It is the #MHM month!
As we move closer to celebrating #MenstrualHygieneDay2022, we take this month to break taboos, end stigma and raise awareness on menstruation because #WeAreCommitted to ensuring #HealthyPeriods4Her.
Join us. Commit too.
Oftentimes, when speaking of victims of #SGBV, we refer to the survivor, forgetting that even those close to them, especially the children, have been victimized. This #Monday, we make a call against #SGBV.
It not only ruins the life of the survivor, it damages the witnesses too.
International Development Law Organization - IDLO
Celebrating all women, in their diversities and unique abilities, all through March and beyond, as we champion the move towards #GenderEquity.
Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow!