was the biggest bath built in Buda. At that time the warm water arrived to the pools from no less, then 21 hot springs. After the that time colour of 8 the pillar sustaining the huge dome above the octagonal central pool, the Turks called the bath Jesil Direkli Ilidzsami, – ”the bath with green columns”. The dome, the big pool, and the stairs leading into the central pool are still the original ones. Once upon a time this pool got light through the still can be seen elephants eyes, dotting the lanterna of the 10 m wide cuppola even today. When you are in a mood for swimming, beside the pools built by Turkish, there’s a large swimming pool underneath a beautiful, two-story, classicist-style building, which is an addition of the 19th century. The swimming pool, operating as a therapeutic swimming facility and with a sauna, was built in 1896. The thermal bath has been visited from 1936 o­n exclusively by men. All over inside the Rudas, one can feel a light smell of minerals, as the hot spring feeding the bath is rich in calcium, magnesium, hydrogen-carbonate, sulfate and sodium. From the drinking wells located on the hallways you can even taste the healing water of the spring. Rudas bath was almost completely destroyed during WWII. The bath was reconstructed step by step, first in 1952, then 1986, 2006 and 2012. In its drinking hall – reopened in 1965 – the water of the springs Hungária, Attila and Juventus can be consumed for the purposes of a drinking cure.


Heroes’ Sq is the largest and most symbolic square in Budapest. It is dominated by the Millenary Monument (Ezeréves emlékmű), a 36m-high pillar topped by a golden Archangel Gabriel, holding the Hungarian crown and a cross. At the column's base are Prince Árpád and six other Magyar chieftains who occupied the Carpathian Basin in the late 9th century. The 14 statues in the colonnades behind are of rulers and statesmen – from King Stephen (far left) to Lajos Kossuth (far right).


Budapest Park
The capital city’s favourite open-air club, Budapest Park never fails to impress concert-goers. On the occasion of its recent re-opening, the beloved venue surprised music lovers by announcing a new addition to its already impressive appeal. Namely, an astounding light show that takes place right before each party kicks off. Following the concerts, at 10 PM, Budapest Park transforms into afterparty mode thanks to sensational light installations, designed by experts known for their outstanding contemporary visual works. Go see it for yourself!


Not Your Usual Souvenir Hunt: Visit Gozsdu Weekend Market

Open between 10 AM and 5 PM, from Friday to Mondays this summer, stopping by buzzing Gozsdu Weekend Market offers more than a simple shopping experience.
Located at the centre of Budapest’s party district, Gozsdu Udvar welcomes visitors with great bars and restaurants, lovely decoration, fun activities and a cozy atmosphere. Sights not to miss in close proximity are St. Stephen’s Basilica, Anker Palace, the Underground Railway Museum, Budapest’s famous Fashion Street, the Great Synagogue, and the Ferris Wheel, just to mention a few. Therefore, we suggest you hop in while you are on a sightseeing walk to take a break, refresh yourself, relax a little and try the local cuisine. Then, find the perfect handmade gift or souvenir whether it is an antique gem, or your new favourite home décor item at Gozsdu Weekend Market.

Well of Nereids erected in Pest in 1835. This was the first publiv well in the city decorated with human statues, and wh...

Well of Nereids erected in Pest in 1835. This was the first publiv well in the city decorated with human statues, and what statues!

Trinity statue in Buda Castle. In the background the old-new, renovated Ministry of Finance.

Trinity statue in Buda Castle. In the background the old-new, renovated Ministry of Finance.




A Romantic Masterpiece Sculpture: The Prince of Buda and the Princess of Pest, divided by the Danube, yet united in love and history. Situated in the Philosopher's Garden on Gellert Hill, it symbolizes the harmonious union of Budapest in 1873


Check out what incredible pre-summer events the city has in store for you.


Edvi Illes 45


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