Hoffwn gyflwyno Noson Wobrwyo Rithiol Ysgol y Preseli ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd 2020-2021. Mae Noson Wobrwyo Ysgol y Preseli yn un o uchafbwyntiau calendr y flwyddyn i ni. Yn anffodus, eleni eto, rhaid oedd canslo’r noson yn yr ysgol oherwydd y cynnydd diweddar mewn achosion COVID-19 yn lleol. Dymunwn longyfarch disgyblion a chyn ddisgyblion yr ysgol ar eu llwyddiannau. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi noddi’r gwobrau eleni eto.
Ysgol y Preseli would like to present our annual Prize Evening for the 2020-2021 academic year. The school’s Prize Evening is one of the highlights of our annual school calendar. Unfortunately, this year we were not able to celebrate our pupils’ successes in the usual way at school due to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases locally. We wish to congratulate all pupils and ex pupils on their achievements. We would like to thank all our sponsors again this year.
Croeso i’n noson olaf o Naws y Nadolig 2021. Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd 🎄
Welcome to the final evening of Naws y Nadolig 2021. A very Merry Christmas to you all 🎄
Croeso i ail noson Naws y Nadolig Ysgol y Preseli 🎄
Welcome to the second evening of Ysgol y Preseli’s Naws y Nadolig 🎄
Croeso i noson gyntaf Naws y Nadolig 🎄
Welcome to the first night of Naws y Nadolig 🎄
Llundain 2021
Rydym wedi cyrraedd adref yn ddiogel ar ôl penwythnos hyfryd yn Llundain! Diolch i bob un a ddaeth ar y daith ac am fod yn lysgenhadon arbennig i’r ysgol? Pa sioe nesa’? 😉
We’ve arrived home safely after a lovely weekend in London. Thanks to all the students who made the trip such a pleasure to have arranged. Les Miserables was fantastic - what do we fancy next year?! 😬
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Ffilm Gweithwraig Ieuenctid yr ysgol
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - School Youth Worker
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Llais y disgybl Blwyddyn 7
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Year 7 Pupil Voice
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Health and Wellbeing
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Iechyd a Lles
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Science and Technology
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Mathematics and Numeracy
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Mathemateg a Rhifedd
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Languages and Communication
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Ieithoedd Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - Expressive Arts
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - Celfyddydau Mynegiannol
Noson Agored Rhithiol Ysgol Bro Preseli - neges o'r Pennaeth.
Ysgol Bro Preseli Virtual Open Evening - a message from the headteacher.