Our Story
Volunteer information:
Thank you for making the journey to come visit our home away from home. We’re so glad to have you here! We welcome you, our volunteers into our Tomatoe Village and into our home. Spend as much time here as you like; I know you’ll have fun along the way. While you’re here make sure you like our page. Should take just a second and it’s just a click away. After that, fill out the Volunteer Consent form, which is on our website at tomatoblast.com under the 'Contact Us' link. Follow the submission instructions and be sure to include your T –Shirt and the shirt size of your friend that’s coming with you. Yeah, that’s right you can bring a friend to volunteer with you. Any friend of yours is a friend of our! Just have them fill out the agreement form too! Go ahead, send them a text, we’ll wait –
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Sent? Great! You’re awesome! If you want to; tell them with a post to their wall too. Let them know how fantastic you are for volunteering.
And that’s it! Sent your Volunteer Agreement to [email protected] . Once I receive your form, I’ll check on how you did with everything else, and send you options on what positions are left with the family at the festival. Pick the one that make you feels the most like, well…. you! Thanks again for your support.
Have fun and come back to see us again!