"Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global"

"Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global" Page "Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global" is intended for those interested in the actual preparation for the training of Police special services and civil

© V.Lisicynas

Anti-criminal, Anti-terrorist
“World “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global””®

Universally Military Combat System
for Special Forces of State Safet

y, Army and Police
of “World “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global””® System

Style is based on knowledge of the laws of mechanics, biomechanics, biophysics, psychology, behavioural reactions of the person during the conflict. It has contained in herself experience of generations of Russian soldiers, considers national features of Russian people and international experience of all national applied martial arts... Style initially assumes possibility of preparation without restrictions on a s*x, the age qualification and a condition of physical health. Brief Description

1. The system of special anti-criminal and anti / counter-terrorist training "SPETSNAZ / SPECNAZ GLOBAL" ® Is a perfect comprehensive and permanently developing complex combat and methodological system of training of public and state security services, including police, prisoner detention and safe-keeping systems, border-security forces, army and their special services, civil security services and civilian self-defense system. Is based on the latest achievements of physical laws, including the results of targeted studies of mathematical models of spin interaction processes between thin and torsion field elements, quantum and dispersed mechanics, neuron biochemistry related to as a basis for study of processes occurring in the human conscious and subconscious, applied vector algebra, resistance of materials, biophysics, mechanics, biomechanics, psychology, human behavioral responses in coping with stressful psycho-physiological loads / overloads and as a result - the mathematical situational modeling of adapted training processes and real combat processes. Is based on contemporary understanding of techniques and elements of ancient and contemporary oriental martial arts, especially those of Japan, Korea, China, and national and mixed martial arts of other countries of the world as well as combat experience of SWAT in the Russian Empire, Soviet Union and the modern Russia. Combines body work with the psyche, conscious, subconscious and energetics of the fighter’s body:
1.1 Unification of shock and defense actions by using of:
- Defense techniques-for defense and shock- Shock techniques- for shock and defense,- Concord of shock and defense techniques in various combinations,- Shock energy to stop the attack itself.
1.2 Combination of soft defense and hard counter-attack actions.
1.3 Combination of bypass, parrying, cancelling and attack energy-absorbing soft blocks with hard resulting arm locking and destructive localized strikes.
1.4 Correct and accurate using of all forms of timing
1.5 Unification of designated use of different types of weapons
1.6 Hard locking impact upon holding weapon or otherwise attacking limbs to prevent the attacker from further use of weapons and other parts of his body to attack.
1.7 Use of actions and weapons of the attacker against the attacker himself.
1.8 Specialized trainings enabling performance of many standing, semi-squatting , seated, lying maneuvers – both two-handed and one- handed, and if both hands are wounded / injured or tied, then only kicking (one-foot), even if there are any wounds/ moderate injuries, in any environments (land, water / underwater, snow, sand, savannah, desert, jungle ... under any natural, weather and climatic conditions.
1.9 The most expedient use of all anatomical functional opportunities of the human locomotor apparatus in specific situations
1.10 Optimization of use of the laws of biomechanics of the human body in particular combat situations.
1.11 Methodologically sound training, based on latest achievements in the managerial science and optimization of mental processes, research and scientific achievements, for example - heuristical etc. (speaking orientally - such training provides the fighter’s falling into a controlled combat trance with enlightenment elements «Satori», which enables expeditious and purposeful acting, inadequate response to the enemy’s actions and gaining advantage over any unprepared opponent).
1.12 Thorough knowledge of methods of the classical oriental medicine, first of all – of different ways of intensive care, relaxation, maintenance, regulation and stimulation of the vital activity of the body.
1.13 Wide use of meditative practices that contribute to instantaneous blocking of external shock, pain and stress impacts on the body, distinctly lowering the pain threshold and its perception, thus allowing executing their combat mission for a long time, regardless of suffered physical or mental injury.
1.14 Application of the techniques of combat using of different systems of acupuncture for sudden short-term activation or instant inhibition of nervous activity in the reflex points or areas of the own body and the body of the opponent.
1.15 Using of special methods of both short-term and long-term increase in physical, mental and intellectual activity of a man both in combat conditions and in the elimination of stress situations.
1.16 Raising the qualities of patriotism and collectivism, the ability to solve the tasks set and arising in the course of fulfilment of the task to overcome an enemy, either alone, in isolation from the group or in a group to achieve collective interests and goals set.
2. Brief History of „SPETSNAZ/ SPECNAZ GLOBAL” ® “SPETSNAZ / SPECNAZ GLOBAL” ® is an heir of both Japanese classic military schools and diverse national contemporary martial schools. Virtually, the ancient Japanese martial schools BU JUTSU, Korean schools such as TAEK-GIEON, Chinese - CHINNA (CINNA) and other oriental schools are available in "SPETSNAZ / SPECNAZ GLOBAL" ® to the fullest extent. Until 1868, the system was constantly changing from the original combat version of SUMO in terms of the years 230-642 until the first more powerful version of the combat system AIKI JUTSU of the Prince TSUNEMOTO (thanks to his knowledge and training of best soldiers of the army, Minamoto Yosimitsu Minamto won the Taira clan in the war of 1182-1185 and found the shogunate (SH**UN) in 1192, which existed until 1868). The option AIKI JUTSU as DAITO RYU (Daito – “the Grand Orient”, the name of the Esimitsu family estate) had 29 schools of weapon operation and unarmed combat approximately since 1220.This system was fully included into the form Aikibu-no Jutsu – the combat training system of HATAMOTO – the elite - (contemporary-SWAT) - Guards of the Emperor of Japan, the Sh**un and Bakufu - the government of the military dictatorship (1185-1868) in Japan.The basis of their military knowledge was for ¾ part knowledge of Daito Ryu + knowledge and elements of the best JUTSU (Dziutsu) martial schools collected from all over Japan at that time.In 1868-1870, during the disturbances of the Meiji revolution, the system has been lost in its homeland and then, since the 80th of the 19th century to the present time, it has been used in practice for training and combat use of the most secret strategic services, first those of the tsarist Russia, then of the Soviet Union and now – of the Russian Federation. In particular, the confrontation between the N**i military intelligence organization ABWEHR and the Soviet front-line counterintelligence organization SMERSH – (in Russian the abbreviation means “Death to Spies”) resulted in losses (in hand-to-hand fighting) in a ratio 50 on the part of ABWEHR to ... 1-2 on the part of SMERSH.(The reason for this inadequacy is that SMERSH used an almost complete version of Aikibu-no Jutsu with the addition of combat elements collected from around the world during the training, and the Japanese, allies of the N**i Germany in World War II taught only those residues of Aikibu-no Jutsu to ABWEHR, which have been preserved in the form of Sokaku Takeda Daito Ryu Aikijutsu school by the time). In 2000, given challenges of the international terrorism, the combat system referred has been partially declassified and recreated by Vladimir Lisitsyn (Vladimiras Lisicynas, lives in Lithuania at present) in a form adapted for training of both civilians and officers and instructors for special security services, security and anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism special services around the world.For renewal of the combat system (the school was given a temporary conditional Japanese name Ko Koro Su Ryu then), V. Lisitsyn got the main prize of the World Research Centre- “For the Achievement of the 21st Century” in 2004.In 2007, the combat system "SPETSNAZ / SPECNAZ GLOBAL" ® got the state patent protection in Europe (including Italy, Poland), the United States of America, Africa, Asia (in 2010, the combat system was patented by CHINA).********

