
DimaMaroc Marocco, il paese che ti resta dentro

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Start exploring Morocco..

Start exploring Morocco..

Morocco is a gateway to Africa, and a country of dizzying diversity. Here you'll find epic mountain ranges, ancient cities, sweeping deserts – and...



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In Marocco il couscous riunisce la famiglia a pranzo il venerdì; è una forte tradizione sie nelle campagne come nelle ci...

In Marocco il couscous riunisce la famiglia a pranzo il venerdì; è una forte tradizione sie nelle campagne come nelle città. Ma sai perché? Proprio come la domenica per i cristiani o sabato per gli ebrei, il venerdì è un giorno molto importante per i musulmani. Questo è anche un giorno di riposo in tutti i paesi arabi ad eccezione di Marocco e Tunisia. Nel primo pomeriggio, la preghiera collettiva inizia nelle moschee. Al termine di questo raduno religioso, ognuno si unisce alla sua famiglia -nel possibile- per condividere il pranzo tradizionale intorno ad un bel piatto di couscous. Lavorato a mano e cotto a vapore, generosamente guarnito con verdure, soprattutto zucche, zucchine e r**e, accompagnato da carne, di solito manzo o montone, raramente pollo. Un piatto che profuma di semola e brodo di verdure. In mancanza di carne, esso è sostituito da legumi come fagioli, piselli o lenticchie, che forniscono proteine. Il couscous è pronto per la degustazione. Seduti attorno a un tavolo, la maggior parte dei Marocchini non utilizzano il cucchiaio per mangiare, ma la mano destra. Attualmente però sempre più persone utilizzano le posate. Questo momento di festa e di condivisione ha a possibilità di discussioni, che permettono alle famiglie di avere contatti regolari e stare insieme. Questa è la magia del venerdì!

Top Places to visit in Morocco

Top Places to visit in Morocco

Hi Fans , in this Video you will see the best places to visit in Morocco, and why your next Vlog should be to Morocco. Morocco is one of the best and most be...

Marrakech in Morocco

Marrakech in Morocco

I've travelled to a lot of places in the world but Morocco was one of the most special places I've ever been. It was sensory overload the whole time I was th...

Marrakech in Morocco

Marrakech in Morocco

Here are some outfit ideas from my trip to Morocco! Between dinners and visiting the souks, I’m sharing what I wore in Marrakech. I hope you enjoy this style...

Taghazout in Morocco

Taghazout in Morocco

Last month I flew over to Taghazout in Morocco to surf with my college classmates. Hope you enjoy! ⇢ INSTAGRAM & TWITTER Julia http://bit.ly/juli...

The gardens of Majorelle 💙 Marrakech

The gardens of Majorelle 💙 Marrakech

The gardens of Majorelle 💙 Marrakech
©Maria Ligaya


Copyrights www.simochioukh.com Camera used: http://amzn.to/29w3C5y Up in the mountains and at the end of a route lined with palm trees is a valley carved out over thousands of years by waterfalls. It’s an idyllic scene straight from the movies that awaits you at the aptly-named Paradise Valley 70 km...

E’ il ras dell’hashish nel Mediterraneo”. Arrestato in Marocco il re dei trafficanti..

E’ il ras dell’hashish nel Mediterraneo”. Arrestato in Marocco il re dei trafficanti..

il giornale Marocchino in lingua italiana, per Marocchini nel mondo. Sempre aggiornati in tempo reale su tutto quello che succede nel mondo arabo


Tajine sovracosce di pollo alla frutta secca

Ingredienti per 4 persone:

4 fusi di pollo
4 sovra cosce di pollo
100 grammi di datteri
100 grammi di prugne secche
40 grammi di uvetta sultanina
100 grammi di fichi secchi
100 grammi di mandorle pelate
1 cipolla
50 grammi di b***o
1 bustina di zafferano
2 cucchiaini di curcuma
1 stecca di cannella
1 filo d’aceto
Olio d’oliva
Sale fino
Sale grosso

Per prima cosa, come vuole la buona tradizione araba, mettere a bagno la carne di pollo in acqua con un filo d’aceto e sale grosso per almeno mezzora.
Nel frattempo, mettere a bagno in acqua calda i datteri, i fichi, l’uvetta e le prugne per almeno 15 minuti (se qualcuno dei frutti che avete acquistato è ancora col nocciolo, toglierlo delicatamente).
Scolare la frutta secca e conservare l’acqua.
Tritare finemente la cipolla.

Far sciogliere il b***o nella tajine (tenete sempre la fiamma bassa per non rovinare la pentola, ancora meglio se avete una retina di metallo per distribuire meglio il calore su tutta la base), far soffriggere la cipolla e dopo 2 minuti aggiungere lo zafferano, la curcuma e la stecca di cannella.
Aggiungere i pezzi di pollo e farli rosolare su tutti i lati.
Salare ed aggiungere il liquido, della frutta secca.
Mettere il coperchio sulla tajine e far cuocere a fiamma dolce per 30 minuti girando la carne di tanto in tanto.
Unire la frutta secca e far cuocere sempre a fiamma bassa per un’altra ora.
Nel frattempo, friggere le mandorle in un filo d’olio d’oliva per qualche minuto. Salarle e porle su carta assorbente.
Cinque minuti prima di servire il pollo, aggiungere le mandorle agli altri condimenti della tajine.




Il termine tajine o tajin indica un piatto tradizionale della cucina marocchina e nordafricana che prende il nome dalla pentola con cui viene preparato. La pentola tradizionale è formata da un piatto di terracotta e da un coperchio a forma di cono che viene appoggiato sopra la base durante la cottura. La base della pentola diventa il piatto per servire la pietanza.

I piatti tradizionali della cucina marocchina sono spesso a base di cous cous, legumi e verdure, frutta secca, frutta fresca e spezie. Possiamo prendere spunto da diverse ricette per preparare la nostra tajine personalizzata in versione vegetariana o vegana.


Languages of Morocco - French to Arabic to English

Though most of us are not born linguists, striving to achieve even a small level of communication between ourselves and the inhabitants of the country we are visiting can be a most rewarding endeavor. Because of the varied historical influences on the people of Morocco, there is a large variety of languages spoken throughout the country. In order to help you in your pursuit to communicate better, we have provided a list of these languages.

Communicating to some degree in one of the nine living languages still spoken in Morocco can greatly enhance your experiences in the country. When Moroccans note your attempts to communicate, they are often treat you quite differently are become much more friendly and helpful. Thus, a world of adventure becomes opened to you, simply because you put a little effort into it.

Fortunately for us, most Moroccans are capable of speaking more than just one of their native languages. At least half of the country's population is capable of speaking French and many of those involved in the tourism industry are capable of speaking some English and a few other foreign languages as well. This means you should be able to get by in most parts of the country quite easily without even trying very hard. But if you really want to open doors or have a less frustrating adventure, you should really try to speak a little Arabic or French.

There are several different forms of the various languages spoken in Morocco, as well as a few that are non-verbal. The following is a breakdown of the 11 listed languages that are or were spoken in Morocco:

Living Languages
Moroccan Arabic - This is the official language of Morocco. Though it is somewhat different from most other types of Arabic, most Moroccans can understand conventional Arabic.

Hassaniyya Arabic - Also known as Moor. Over 40 000 in Southern Morocco people speak this form of Arabic.

Judeo-Moroccan Arabic - Only about 8 925 people speak this form of Arabic. It is generally confined to certain small areas in Morocco.

Standard Arabic - Most Moroccans can understand this form of Arabic which is spoken and written much throughout the rest of the Middle East and North Africa. Most Arabic television programs are in this form of Arabic.

Moroccan Sign Language - There is a large number of deaf men who speak sign language in the city of Oujda. It is hard to determine how many women are capable of sign language as they do not speak it in the streets. There are a few small deaf schools which teach the language though it is not generally used in Rabat, Tangier and Casablanca. Most people who use MSL cannot read or write Arabic. MSL is very different from American Sign Language and people conversant in the two sign languages would struggle to understand each other.

Spanish - Over 20 000 people in Morocco are capable of speaking Spanish. Besides being only a short distance away, Spain also acted as a protectorate of Morocco for a while after 1912. This resulted in Spanish influence in culture and language.

