Happy 210th Birthday to the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, in London UK! The current theatre building (the fourth built on the site) first opened on this day in 1812.
The Theatre Royal Drury Lane is one of the most important theatres in the world, with the site having been in theatrical use since 1663.
The right to present dramatic entertainments dates from the Royal Patent granted by King Charles II to Thomas Killigrew in 1662, which is still in the possession of the theatre.
The current building was designed by Benjamin Dean Wyatt, with its auditorium layout dating from a renovation in 1922. This was tweaked and restored recently as part of Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s ambitious £60 million restoration of the entire building.
The theatre building is open throughout the day and theatre tours run most days, courtesy of Theatre Royal Drury Lane Tours.
More Theatre Royal photos and info: historictheatrephotos.com/trdl.
Theatre website: theatreroyaldrurylane.co.uk.