Certainly obsessed with cooking shows like Master Chef and Triple D on The Food Network, just to mention a few. I didn't become or grow into a chef out of necessity to stop eating horrible or bad food. NO! it was out of inspiration, there a few theories out there some say it's within me, my mum's dad was a decent cook, my mum is a good cook so I aspire to be and have become a great cook. Cooking f
or me is a place I go to to think and calm down, it started as a way to take responsibility, help out around the house. My sister changed my mindset, I could literally have restaurant quality food daily at home. The cakes she baked were like nothing I had ever tasted before, the food, was like the pictures I had seen in the magazines and this all coming at a time my mum wanted her own personal chef. My palate was forever transformed and made it more sophisticated. I love the smile my mum gets at every perfectly balanced dish I give her, now if you know that lady, you know that she might be my biggest fan and biggest critic. I am blessed to have a family that is brutally honest I think that's what has pushed me to grow and enhance my skills so I want to bring that smile to every new customer. I indulge to take them back to that warm fuzzy happy place we all go to sometimes elicited by my food. I am not just selling you ! I am selling you an !