Tachelhit - 3 to 4 million of the people of Morocco speak this form of Berber.

Central Atlas Tamazight - This is also spoken by roughly 3 million of the inhabitants of Morocco. It is a dialect of Berber.

Tarifit - a lesser used dialect of the Berber language. It is spoken by about 1.5 million people in Morocco.

Extinct Languages
Ghomara - was a dialect of Berber which is generally considered to no longer be in use.

Senhaja de Srair - this is the fifth dialect of Berber which has also unfortunately fallen into disuse.

Other Languages
French - though not seen as an indigenous language in Morocco, at least half of the population is capable of speaking it. This is due to the strong French influence during the period of 1912 to 1956, which has also left a large amount of French architecture in parts of Morocco.


History of the People
The Moroccan nation owes its diversity to the many cultures that have influenced it during the course of its history. Initially, the area now known as Morocco seems to have been inhabited by Libyans and Ethiopians who were collectively called Barbaroi or Berbers. They lived in tribal groups in the area during a period of sultanate dynasties. There was no subjection to a singular government in the area at the time. Slowly, various national groups started to impact on the area such as Arabs, Phoenicians, Byzantines, Romans, Spaniards, Portuguese, Turks, Europeans and the French. Much of this influence came in the form of hostilities on the Spanish coast. Over a long period of time, the area became claimed and ruled by other countries until it established its independence in 1956. Though it would seem most Berbers were once pagan worshipers, the majority (98.7%) of the country now practice Islam. The rest of the population practice Christianity or Judaism.

Most of the Moroccans today can claim both Berber and Arab ancestry, though they are generally referred to as Berbers. There is a small amount that can claim pure Arab decent and a few small groups of true Berbers which exist in the Rif Mountains, Atlas Mountains and Souss Valley and who are able to speak several ancient Berber languages. There is also a small number of Jews and black African Moroccans. The population of Morocco numbers over 30 million people and many of them are not well off. Lifestyles differ depending on the areas that people live in. People living in rural areas are often unable to get fairly basic items, such as plasters. They generally tend to grow plants or tend livestock for food. However there are far greater clusters of people in the cities, which bustle with life at all times of the day. Souks (markets) are virtually a way of life for most Moroccans and can be found in every town and city. The Majority of souks, however, are closed during the lunch period and on Fridays. Most Moroccans are friendly and hospitable and will extend warm invitations if you do not act rude or unfriendly towards them.

Storia del popolo Marocchino
La nazione marocchina deve la sua diversità alle diverse culture che hanno influenzato durante il corso della sua storia. Inizialmente, la zona ora conosciuta come il Marocco sembra essere stato abitato da libici ed etiopi che sono stati chiamati collettivamente barbaroi o berberi. Vivevano in gruppi tribali nella zona durante un periodo di dinastie Sultanato. Non c'era sudditanza a un singolare governo nella zona in quel momento. Lentamente, i vari gruppi nazionali hanno cominciato a impatto sulla zona, come gli arabi, fenici, bizantini, romani, spagnoli, portoghesi, turchi, europei e francesi. Gran parte di questa influenza è venuto sotto forma di ostilità, sulla costa sp****la. Per un lungo periodo di tempo, l'area divenne sostenuto e governato da altri paesi fino a quando ha stabilito la sua indipendenza nel 1956. Anche se sembrerebbe la maggior parte berberi una volta erano fedeli pagani, la maggioranza (98,7%) del paese ora pratica l'Islam. Il resto della popolazione pratica il cristianesimo o il giudaismo.

La maggior parte dei marocchini oggi può vantare sia berbera e discendenza araba, anche se sono generalmente indicate come berberi. C'è una piccola quantità che può vantare pura decente arabe e alcuni piccoli gruppi di veri berberi che esistono nelle montagne del Rif, Monti Atlas e la valle del Souss e che sono in grado di parlare diverse lingue antiche berbere. C'è anche un piccolo numero di ebrei e neri marocchini africani. La popolazione in Marocco supera i 30 milioni di persone e molti di loro non sono ben fuori. Stili di vita differiscono a seconda delle aree che le persone vivono. Le persone che vivono nelle aree rurali sono spesso incapaci di ottenere oggetti piuttosto di base, come intonaci. In genere tendono a crescere piante o tendono bestiame per il cibo. Tuttavia ci sono molto più grandi gruppi di persone nelle città, che si agitano con la vita in ogni momento della giornata. Souk (mercati) sono praticamente un modo di vita per la maggior parte marocchini e si possono trovare in ogni città. La maggior parte dei souk, però, sono chiusi durante il periodo di pranzo e il venerdì. La maggior parte dei marocchini sono cordiali e ospitali e si estenderà gli inviti caldi se non si agisce maleducato o ostile nei loro confronti.


The People of Morocco - Cultured and Diverse People

It has often been said that the people are the pulse of a nation. The rich culture and diversity of Morocco is reflected in every inch of the vibrant nation that trade frantically and enthusiastically in the bustling streets while songs of worship ring out overhead. These people have a long and fascinating heritage and, though they've slowly started to embrace the modernizing of their world, there is a sort of captivated timelessness that still hangs over them all. Below you will find a bit about the demographics of the country as well as a little about the history of the nation.


Chefchaouen The Blue Pearl 😍


Ya salam 🇲🇦


Though Morocco is a world away from most countries we know, it offers many of the same travel options that we are able to access in other countries. For example, the accommodation options in Morocco are remarkably good. A wide choice is open to you for Hotels in Marrakesh that will suit both your style and taste. Alternatively, if your travels are in Casablanca, try one of the fabulous Hotels in Casablanca. With regards to travel, you can fly to Morocco, as well as take connecting flights in-between the larger cities. You can also catch a train or taxi, hire a car or travel by motorbike. This means that getting around Morocco is relatively easy and should pose no problem for you - regardless of whether you are the more adventurous type or more reserved and cautious. Below is a basic list of some of the travel services that are offered in Morocco.

RAM (Royal Air Maroc) operates domestic flights from Casablanca to major cities nationwide. Between any other two points you will usually have to change planes at Casablanca, unless both points are stops on a single Casa-bound flight. In general flight are expensive but will save you a lot of time.

The trains in Morocco are very comfortable and fairly inexpensive. They cover a limited network of routes, but travel between all the major cities so they are easily the best option. They are reliable, comfortable, fast and efficient.

Shared Taxi
The Shared Taxis are one of the best features of Moroccan transport. They operate on a wide variety of routes and are much quicker than the public buses. The fares are very reasonable. The taxis are usually big Mercedes cars that may carry up to six passengers.

Buses are usually cheaper than the shared taxis and they do more regular routes. Shared Taxis will bring you to your destination much faster, but the buses are far more comfortable and safer.

There aren’t many problems driving by car in Morocco. The speed limit in town is 50km/hour and outside town on the highways it is 100km/hour. By law all drivers and passengers are required to wear seatbelts. However you should be careful of driving at night. It is legal to drive without lights at up to 20km/hour and there are many cyclists, animals and hikers at night, so drivers need to be extra vigilant. There are many car rental depots, though you should have insurance and they are very expensive. The petrol prices in Morocco are also fairly high.

Motorcycling in Morocco is increasing each year. Although you should be careful of your safety at night, you will be able to visit all the sought after places for the enthusiast. It will be advisable to take a good tool kit and puncture repair kit


Explore all the regions of Morocco

Morocco is divided into sixteen regions, which in turn are subdivided into sixty-two provinces and prefectures. Each of these regions has geographical and historical features which make it interesting.

Situated in north-central Morocco, the region of Chaouia-Ouardigha has a population of more than 1.6 million. The city of Settat is the capital of the region.

Situated in west-Central Morocco, the region of Doukkala-Abda has a population of close to 2 million. The capital city of the region is Safi.

Situated in northern Morocco, the region of Fes-Boulemane is home to more than 1.5 million people. The capital city of the region is the popular tourist destination of Fez.

Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen
Situated in north-western Morocco, the region of Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen has a population of more than 1.8 million. The capital city of the region is Kenitra.

Grand Casablanca
Situated along the coast of north-western Morocco, the region of Grand Casablanca, with a population close to 3.9 million, is the most densely populated region of Morocco. The capital city of the region is the popular tourist destination of Casablanca.

Laâyoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra
Most of this region falls within Western Sahara ,which is subject to an ongoing dispute with regard to who has jurisdiction over the region. Around 260,000 people live in the region which has El Aaiun as its capital city.

Guelmim-Es Semara
With the southern half of the region of Guelmim-Es Semara falling into the disputed territory of Western Sahara, the region is home to around half a million people and has Guelmim as its capital city.

Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira
Situated in what Morocco considered to be the southern part of the country, the region of Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira is situated in the disputed territory of Western Sahara. The region has a population of around 99,000 and the coastal city of Dakhla is its capital.

Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz
Situated in central Morocco, the population of the region of Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz is around 3.1 million. The capital of the region is the popular tourist destination of Marrakech.

Situated in north-central Morocco, on the border of Algeria, the region of Meknès-Tafilalet is home to more than 2.1 million people. The capital city of the region is Meknès.

Situated in north-eastern Morocco, with Algeria and Spanish Melilla as neighbors, the region of Oriental has a population of close to 2 million and has Oujda as its capital city.
Situated in north-western Morocco, the region of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer has a population of more than 2.3 million. The vibrant city of Rabat is the region’s capital, as well as being the capital of Morocco.

Situated in central Morocco, the region of Tadla-Azilal is home to nearly 1.5 million people and has Beni Mellal as its capital city.

Situated in north-western Morocco, the region of Tangier-Tétouan has the Atlantic Ocean as its western border, with the Mediterranean Sea and Spain to its north. The population of the region is close to 2.5 million and has Tangier as its capital city.

Situated in central Morocco, the region of Souss-Massa-Draâ is home to more than 3.1 million people. The capital city of the region is Agadir.

Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate
Situated in northern Morocco, the region of Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate has a population of about 1.8 million. The region’s capital city is Al Hoceima.

U2 - "Magnificent", behind the scenes in Fez...

U2 - "Magnificent", behind the scenes in Fez...

http://www.u2miracle.com To shoot the video for the new single 'Magnificent' the band went back to Fes, Morocco, where so much of the new album was inspired....



Music video by U2 performing Mysterious Ways. (C) 1991 Universal-Island Records Ltd.


Recording a new album in Morocco...

Recently, Irish rock band U2’s front-man Bono was spotted taking in the sights and sounds of the medina in the culturally and historically rich city of Fez, Morocco. When the other U2 band members (

Chfenj.. Guten Appetit!

Chfenj.. Guten Appetit!

C’è Nessuno? :-)

Morocco travel...

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Klimatabelle Marokko

Was das Klima betrifft, so ist Marokko in zwei Teile unterteilt. Der Nordwesten des Landes wird von dem mediterranem, der südliche Landesteil von einem durch die Sahara geprägten Klima beeinflusst. Hierbei bildet das Atlasgebirge eine Art Klimagrenze. In den gebirgigen Regionen herrscht ein Gebirgsklima vor.

Entlang der Nordküste sowie um die Berge von Rif herum kommt es zu kälteren Wintern sowie im Vergleich zum Süden höheren Niederschlägen. Die Winter sind dennoch mild, in der Regel schneit es nicht. Je südlicher man jedoch kommt, desto trockener wird es auch.
Im Süden des Landes kommt es zu einem meist heißen Sommer, die Winter sind mild, mitunter jedoch überraschend kalt. Letzteres vor allem dann, wenn die eiskalten Winde von den Bergen in diese Regionen vorstoßen.
Aufgrund der verschiedenen Klimazonen ist auch die beste Reisezeit abhängig von dem jeweiligen Urlaubsort. Im Landesinneren ist es beispielsweise mit 29 Grad C bis zu 45 Grad C im Sommer zu warm, hier empfiehlt es sich, die Monate März bis Mai und Oktober bis November zu nutzen. Im Nordwesten hingegen ist die beste Reisezeit von April bis November. Hier liegt die Durchschnittstemperatur bei rund 23 Grad C im August.

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Marocco, riapre la biblioteca più antica al mondo: 12 secoli di storia, scienze e arti...

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