CEU Internet Freedom Lab

CEU Internet Freedom Lab The course focuses on communication policy advocacy, technology and online freedom of expression.

The CMCS is a research center of the Central European University in Budapest dedicated to advancing media and communication scholarship and policy and the democratic potential of the media. Students from around the world are participating in the CEU Summer University course we've organized in cooperation with Internews Network and the Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg

School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. For two weeks, the participants gain new insights into the role which civil society can play in advocating for free expression online and communication policy change. They learn about online tools and opportunities for mobilizing and organizing constituencies and for enhancing the security and privacy of advocates. The participants, who include journalists, advocates, researchers and policy makers have been provided ample chances to share their own experiences in this line of work and research.


Center For Media And Communication Studies, Central European University, Nádor Utca 9


http://www.sun.ceu.hu/, http://www.cmcs.ceu.hu/, http://www.summer.ceu.hu/02-courses/course-sites/co


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