The Peace Mission is a registered Peace and Humanitarian based International Non-Governmental Organization service under Pakistan law 1860 with number 3285. Peace Mission have accredited participation with United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, United Nations Global Compact (33251), European Parliament and European Union (896534712018-0
1). Peace Mission accepts and respects typically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), and in general, United Nations Declarations and Resolutions on Culture of Peace, United Nations Declaration on Religious intolerance (2-Declarations), Education, Sustainable Development, Water, United Nations Global Compact’s Ten Principles and other International Human Rights and Humanitarian Treaties. Peace Mission with a base in United Nations declared state of conflict Jammu and Kashmir; Pakistani side known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir possesses a democratic structure and a systematic approach toward Culture of Peace and Humanitarian dignity with out any kind of discrimination, The Mission works hard on the problems of Human and Human Society that fall at the junction of three Ps, Peace, Progress and Prosperity that may but not only and limited to intolerance, drugs and narcotics, terrorism, corruption, insecurity, injustice, discrimination, poverty, abuses, threats, conflicts, crimes, wars, hypocrisy and violations and solves the problems through possible and effective ways and let the Human and Human Society to have the taste of three Ts, To be Peace full, To be Progressive and To be Prosperous. The Mission establishes its liaison all over the world to understand the cultures, trends and advancement in education, science and technology, and life standards with a key purpose to meet the genuine needs and to get advantage of individuals, groups, societies and nations through helping hands and sharing of expertise and experiences respectively for betterment of humanity, and also brings together a wide range of civil society organizations and subjects from International to local levels to consolidate and strengthen the humanitarian and peace efforts of organizations and subjects around the world. Peace Mission Supports and Promotes the Work of United Nations