I have recommended buying a home warranty in the past. NO MORE! I have one. The profound lack of service is truly unbelievable!
The short story follows.
We’ve been without airconditioning for 4 weeks as of yesterday. We’ve had 5 appointments set up by the warranty company. For various reasons, we’ve had 5 no shows. Get this. The 6th appointment is set up for Wednesday, 6.22.22. That Friday our AC will have been down for 6 weeks.
The details of this struggle are bizarre and noteworthy.
On Friday, May 20, 2022 our central AC quit cooling. I scheduled an appointment, the earliest available, was for
1. Friday, May 27. NO SHOW. NO CALL. NO TEXT.
Multiple phone attempts to reach a humanoid at the service company and it was rescheduled it for the next day, Saturday, May 28, arrival between 1 & 7 pm.
2. Saturday. Tech called on the way. Said his company doesn’t use the refrigerant that’s in my system. (This is BS. They can evacuate & reinstall a different flavor) ‘Can’t help you. Need to reschedule.
I phoned warranty company. Told me they’d scheduled an appointment with a different service company for Tuesday, 5.31.22. All I needed to do was to phone them at 8:30 am to find out the time.
3. On Tuesday multiple phone calls, messages with an answering service and an email went unanswered. NO SHOW. NO CALL. NO TEXT.
That evening I phoned the warranty company. I waited on hold for 1:06 for Sebastian to pick up. He made an appointment with another company for Thursday, 6.3.
4. NO SHOW. NO CALL. NO TEXT. And….they wanted a $250 additional fee because the compressor is on the roof. (It’s a walkable roof with easy access from inside the house.)
Another call to the warranty company yielded the appointment for today.
5. The tech phoned ½ hour after the revised arrival window closed to tell me he had to cancel because of the weather. We were in the midst of a light shower that was to end in 10 minutes, which it did. He said it was supposed to rain the remainder of the day.
6. The next appointment is scheduled for June 22. Will they show up? I’m not betting on it.