Vladimiras Lisicynas
Head , Head Grand Master General

Founder of “Specnaz Global” ®
( International Registration – 2007 ® )

E-Mail, [email protected],
[email protected]
Fasebook: http://www.facebook.com/vladimiras.lisicynas


On February 20, 2016 in Alytus, Lithuania will international Seminar of Tenchi Bogyo Ryu and Spetsnaz Global.


World Martial Arts Academy, Super Modern "Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global"® "" and old Japanese “Dento-tekina (traditional) “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Komin Goshin / Keisatsu / Gunjin Jutsu”” School * offers you to Membership in World Martial Arts Academy, our Organizations Representative Status in Your Region; Seminars and Super Master Classes for the Police, Police activists and Civil Ju Jutsu amateur and professionals, annual Camp.
Please contact us.
Best Regards

World Grand Master-General of "Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global"®
“Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Soke
Vladimiras Lisicynas
Vilnius, Lithuania

* (“Komin Goshin” = Japanese = it’s “Self Defense for Civil“ , “Keisatsu” = “Police”, “Gunjin” = “Military”, “Jutsu”=perfect complete System of Combat Methods);
** “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global” ® = OLD Hard “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Komin Goshin Jutsu + Gunjin Jutsu + Keisatsu Jutsu”” + … Russian Hard Modern Super Spetsnaz.

