Ein rekord som har gitt oss kunnskap og erfaring vi er aleine om. Som gjer det mogleg å drive nybrottsarbeid som er krevjande og givande, både for oss sjølve og kundane våre.
Ønskjer du å gå djupare i faget ditt? Hos oss skal du få gjere det du eigentleg har utdanna deg til. Vi kan tilby meir spennande oppgåver, betre vilkår og fagleg fokus. Gå djupare
English Version:
Go Further or as we say
in Norwegian (nynorsk): "Djupare" – 1,000 studies in five years
AGR’ s reservoir team has carried out more than 1000 studies in the last five years. Covering 61 countries, in 6 continents, our reservoir capability extends around the globe. Our engineers, geoscientists and economists have worked in all the major oil and gas basins in the world. Through us you get a world of experience. Working in multi-disciplinary teams, AGR performs subsurface evaluation across the board. With a depth of expertise and understanding that sets us apart from the rest, we are leading the field. Tackling the frontiers of reservoir management and pushing the envelope in our techniques.
1,000 studies in five years – we go further.