How It Works - Stonelocator is a trade only service that links buyers and sellers within the stone industry. Stonelocator does not sell any material but charges a commission fee to the seller – only upon completion of a sale. Buyers - As a buyer you can browse and search for stone. Only when you want to purchase will you need to register your details. Payment can be made via Paypal or credit/debit
card, if you do not have a Paypal account. As the buyer you are responsible for arranging collection of your purchase. One of the search criteria is location – so you need to weigh up the transportation costs alongside the price of the stone. Once the purchase is made your full details will be sent to the seller. We would encourage all buyers to leave seller feedback on the Stonelocator website. Buyers will receive an invoice/receipt from the seller. PLEASE NOTE does not own any stone and all transactions are made between buyer and seller. will take a 15% sales commission from the seller once the sale is successfully transacted. Sellers - You need to register your details before you can list your stone for sale. The price you list pieces of stone at should be inclusive of both the 15% commission charge and the VAT. Once a sale is made you will receive your payment via Paypal along with the buyers details. It is the buyer’s responsibility to collect the stone and you should give reasonable access between Mon-Fri 08.30-16.30 except bank holidays. The stone should be as listed and any queries should be dealt with between buyer and seller.Sellers should provide a receipt for the buyer. PLEASE NOTE will make a request for payment of the 15% sales commission to the seller once the purchase payment has been received. The seller will will also receive an invoice from Please refer to the user agreement. Thank-you for your interest – The Stonelocator Team