As young parents of 3 boys, all 15 months apart, and a daughter arriving 6 years later, we were super jugglers of time, money, children, and careers. Drawn to the teaching profession by its potential to make a positive difference in the lives of children, we had, in a few short years, moved from our home in central Pennsylvania to teaching in western PA, to starting a private academy in Puerto Ric
o, to Marymount College in Boca Raton, Florida. By the mid-1970’s Walt was a young college dean and Kathy was a stay-at-home mother. A great appreciation for music, children, nutrition, and the environment brought many interesting people and experiences into Kathy’s life. Having taught elementary school and piano in those early years, a passion for nutrition and a healthier planet became driving forces for her that really grew into extensions of those first teaching experiences. Becoming the parent of four sculpted those interests and passions to the point of looking for an avenue to be able to stay at home to raise the children, while contributing to the family income and making the world a better place. She found a way to do this that allowed her to blend all of those interests and commitments. Kathy was able to be there in whatever capacity she was needed for our family while staying connected to the rest of the world through the business. Working the hours around her family required a bit of organization, but it was well worth the effort. The results have been a 37+ year blessing that we named Reachable Dreams. What that meant for us: Having a steady supplemental and a safety net income during a few of Walt’s job and career crises; qualifying for brand new cars and all-expense paid trips as part of the compensation plan (Can you imagine picking up a new car and just signing the papers with no money needed? What a feeling!); and having both a base and a springboard from which Walt could retire early and from which they have launched the next stage of living this life and sharing it with others. Travel has been a long-time love for both of them and now they plan their trips around work and an ever-growing family with a refreshing air of appreciation. Being part of a group of mini-office businesses who have the same supply partner, they utilize a system that helps to guide, teach, and train others to build the same remarkable benefits. You are invited to take a look at what is working for them. Wherever you are in your life experience, you most likely will find something of interest!