PBS Aviation SA

PBS Aviation SA Aviation businesses management, leasing of aircraft, humanitarian air support, businesses travel.

Dear friends and partners! Please visit our booth M072 at Milipol-2021 in Paris.

Dear friends and partners! Please visit our booth M072 at Milipol-2021 in Paris.


Для работы в европейских авиакомпаниях на территории ЕС и по всему миру PBS Aviation SA требуются работники летного экипажа (Командир воздушного судна и 2й пилот) с действующими пилотским свидетельством ИКАО и сертификатом о прохождении Врачебно-летной экспертной комиссии (ВЛЭК).
Национальность соискателя значения не имеет.
Обязательное условие: знание английского языка на уровне Upper-Intermediate или на ином приемлемом уровне, позволяющем подтвердить квалификацию соискателя в органах гражданской авиации стран ЕС.
Условия приема на работу обсуждаются индивидуально и зависят от квалификации соискателя.
По всем вопросам обращаться через мессенджер либо по e-mail: [email protected]

PBS Aviation SA seeks flight crews (Pilot in Command and Co-Pilot) to work for the Europe based aviation companies in the EU and around the world, with valid ICAO pilot licenses and certificates of physical fitness of National Flight Medical Expert Commission.
Nationality of the applicant: not relevant.
Mandatory: knowledge of English at the level of Upper-Intermediate or at an appropriate level required to confirm the applicant’s qualification with Aviation Authorities in the EU countries.
Conditions for employment: to be agreed individually and will depend on the qualifications of the applicant.
Please send your queries by the messenger or to e-mail: [email protected]

A PBS Aviation S.A. encontra-se atualmente num processo de recrutamento de tripulações de voo (Piloto Comandante e Co-Piloto) para futura colaboração com empresas de transporte aéreo com bases, dentro e fora da União Europeia. Os pilotos candidatos deverão possuir licenças ICAO válidas e Certificados de Aptidão Física devidamente reconhecidos pela Comissão Nacional de Peritos em Medicina da Aviação.
Nacionalidade dos candidatos não é relevante.
Requisitos obrigatórios: domínio da língua Inglesa ao nível Superior-Intermédio ou num nível adequado e suscetível de confirmar as qualificações do candidato junto das Autoridades Aeronáuticas nos países da União Europeia.
Condições de contratação: sujeitas a acordo individualizado e dependentes das qualificações de cada candidato.
Em caso de dúvida, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos através do Messenger ou e-mail: [email protected]


I appreciate all the visitors of our page tonight and I hope to post more pictures and stories from our vast archive.
Muito obrigado a todos visitantes! Espero que gostem da nossa experiência.
More to follow!

Aviation businesses management, leasing of aircraft, humanitarian air support, businesses travel.

We supplied, put into operation and maintained 5 x Mi171 helicopters to the Government of Zambia.

We supplied, put into operation and maintained 5 x Mi171 helicopters to the Government of Zambia.

2005-2006 devastating earth quakes changed the landscape of Kashmir...

2005-2006 devastating earth quakes changed the landscape of Kashmir...

2008... My beloved Mozambique suffering but being rescued from a devastating flood...

2008... My beloved Mozambique suffering but being rescued from a devastating flood...

The photos of this album are posted by a kind permission of the author Inna Chepugova

The photos of this album are posted by a kind permission of the author Inna Chepugova


“I have closed down over 6000 churches and mosques in my country and I now demand a degree in theology for every religious leader. Stop playing with people’s faith and making a business out of it. Rwanda already is a blessed country”

~President Paul Kagame ~



Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 17:00




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