Lieber Freund  Günter Painter                Frohes Neues Jahr 2016 !!!                                                 ...

Lieber Freund Günter Painter
Frohes Neues Jahr 2016 !!!

GM, Prof. Vladimiras Lisicynas
- Lithuanian Traditional “ Savigyna” ®
- Spezielle Anti-Verbrecher, Anti-Terror-Training System
“ World Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global “®
Head, Grand Master-Teacher, General
- “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Sei SOKE, DOSHO

C h e r s    A m i s  !!!                   Bonne  Année  2016  !!!                    Mondiale anti-criminelle, anti-te...

C h e r s A m i s !!!
Bonne Année 2016 !!!

Mondiale anti-criminelle, anti-terrorisme Spécial système de combat des Forces
Fondateur, Président, Chef du Grand Maître-General
“Tenchi Bogyo Ryu ®” SEI SOKE, DOSHO, XII DAN

GM, D.Phil., Prof. Vladimiras Lisicynas
La Lituanie

Dear Respected  Friends, Colleagues  !!!                     Happy  New  Year  2016 !!!    GM,  Prof.  Vladimiras Lisicy...

Dear Respected
Friends, Colleagues !!!
Happy New Year 2016 !!!
GM, Prof. Vladimiras Lisicynas Lituania: Traditional Hapkido/AiWaKi Do Federation: = 3 Schools in one:
- Lithuanian Traditional “ Savigyna” ® ,
- Special Anti-criminal, Counter-terrorist Training System
“ World Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global “® ,
- “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ®

Drodzy Przyjacieli  !!!  Szczęśliwego Nowego  2 0 1 6   Roku ! ! !                                                      ...

Drodzy Przyjacieli !!!
Szczęśliwego Nowego 2 0 1 6 Roku ! ! !
Założyciel, Prezes, Dyrektor Wielkiego Mistrza World Anti-karnych, walki z Terroryzmem Specialnoi Systemu walki “Specnaz / Spetsnaz Global”®
Tenchi Bogyo Ryu ® Sei SOKE, DOSHO, XII DAN Prof.Vladimiras Lisicynas
Litwa, Wilno


Best invitation from Lithuania !!!
World Martial Arts Academy, Old Japanese “Dento-tekina (traditional) “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Komin Goshin / Keisatsu / Gunjin Jutsu”” School * and Modern “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global” ® ** offers you to Membership in World Martial Arts Academy, our Organizations Representative Status in Your Region; Seminars and Super Master Classes for the Police, Police activists and Civil Ju Jutsu amateur and professionals, annual Camp.
Please contact us.
Best Regards

World Grand Master-General of "Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global"®
“Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Soke
Vladimiras Lisicynas
Vilnius, Lithuania

* (“Komin Goshin” = japapnese = it’s “Self Defense for Civil“ , “Keisatsu” = “Police”, “Gunjin” = “Military”);
** “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global” ® = Hard OLD “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Komin Goshin Jutsu + Gunjin Jutsu + Keisatsu Jutsu”” + Russian Hard Modern Super Spetsnaz.


World Martial Arts Academy, “Dento-tekina (traditional) “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ®Komin Goshin/Gunjin/Keisatsu Jutsu”” * and Modern “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global” ® ** offers you to Membersgip in World Martial Arts Academy and Seminars and Super Master Classes for the Police and Ju Jutsu activists, annual Kamps.and our Organizations Representative Status in Your Region.
Please contact us.
Best Regards

World Grand Master-General of "Spetsnaz Global"®
“Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ® Soke
Vladimiras Lisicynas
Vilnius, Lithuania
* (“Komin Goshin” = japapnese = it’s “Self Defense for Civil“; “Gunjin” = “Military”, “Keisatsu” = “Police”)
** “Spetsnaz/Specnaz Global” ® = Hard “Tenchi Bogyo Ryu” ®Komin Goshin Jutsu + Gunjin Jutsu + Keisatsu Jutsu””


"Spetsnaz / Specnaz Global" - a modern system of training of special forces of the most advanced self-defense police and army. Taught in collaboration with the Association Uniformeed police and other official anti-keriminalnymi and anti-terrorist organizations in Europe...


Naugarduko 7

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 22:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 22:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 22:00
Thursday 09:30 - 22:00
Friday 09:30 - 22:00
Saturday 09:30 - 22:00
Sunday 09:30 - 22:00



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